- Women's Health/Body Talk
- Men and Women's Health forums
- Disclaimer
- Urinary Tract Infections- Common amongst Women
- Uterine Fibroids -Found in Women.
- Breast Health Examine- How to
- Lower your risk of getting Breast Cancer
- Endometriosis
- Menopause
- Perimenopause
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases
- Prostate Cancer - Men
- Male Menopause
- Testicular Cancer -Men
- Erectile Dysfunction- Men
- 7 steps plan to healthier living
- Would you be interested in joining a fit club on bdsmlibrary?
- Cant ejaculate- how to solve?
- BDSM and former child abuse victim
- Abuse survivor support sancturary
- Female dysfunction...thoughts?
- Anal Sex Health Issues
- Anal plug
- Shaved pussy
- Anal play and colon health
- sensitization gel
- Tgirls
- Anus to mouth
- Hard biting
- Depression in a sub role
- Nipple piercing?
- Bartholin's Cyst
- lube, lube, lube
- BDSM and pregnancy
- A question about wax
- Another question about wax
- Tight Bondage - I'm in a bit of a knot.
- Anal play and IBS
- BDSM is unhealthy!?!?!?!?
- Help! How do you talk to the gyno? Sex isn't fun anymore!
- Anil
- bones?
- Long term scat play. Advice needed.
- Anyone else's New Years Resolution to get Healthy?
- Health Care Reference
- Prostrate Exams and the PSA
- In-Depth Info Source
- squirting orgasms.
- Hair Removal
- Kicked pussy
- Can biting/pinching permanently damage the nipples?
- Is Douching Good or Bad?
- sex in the pool
- marks and bruising
- Bruises that spread days after infliction?
- Quick-coming problems? Selfish? Repressed?
- Bathroom Control??
- Problems in bed...
- Shaving.
- Sterilizing Needles after use
- Fainting
- Sores between the legs
- Problem...need to hear what you all know or think.
- clitoris spanking..
- chilli
- Is it healthy to get involved in bdsm?
- Prostatitis from Urethral Play? Something else? Help appreciated!
- Are there risks with whipping?
- annalingus
- Rope work
- Self needle work
- Threesomes and sexual health (oral only)