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06-08-2007, 01:37 PM
Officer Joshua Mathews walked into the intrrogation room and looked at the two women there. He knew they were responsible for bringing the drugs into the prison, and that they had been trading their bodies to the guards that were helping them. Violet and Louise are standing in the middle of the room, their hands behind their backs. He looked them over.

Louise is tall, 6' 1", almond shaped blue eyes, dark lashes and hair. Almost black. It fell down her back in a cascade the would be the envy of some women.

Her breast are mid sized, but full beneath the simple prison dress she wore, he let his eyes linger there and smiled as she flushed in embarrasement.

Her hips are full, contrasteing her slim build, and her ass fills out the back of the dress. He had seen her walking in the hall before and alwys appreciated the way she wiggled a bit as she walked.

She looked like she wanted to move, but the cuffs kept the hands and arms restrained.

violet girl{MM}
06-08-2007, 02:06 PM
Violet was a petite thing at only 5'3" with hazel green eyes, black lashes, full pink lips, and a wave of curly brown tresses cascading down her back as well. Joshua licked his lips as he continued to peruse her body.

Her breasts were full and luscious for her petite frame--the simple grey prison dress did nothing to hide their curves. He stared long and hard at them, and Violet's eyes fell to the floor in a mixture of embarrassment and arousal.

Her hips were also full, but her ass was beautifully round--just as he expected it to be since she was half Puerto-Rican. He let out a pleased growl-like sound as he walked close behind her. She was a real spit fire and was known for getting sassy with the other Officers. She was wearing a belt around her waist, and her handcuffed hands were hooked to this belt in the back.

06-08-2007, 02:16 PM
Joshua is only 5'10", and he packed 230 pounds of muscle onto his frame. He is deceptive in that he does not look that heavy, or strong. His hair is dark, thick and wavey, and his eyes are hazel green, with flecks of gold in the sunlight. Many women had thought those eyes to be his best feature

But niether Violet or Louise liked the look in his eye at the moment.

Joshua quickly checked the cuffs on both women, making sure that they were secured to the waist chain correctly. He took advantage of the check to let his hand slip to each of the beautiful asses in front of him.

"Well ladies, I have some good news. There has been a glitch in the videos systems, and right now you are both back in your cell, safe and secure."

He watched as this slipped into their heas, and a puzzled look came into their eyes.

"Yes, the warden is so concerend about the new wave of drugs that you have been bringing into prison, and he has charged me with stopping it. And given me Carte Blance to accomplish this. That means that a tape from last night is being fed into the security system showing you both safe and sound in your cells, and it gives us a few houors to get to know each other and answer some questions.

"Who wants to start?"

violet girl{MM}
06-08-2007, 02:24 PM
Violet glared at Officer Mathews as he circled Louise and herself. He had a strange look in his eye, and Violet had noticed that he had caressed her ass as he checked her cuffs.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Sir." Violet stated as she looked him square in the eye. "If there are new drugs being smuggled into this prison, I'm not involved."

06-08-2007, 02:31 PM
Louise looked to the side over her shoulder and glanced at Violet. She knew her buddy was a tough, street-smart girl but she wasn't sure of how she would respond to interrogation here: would she be able to talk around this guy, see through his deceits, invent lies when needed on the spot? They were both a bit tired, it was near midnight, and none of them were old jaibirds. But she would trust Violet, her friend seemed to be in a slightly more spunky mood.
Tugging silently at her chained wrists, Louise noticed they were tightly fixed, moreover her elbows had been bound together; she leaned very slightly forward, realizing both her ass and her pussy were totally unprotected.
"You're just making things up" she told the cop in a tired voice. "We've been doing no dealing at all, and if we might once have been shagging with some guard, that was just to get some meagre money...hey, to buy smoke and stamps in the jail kiosque. That's it, period." She cocked her head, letting her hair dance, looked with morose defiance at him, and moved close to Violet.

06-08-2007, 02:39 PM
"Of course you are not involved."

Moving in front of Violet Officer Mathews smiled.

