View Full Version : News And World Events
- Spirituality in BDSM
- Real News!
- What This Forum Is Here For-Read Before Posting
- What This Forum Is Here For-Read Before Posting
- What This Forum Is Here For-Read Before Posting
- On the humorous side...
- South Dakota's Anti-Aborion Laws
- Some Happy Thieves
- Rock, Paper, Scissors worth $50,000!
- And You All Thought The Mcdonald's Coffee Suit Was Bad...
- Organized Religion, Good or Bad?
- Dear Democrat Party,...........
- GOP Announcement
- Political satire - ozzie style
- Women
- Do You Snore? Then You Can't Be In The Chinese Army
- Cindy Margolis Strips for Playboy
- Don't Blame The Whistleblowers
- Freewill -v- Destiny
- Gay Marriage?
- Net Neutrality
- Interesting facts!!
- What's yours?
- Are kids growing up to fast?
- Fetishes on Parade
- Burning the American Flag
- The Bill of Rights, Rewritten
- A Crazy Poll
- Affirmative Action
- Internet being governed
- Fuckwits Welcome
- More Idiots
- Wrong or right or Hummmm
- Slavery reparations?
- Standard Days Method (Birth Control)
- Piss Poor Papacy Policy
- USA Budget spending
- How fair is it?
- Ok Who's kinky dream is this
- Failure
- Information bugs
- Something to think about
- The Croc Hunter
- Dejavu! Is it a feeling, or something else
- Oh the Irony. Abu Graib Prisoners want Americans back
- Bush Aims to Kill War Crimes Act
- Fair Tax
- Do you believe?
- Creation
- News Story
- Does it ever trouble you?
- What Do You Think
- Mid Term Elections
- Mid Term Election Poll
- Simple Poll
- Who Would You Like To See Win In 2008
- My Prayer For My Online Life
- Wishing everyone a special Christmas
- Sending More Troops to Iraq
- No Child Left Behind
- Who Would You Choose
- The State Of The Union Address
- Super Bowl
- Lest we forget
- 2008 Presidental Elections
- Anna Nicole Smith
- Legalizing Prostitution?
- whats the point in it all?
- Bdsm and symbol magic
- HPV Vaccine
- Perceptions based soley on religion
- Richard Jeni
- Evolution: Science or Philosophy
- Conrad Black Guilty or Not?
- Global Warming/Climate Change
- How much the mid east loves us
- The Democrats Vs. The White House
- Sexual discrimination or not?
- Bdsm- by color?
- Virginia Tech
- Meet Terror Mickey!
- Remember Me
- Not Religion, Not Philosophy Just Need Some Help...........
- In the military objecting to the cause?
- The stuff they don't show on CNN or Fox News
- 20/20 on Gun Control
- Discriminating the death penalty?
- Patriotism
- Libby
- "Bush Asks Nation to show patience with Iraq"
- Carmona
- Conrad Black Found Guilty!!!!
- Impeachment?
- Gay marriage issue
- Gays Make Perfect Parents
- Harry Potter and the Countdown of Doom...
- Of Sheep amd Warriors
- Harry Potter Book Discussion *SPOILER ALERT*
- lil John Howard LMAO!!!
- George Patton on the War on Terror.
- Ingmar Bergman dies
- Islamic fundamentalism
- Bridge collapse in Minneapolis
- Child abuse increases during solider's deployment
- Kids declare "bottom-swatting" day, now face criminal charges, sex offender status
- Young Republicans Head Resigns In Gay Sex Scandal
- History Of The World Part ?
- The Internal Truth
- Out of body religious experiences
- The Secret
- Stephen Truscott Acquitted
- Madeline's parents named as suspects
- Right to protest, common sense need not apply here
- If I Die Before You Wake
- Gun History
- OJ arrested!!!
- The Criminal Mind
- Sheriff Joe...What do you think?
- [VID] Dawkins on the strangeness of science
- South Lake Union Trolley....located in Washington state
- Politician Sues God To Make A Point
- Blackwater
- Evolution of the Female
- Re-discovering some lyrics
- Police State 2008
- Wisdom Improves With Age
- Ultra-Conservative
- Ann Coulter
- 2008
- Congress
- Global Warming
- Guide to the Gods
- Happy Veterans Day
- The Right to Offend
- A sense of self ..or a sense of belonging
- a hero is gone
- Culture Clash
- freedom of the press isn't a popular idea.
