View Full Version : BDSM Health Q & A

  1. Women's Health/Body Talk
  2. Men and Women's Health forums
  3. Disclaimer
  4. Urinary Tract Infections- Common amongst Women
  5. Uterine Fibroids -Found in Women.
  6. Breast Health Examine- How to
  7. Lower your risk of getting Breast Cancer
  8. Endometriosis
  9. Menopause
  10. Perimenopause
  11. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  12. Prostate Cancer - Men
  13. Male Menopause
  14. Testicular Cancer -Men
  15. Erectile Dysfunction- Men
  16. 7 steps plan to healthier living
  17. Would you be interested in joining a fit club on bdsmlibrary?
  18. Cant ejaculate- how to solve?
  19. BDSM and former child abuse victim
  20. Abuse survivor support sancturary
  21. Female dysfunction...thoughts?
  22. Anal Sex Health Issues
  23. Anal plug
  24. Shaved pussy
  25. Anal play and colon health
  26. sensitization gel
  27. Tgirls
  28. Anus to mouth
  29. Hard biting
  30. Depression in a sub role
  31. Nipple piercing?
  32. Bartholin's Cyst
  33. lube, lube, lube
  34. BDSM and pregnancy
  35. A question about wax
  36. Another question about wax
  37. Tight Bondage - I'm in a bit of a knot.
  38. Anal play and IBS
  39. BDSM is unhealthy!?!?!?!?
  40. Help! How do you talk to the gyno? Sex isn't fun anymore!
  41. Anil
  42. bones?
  43. Long term scat play. Advice needed.
  44. Anyone else's New Years Resolution to get Healthy?
  45. Health Care Reference
  46. Prostrate Exams and the PSA
  47. In-Depth Info Source
  48. squirting orgasms.
  49. Hair Removal
  50. Kicked pussy
  51. Can biting/pinching permanently damage the nipples?
  52. Is Douching Good or Bad?
  53. sex in the pool
  54. marks and bruising
  55. Bruises that spread days after infliction?
  56. Quick-coming problems? Selfish? Repressed?
  57. Bathroom Control??
  58. Problems in bed...
  59. Shaving.
  60. Sterilizing Needles after use
  61. Fainting
  62. Sores between the legs
  63. Problem...need to hear what you all know or think.
  64. clitoris spanking..
  65. chilli
  66. Is it healthy to get involved in bdsm?
  67. Prostatitis from Urethral Play? Something else? Help appreciated!
  68. Are there risks with whipping?
  69. annalingus
  70. Rope work
  71. Self needle work
  72. Threesomes and sexual health (oral only)