"Let me explain something here, you are not suspects. We do not care about you, you are witnesses. You will never go to trial, so I care absolutely nothing about due process here. You do not have the right to remain silent because you cannot incriminate yourself. All I want is some names. Sooner or later, you will tell me."

Moving toward Louise joshua let hes arm brush Violets breast. He had to look up to see into her eyes, but somehow Loise felt he towered over her, not a feeling she was used to.

"Personallly, I hope you will wait till later to talk, I will enjoy that much more. But I want to give you a chance to do it quick."

As he spoke his hand moved up and took Louise's breast in his hand. Then he looked over at Violet.

"I figure you are the leader here, but I like tall women."

He just smiled as he slowly tightened his grip on Louise's breast, necver looking at her. Louise tried to be quiet, but she eventually began to whimper and then cry.

violet girl{MM}
06-08-2007, 02:47 PM
Violet scoffed as Joshua called her the leader. It was true that many of the meeker girls came to Violet for advice and sometimes for protection from some of the larger and stronger girls, but Violet was just as vunerable as anyone else. She looked down and thought about the scar on her left side from when a larger stronger woman stabbed her with a shank about two months before. Violet was lucky to have survived the attack.

Violet moaned slightly as the Officer brushed her own breast roughly while walking in front of Louise. She watched as Joshua grabbed hold of Louise's breast and twisted it tightly. Louise's face went from a look of anxiety to one of sheer pain in a few seconds. Louise cried out loudly and began to sob as her breast was gripped tightly.

"Let her go!" Violet cried out and moved toward Joshua, kicking at him with her legs.

06-08-2007, 02:54 PM
Louise tried to keep from sobbing, from giving this brash officer the enjoyment of seeing her cry. She drew her breath, felt the sobbing stocking in her throat and grunted: "nnngh...no..Please...Eeoww!" But the pain swept through her chest and she shook her head and finally began sobbing and blushing.
"Please don't!" she whispered "What have I done to you?" and adding "I haven't seen anyone around here smoking grass or anything" That was an obvious lie, but she would not give him any opening. "oh...aaugh...nnnooo!" - he wrenched at her nipple, demanding "Names, cunt?"
"Don't fuckin' answer him now, Violet" she gasped, though she knew the question was primarily for herself, and Violet kicked at his legs. Within a few moments, Sgt Matthews slapped Louise hard in the face.

"NNNGH!" Louise grunted, almost unprepared for this brutality and suddenly scared both for herself and for her friend.

06-08-2007, 03:34 PM
Releasing Louise's breast Joshua grabbed one of Violets feet as she kicked at him.

"I want to thank you for making this more intersting. Keep to your story that you have seen nothing."

As he said this he held onto vilet's foot, forcing her to hop on the other, then he shoved her toward Louise, causing them both to fall to the floor.. He steeped out side and picked up 2 sets of leg shackles and came beck into the room. As he looked at the 2 women on the floor as they struggled to get up he had a wicked thought.

He bent down and grabbed the closests anle, with happened to be Louise's. He quickly lifted it up and twisted it so the toes were ponted down, forcing her to arch and try to turn over to relieve the pain, which was impossible becuase Violet was still laying across her.

Slapping the cuff aroung her ankle he bent down and attached the othe end to one of Violets ankles and relaased the chain, hanging the other shackle from his belt. He then reached down and graabbed both women by the hair, using that leverage and their desire not to have their hair torn out to get them to their knees.

06-08-2007, 06:49 PM
It all happened in moments. Feeling the hard swipe at her face, Louise made a sharp grunt, it felt like her whole head had been tossed and threatened, but just as she could feel that evil hand letting go of her breasts - which only increased the pain as the blood rushed back - she glimpsed that he was tricking Violet, forcing her to stand on one foot.