- Chuck Norris & Mike Huckabee
- Atheists' Protocol
- Who Wins In 2008
- Hot Bed Question Bible Study In Public Schools
- The Number of the Beast!
- Simple Non Religious Question
- 2008 Presidential Election
- Election 2008
- Pious Hate-mongers
- The Bible..........
- Microsoft bids on Yahoo...
- Empowerment For Changes
- Terrorists SUCK
- Book of Genesis
- Election 2008 Update
- Sharia Law in USA?
- Who Will Win
- BDSM origins
- College & High School Shootings: What Now
- War in Congo
- humans and animals
- National Motto
- EXperience To Be President in 2008
- John McCains Alleged Affiar
- Oh dear
- Evolution, creation and other silly topics
- Bush Indictment in Vermont
- Just A Friendly Reminder
- The Next ICE Age
- Broken Nail?
- Northrop Grumman Corp and Europe's EADS.
- Fallon resigns as Mideast military chief
- White House denies Bush stifling dissent on Iran
- Obama Attends Chicago Endorsement Event By Former Generals & Admirals
- Boys survive being tossed from overpass
- Survey: Half of US doctors use placebo treatments
- Human Rights
- Spaztastic, you couldn't make this up
- Why we go gray
- Firearms, knives, police and fellons
- Holy sh-t!
- craigslist bdsm rape scandal
- The Death Penalty or Life Meaning Life
- Should Murderers be allowed to kill themselves?
- Sexual Orientation and Military Service
- Women on one knee
- Should it be illegal to buy sex?
- 16 years old voters
- An Scotish Saboteur
- Condoms for teen agers
- Just something I thought might help a bit
- Tiger Woods *rme*
- So much for the American dream
- Imigration
- Rise in cancer of the throat and mouth caused by oral sex
- Good news for once
- Oil Spill
- Alvin Greene
- Russian Spies
- Rolling Thunder 2010 - A Marine's Vigil
- Wiki leak
- US Lockerbie bomber investigation
- Be careful what you CAM for.
- Tearing down the Wall
- Remeber Spirit Day October 20, 2010
- Is It Just Greed Now??
- Sears
- How to be safe on the net?
- How to be safe on the net?
- Obama should be anti-abortion
- The pharmaceutical industry's fraudulent research and bought doctors
- Walk like an Egyptian
- Good riddance to the society of suspects
- Asking for it?
- Suprmem Court Ruling
- Lybia
- The Death of Ian Tomlinson
- To Oil or Not to Oil
- Animal Welfare or Veiled Racism?
- Threats are now "freedom of speech"
- New York Police Handcuff First-Grader
- Osama Dead!!!
- Ted Nugent 2011 Rib Off
- rape versus buying sex
- The volcano in Yellowstone park.
- Barack Obama To Explore His Irish Roots
- The Human Rights of Child Killers.
- Number of UK women convicted of domestic abuse doubles
- R.I.P. Clarence Clemons
- Does This Answer A Question, Or Simply Raise More?
- Strauss-Kahn
- Howling Mad Murdoch
- Norway Bombing
- Iran BDSM
- UK riots Rioting leads to Cameron call for social med
- Patient wakes up from circumcision to find penis removed
- Occupy Wall Street Movement
- Anger at the banks go world wide
- Two new classes of corporations in California
- Iran parliament votes to reduce ties with Britain
- Gary McKinnon's mother attacks US extradition bid
- Are Palestinians an invented people?
- Boy Aged 10 Admits Stranglng Four-Year-Old
- Pervert wants asylum because he's gay
- BDSM Trial of the centuary
- I pee Marine?
- "Vado a bordo, cazzo!"
- Latest UK sex scandal
- Mercenaries and bodyguards
- No matter WHAT - the marines look after their own
- Martin Sheen proud of uncle's IRA past
- Father Shoots Daughters Laptop over Facebook Rant. Whats your take??