"Hey Viv, watch out!" Louise hissed, but just seconds later she tumbled over as the body of her friend toppled on her. With her hands manacled and Violet lying upon her, Louise struggled to see clearly and get up, just to feel how her foot was twisted and dragged close to Violet. The humiliation of being dragged up by her hair was just too crude. but she tried to keep cold. Moaning softly, Louise got her battered body on her knees, plopped on the cold floor, only to feel suddenly how Matthews seemed to be tugging at the manacles holding her wrists.
What was he up to? Suddenly she realized that Violet was also on her knees, back to back with her.

06-09-2007, 12:06 PM
Officer Mathews then quickly used the shacle from his belt to connect the two women together using the cuffs at the wrists. stepping back he looked down at them.

One shackle kept them together by their ankles, and the other at their wrists. they could stand, but now they would be unable to do anything effective to resist him.

He then pulled the knife from his pocket and opened the blade, smiling down at the women.

06-09-2007, 03:57 PM
Jeez, talk about ending up in a fix. Louise's neck ached slightly as she looked up at Matthews. Her hands were firmly chained to Violet and she could feel her friend pinning her like a concrete block; no chance of getting even five inches from her. For a moment she felt like giggling, the situation was so bizarre and melodramatic, but the sight of the knife in his hand quickly sent a chill through her. Was he going to assault her face, or her nipple once again?
"Violet? You allright?" she said, grasping her friend's hands.
She heard a low, dull moaning from behind her. "Mmgh...Guess so but that asshole doesn't seem to be in a right mind"
"You'll learn I know what I'm doing, Miss" the officer explained "and you'll get to pay for saying such stupid things. First. I'll relieve you both of unnecessary clothing though."
"This is insane" Louise offered, "Don't be a barbarian!"
"I take what I want from you to get you in the mood for love" Matthews snapped back.and put his knife down at Louise's striped blouse. With two swift cuts, he ripped it open and tugged it off her, letting the buttons fly. He removed the shreds of its arms and then put the knife behind her back and removed her bra. Totally naked from the waist, Louise felt the cool night silence enveloping her. She twined her hands tighter into Violet's and waited.

06-11-2007, 09:15 AM
Officer Mathews then moved to violet and treated her clothing to the same experience. Now he had both omen before him on the floor, breasts exposed. He kiked the fact that Violets, although small, looked bigger on her small frame. He reached down and took one into his hand, gently carressing the nipple.

Violet looked up at him and them suddenly jerked forward, catching his arm in her teeth. He brought his other hand around and slapped her hard.

Violet fell away, seeing nothing but stars as Joshua's hand hit the side of her head. She would have fallen ovwer if Louise had not managed to hold her up.

"Violet! Are you OK?"

Louise was worried, waht had Mathews done? All she had heard was the sound of a hand hitting flesh.

"One of the best things about working in a women's prison is all the contraband we find here. I found this in one shakedown and never really had a chance to use it before, but I can see it will come in handy today."

As he had been speaking Mathews had walked over to the desk set against the wall and opened the bottom drawer. His hand came out with a ring gag. Violet was still too confused to see what he had, but by looking over her shoulder Louise was able to see it.

06-11-2007, 01:27 PM
Heaving her shoulders up, Louise was just in time to steady Violet, but she had no way of seeing the face or the bust of her friend. What was going on? She had no illusions about prison guards and officers, but this guy had assaulted them and seemed to be heading toward taking advantage of their bodies. She cringed at the idea, and suddenly heard Matthews exclaim he had found something useful.
She looked up and turned her head, At first she didn't realize what it was - some kind of blindfold? Then she suddenly knew: she had never seen a ring gag in use but had heard of them, and she knew whoever he used it on would be both silenced and forced to surrender her mouth as a fuckhole. She sweated and felt her sinews tightening. Would he put it on her? or on Violet?

She couldn't help it, her eyes darted slightly but returned quickly to what Matthews had in his hand. It had a leather ring, which could be about two inches wide on the inside, and tight dark straps on both sides. One end had a buckle, but she knew it could also have a padlock added. Her mind raced with unease, fear and a sudden shadow of turn-on. She had a kind of fascination about being silenced, but this was.not the right time: she had to be able to care for her friend and see that she didn't crack up and told the wrong things. But on the other hand, if he intended to gag Violet, what would he do to herself to ferret out the information he wanted?

-You daren't gag a lady, Louise tossed out in a suitably defiant voice. She swallowed and closed her eyes; she had tossed her coin.

violet girl{MM}
06-12-2007, 08:00 AM
Violet lied motionless on the cold concrete floor, her head throbbing from the hard smack Joshua had delivered to her. She wanted badly to cover her exposed frame, but the chains gave no slack. Violet heard Joshua moving about , but she could not lift her head to see what he was doing. She heard him mention contraband and tried to visualize to what he could be referring, but nothing came to mind. Suddenly, Violet heard Louise's voice gasp and plead with Joshua. Something about gags...Violet felt her state of consciousness starting to drift away...was it a concussion? Perhaps she had hit the concrete too hard. Violet heard a loud scream that rattled her back to the brink of consciousness for a second. It was Louise...

"Noooooo!!!! Get away from me with that thing!!!! Violet?!!! Violet, are you okay?!!! Vi-" and then silence as Violet slipped into a thick black unconsciousness.

06-12-2007, 09:12 AM
"So you tell me you're a dignified lady" Officer Matthews exclaimed at Louise. "Since when are ladies involved in drug running and petty wanton prostitution in jail?" He lifted his hands, now she could clearly see the ring gag. Kneeling with her back bolt upright, she looked at him and felt as if she was standing at the edge of a cliff. She hoped Violet would be strong but the next move was unexpected as Matthews brought his free hand down to her crotch, under her skirt and dug into her pussy, twitching at her labia. Already tired and frightened, Louise cried out.
"Open that slutty mouth now" he ordered her, really ordered it. Louise fought, mouthed back, but she had really no choice but to obey - she called out "Violet! Are you okay?" and he shoved the ring in, fixing it between the lips and the jawbone, spreading her mouth out: Her lips slid in, half covering the leather ring. He tugged the straps back, and she felt the leather pressing against her cheeks and tightened by the buckle. Now she felt the tightness of the gag all around her head. "Mmmgh!"
The next moment, she felt him adding a padlock at the back of her head, locking the silencer definitely in place. No one could remove it now, and allow her to speak again, except their tormentor. And if one thing was certain it was, he was going to put her mouth to other uses before that.
"Ha, slut! Now you like that one?" he stabbed at her. She looked at him with eyes filled of a bitter heat.

But their guardian was not to be stopped. Reaching down, he ripped open her skirt with his bare hands and tugged her panties down. then walked over to the table bringing - a banana?? and inserting it into her pussy. "Let's see how you like fuckin' fruit" he said, chuckling. Louise moaned and then suddenly cried out as the dry, raw surface of the banana peeling was shoved deep into her.

"This is just for a starter, Miss. An aperitif - you will taste my sweet cock later both in your cunt and in your mouth

06-12-2007, 12:00 PM
Mathews looked down at the 2 women, one half concious, and the other with her mouth open fro him. They were acting like Louise was the leader here, but he had seen them in the yard. The other women turned to Violet for advice and help, Louise was just the muscle. She was smart, but not as smart as Violet.

They had hooked up right after Violet got stabbed a couple of months ago. Before that Violet trusted in her connections to keep her safe, but then she learned that she needed someone at her side, and Louise was the perfect bodygaurd. She had already shanked three other girls, one because she stepped on her shadow. He knew that Loise would never speak on her own, but that Violet would. But at this point he really did not want them to talk, and even if they did he would not stop.

Violet looked so lucious lying ther, struggling to stay awake, her only flaw the still unhealed scar from the stabbing. Just to remind her that she was in his power he reached down and pinched the scar, then twisted it.


Violet awoke at the pain in her side and struggled to get away. then she again realized her situation and began to cry. Her tears served only to inflame Officer Mathew's lust.

violet girl{MM}
06-12-2007, 12:27 PM
Violet's tears washed down her beautiful face as the officer twisted at her scar. She tried to lift her head, but it felt like a ton of bricks was attached to her neck. She recoiled from Officer Matthew's grasp and proceeded to sob softly as she rubbed her head against the cool concrete. She did not hear Louise protesting anymore, and she feared for her friend.

"Louise?! Are you okay?"

Violet heard a muffled sound, and realized that Louise had been gagged by Joshua. She needed to weigh her options now. Where did this put them? Violet was the brains behind the inmate population at this facility. Every guard knew how intelligent Violet was, and they knew to come to her if they needed favors from the inmates or information about an event.

Violet steadied her breath so that she could regain her thought processes. Joshua Matthews, 47, unmarried (at least Violet believed from his long hours), liked to throw his weight around with the other CO's...not the leader by any means...that position was held by Henry Chase a 35 year old married officer who was fair but just with the girls. He had the respect of all of the inmates and the guards...Matthews wanted that position badly, but he did not have the fairness, nor the respect to take that spot from Chase.

Violet thought about this profile she had made up on Matthews long and hard as he spent his time toying with Louise. Violet could hear the muffled sobs of her friend and bodyguard from behind her and closed her eyes...

06-12-2007, 12:55 PM
Louise grunted as Matthews kept maneuvering the banana stuck in her pussy. It made her crotch feel swollen and stuffed but it had none of the warmth and potency of a live cock, or even a vibe, it was just stuffing and pushing her opening. Then she suddenly saw him leaning forward and undoing his zip. She dreaded what was to come: "Mmpf! mnoo-ugh!" The sweaty odour of his cock made it anything but attractive, apart from the degradation itself.

He grabbed her cheeks. "Now, little lady, let's see you do some sucking!" and pushed his cock in through the gag. Her mouth stuffed and captured, Louise mechanically started sucking and licking his dick, grunting and drooling around it. Again, she felt for Violet's hands, both for closeness in this hour of torture and to try to find out if she were conscious.

Finally Louise found her buddy's hands again, She grasped them, feeling softly for her index fingers, then the palms. They seemed steady although cold: she pressed the cuffed left hand and, a second later, felt Violet returning her grasp. In her mouth, Matthews was pumping harder and groaning as he forced her to suck more. Crying spasmodically, she followed, all but reduced to a sex slave.

violet girl{MM}
06-12-2007, 02:47 PM
Violet decided it was time to make her move. She was now going to hit Matthews below the belt figuratively.

"I want to speak to Officer Chase!!!" Violet screamed. Matthews stopped dead in his tracks. He pulled out of Louise's mouth and walked over to Violet, his cock jutting out like a harpoon.

"What did you say?" He sneered viciously.

Violet gritted her teeth as yelling sent pangs of pain through her head. She continued to lie on the concrete as she still could not bear to bring herself to lifting her head.

"Officer Chase...get him, now!! I want him here while we are questioned. He's your supervisor, is he not? Get him." Violet yelled through her clenched jaw. She saw Matthews's face twist into one of disbelief, anger, and she thought there was some hurt there as well...he had been wounded. It was the way she had said "supervisor" that did it. Violet knew that Matthews had been passed over by Warden Alan Hopkins in lieu of Chase getting the nod to Captain of the Officers. Violet's ear was always open for any gossip or news she could use to her benefit.

"He doesn't need to be here!!" Matthews yelled standing up and running his hand through his hair in obvious discomfort.

"I want Chase here now!! You know as well as I do, the walls in this place are paper thin...if Chase does not appear in thirty seconds, I start screaming his name. I don't give a shit if I do have a fractured jaw...he will hear me!!" Violet growled through her clenched teeth.

Matthews knew that Chase liked Violet and was always talking with her to get any information he may need. Matthews also had the sneaking suspicion Chase was sleeping with Violet, but he could not be sure.

Violet could hear Louise's muffled breaths behind her, and she grasped Louise's hands in a show of solidarity. Violet's head felt as if it was going to explode. She was sure it was a concussion, a cracked skull, or a broken jaw...She put aside the searing pain and focused again on Matthews.

"Do I start screaming for Chase, or are you going to go get him like a good subordinant?" Violet sneered as she spit out the word subordinant in a tone of disgust....

06-13-2007, 04:24 PM
Mathews was not prepeared for this one, but he had not been choosen for this because he was stupid.

"I get it, you want Chase hear because he is the one running the drugs for you. I am sure the warden will be glad to hear that I have already found out who the guilty person is. Too bad though, i really wanted to have some fun with you."

He then slowly put his cock in his pants as his words sunk into Violet's concious.

violet girl{MM}
06-14-2007, 04:29 PM
Violet heard Mathews start to blame Chase for providing drugs and her mind did a backflip. There was no way Henry would EVER be involved with drugs. He was as straight-laced as they came, and Mathews knew it. So did Warden Hopkins, which is what really counted.

"Oh please! That's bullshit and you know it. Go ahead! Go to Warden Hopkins with that laughable piece of fodder...see where it gets you!" Violet laughed through clenched teeth.

Louise clasped Violet's hands in a stern warning to back off the Officer. Louise grunted softly to Violet as if to say, "Do you want to get us both killed?" Violet understood this signal, and stopped laughing abruptly. She squeezed Louise's hands softly to signal that everything was under control and to trust her. Louise knew that Violet did things like sass the officers regularly, but this was different. Louise squeezed Violet's hands harshly as if to yell at her, but Violet ignored her friend's cues.

"Fucking, get me Chase in here now!!!" Violet growled angrily through her clenched jaw. Mathews crouched down in front of Violet's face and smiled....

06-15-2007, 04:32 AM
Louise wrenched as Matthews' juices and her own drool jostled around in her mouth and dripped down into her nude cleavage, and she knew it might just be the start. Violet was a clever girl and knew how to play off the jail staff sometimes, but this time Louise felt damn near sure her buddy was jumping in much too deep water. Matthews kicked slightly at the stuffed-in banana and sent a throbbing pain through her pussy, making Louise grunt sharply and throw her head back; "Mmgh! ummpf!"
Does she know just what she's doing? Louise grasped Violet's cuffed hands and gave a pleading grunt. She got a quick return signal, but half a minute later, when she repeated it harder, Vi didn't respond. "Please" she thought, "you gotta...or are you in too bad a way to get that one?" She half passed out for a few moments and then heard the angry discussion of Violet and Matthews, Violet still demanding that Chase should be brought in.

"Don't think you can count on that he'll suppport your story, Miss" Matthews said "and anyway Chase is in his bed sound asleep now; he ain't even here on the prison."

He went over to his desk and suddenly turned on the radio, switching to an adult rock channel and turning up the volume a fair bit, not enough to seem outrageous but enough to drown Violet's words if she'd shout out.

"You need to calm down, Missy, and think of what you're saying", he added, taking a roll of black duct tape out of the drawer and fishing up a used g-string from the box where he kept the confiscated stuff. With fiirm steps he returned to face the girl he'd been questioning.

Louise couldn't see what was happening, but when she heard Violet grunting she guessed that Matthews was bent on silencing her friend too. And with her hands chained behind her and a vile pain in her head, Violet stood no chance. Matthews deftly wrung up her jaws and pushed in the red lingerie.piece, then clamped shut again. With one hand he held her mouth forcibly closed from the chin, with the other rolling out the black , tar-smelling tape, padding it tight and containing the g-string. Louise could feel Violet's body shaking and mutely fighting back. She reached out again, placing her left hand just over Violet's right one and her thumb below it, pressing against the soft folds between thumb and index finger. She held it there for a few moments, soundlessly telling her friend to wait somehow.. After ten seconds.Violet leaned back, her body still fighting, and rubbed the nape of her hair into Louise's neck, making a sharp, tonal grunt : "OK".Matthews seemed to delight in her squirming but had no idea they were communicating.

"I trust you will take your time to think it over, sluts" he jabbed at them both and unzipped his pants to help himself to some more from Louise's mouth. With Ladies' Room by Kiss ironically ringing through the spartan room he pumped her mouth again, tugging at her hair and letting his cock fill her mouth.

You're such a jewel in the rough
You wanna show me your stuff
For my money, you can't be too soon!

Meet you, meet you in the ladies' room, o-o-oh,
meet you, meet you in the ladies' room...

Louise moaned and sobbed at the raw degradation.

06-16-2007, 08:46 AM
Mathews looked down at the women before him, still seething at the thought that Violet thought she copuld outsmart him. He had been so surprised that she had thought of calling in Chase that he had been a bit unnerved. She was probably tight that the warden would not buy into that about chase being a part of the drug ring.

Right now all he wanted was to get back to Louise's sweet mouth. As the song started to play on the radio he laughed and filled her mouth again. Her tears only enflamed his passion further, and he quickly filled her mouth with his sperm, meanwhile thinking about what he was going to do to Violet. He was truly beggining to believe that the way to break her was to break Louise. As long as Louise could offer encouragemnet, Violet would cling to Louise's stregth. The key to breaking violet was to get Louise to beg him to make her his cumslut.

06-16-2007, 10:10 AM
It wasn't the first time Louise had been giving head, she had briefly been a street tart years before and had been using both her mouth and her tight, luscious pussy as a deal thing before, both in and out of jail, with guards and ordinary men, willingly or occasionally forced down on her knees by cops. But Matthews was hard and gluttony, and she didn't enjoy his cock there for one moment. Tugging at her hair, rolling it into his fists and bobbing her head on and off his shaft, the officer was as tough as a wild donkey. She could feel his hot seed flooding her tongue and dripping down into her throat; she coughed, grunted and wept. It was surely the most disturbing blowjob she had ever made. Bending towards his crotch she felt dismayed and frightened, but determined to hold out for Violet.

Her head lifted as on a wave, he pulled out slightly, groaned and then...Louise knew and dreaded what was next - he pushed his cock in again through the ring gag, it stiffened to fill her and shot a harsh stream of cum down into her throat. Her shoulders rocked slightly as she took the load. "U-u-mmmgh!" she grunted, and then broke into gargling as his juices went down. She closed her eyes, muffledly crying out "Please! Mmmfh!"
-What a slut, Matthews said, his voice stabbing at her. But we're teaching you...
Her neck aching and her pussy still filled up, Louise tried to steady herself as soon as she could. Just at that point, Violet's hands clasped hers again, holding on tight, feeling the need of her friend for comfort as Matthews pulled out his cock and slapped his member onto her cheeks and nose, greasing them too in his sperm.

06-19-2007, 01:29 PM
Mathews the turned his attention to Violet. He liked the way she looked as she knelt there, her mouth covered with tape.

"Nothing to say now missy?"

He quickly stripped off her skirt and looked at the lace panties she was wearing.

"These are not prison issue, which of your boyfriends gave you these? Be a shame to tear these, wouldn't it?"

Insted of tearing the panties off her he gently moved them to the side, almost with the touch of a lover. then he probed for her clit with one finger, slowly massaging it.

violet sould not believe what was happening to her. This asshole was treating her like a lover, and her body was starting to respond. In order to hide her reaction she tried to yell at nim through the gag in her mouth. Let me go you asshole. But even she could not understand what she was saying, and he just smiled at her. Then he pincher her clit and twisted it. As the pain shot through her body she screamed in agony.

violet girl{MM}
06-22-2007, 12:00 PM
Violet stared at Matthews as the gag ripped at her injured jaw. The pain was blinding, but she focused on his eyes glaring at her.

"Where's all that sassy talk now?" he laughed as Violet stared helplessly.

Before Violet knew it, the rest of her tattered dress was ripped away by Matthews, revealing the violet-colored lace panties she was wearing underneath. They had been a gift from Chase, and only he was supposed to see them. Violet blushed.

"Well, well, well...where did these come from? They are not standard issue...who are they from? It would be awful if something dire happened to them now, wouldn't it?" Matthews said with a wicked gleam in his eye.

He moved the panties gently to the side revealing Violet's shaved pussy to him. He growled lustfully as he stroked her clit lovingly.

Violet gasped and began struggling wildly in her shackles. No!!! She thought as he continued probing her. Violet protested through the gag, but her words were too muffled to make sense.

Suddenly, Matthews pinched and twisted her clit hard sending tears streaming down Violet's cheeks. She screamed into the gag, and fell back submissively still on the concrete floor. Her jaw and body aching too wildly to resist...

06-29-2007, 11:39 AM
Louise drew for breath as Matthews finally pulled out of her mouth after he'd shot her throat full. She felt sullied and reduced, but she wanted to hold on for Violet, for them both. Hearing his snagging voice as he spoke to her friend, she felt chilled as he brought up the panties. His cold voice and then Violet's wild moaning under the gag made it all too clear her friend was now going through something just as bad as she had known herself a few minutes back. Her pussy ached with a dull, hard throb both from her own weight and from that bloody banana stuffed into her. What the hell are we going to do, she thought and sufddenly heard Violet's growl, felt her "jail sister's" body tugging at her hands and feet.

The chains binding them seemed to pull Louise down as Violet tumbled and she felt a vicious stab at her wrists, spinning off with the other. Turning her head she glimpsed Matthews beginning to go down on her friend, while Louise herself was pulled backward by the chains.She growled sharply and stamped uselessly into the floor. The only reply was Matthews suddenly reaching out and tugging her hair, making her head flap backwards. "Shut up, bitch, I'm doing this for your friend's best" he rapped out. Behind, she could hear the half-dazed Violet gasping and crying.

07-03-2007, 03:34 PM
Mathews looked down at the women sprawled on the floor. He took the keys from his belt and undid the cuffs holding them together at the wrists, and then drug Louise to the table roughly. As they were still fastened together at the ankles Violet was pulled along also. Mathews especially enjoyed the fact that Louise took the brunt of Violets instinctive attempts to kick at the pressure on her ankles.

He pulled Louise on top of the table, and fastened her wrists under it to an eye-bolt. this left her back arched over the edge of the table, and now she was trying to kick free, and thus giving back to Violet what she got earlier.

Mathews then grabbed the ankle chain between Violet's ankles and clipped it to the leg of the table.

He then released Louise's ankles and quickly fastened one to a table leg. When he reached for the other one she kicked him in the chin, causing him to fall back and bite his tongue.

Spitting the blood out he stood and grabbed her by the hair. He pulled her head back and looked her in the eye.

"Bitch. That was a mistake."

As Louise looked into his eyes she forgot about the pain. the last time she had looked into eyes like that she thought she was going to die. She froze.

Mathews smiled as he saw the fear in her eyes. He let her hair go and quickly fastened the other ankle to the table. He then positioned Violet so that she could look up and see her protector's banana stuffed cunt.

Mathews then reached down to make sure Violets was awake. To be sure he popped a capsule of ammonia under her nose.

"I want you awake to see this. And you better watch, or it will be worse for her. Understand?"

He waited until she nodded in response, and reached up and starting fucking Louise with the banana.

At first all Louise could feel was the table cutting into her back, but she soon felt a new sensation at her pussy. Mathews was fucking her with the banana. She started to tear up from the humiliation.

“I wish you could see her face right now Violet. The tears running down it are so sexy.”

Violet flinched at his words. She had never seen Louise cry. She had talked about her childhood and how she had to sell her body to survive, but she had never cried.


Mathews looked down at Violet. “Have something to say?”

She nodded quickly. He unwrapped the tape from her mouth and pulled out the g-string. Violet tried to talk but her mouth was to dry. Watching her Mathews saw the problem and smiled. He reached for the banana again and she suddenly found her voice.


“Only two things going to get me to stop this sweet thing, you tell me what I want to know, or you figure out something to distract me.”

07-11-2007, 06:45 PM
Flung out on the table, bound and feeling the senseless hard poking of her pussy, Louise was stretched to breaking point under Joshua's hands. In this room she felt all but totally alone, there wasn't a chance of seeing or feeling Violet for now, and the pain rolling down made her whole body feel black and blue. She tugged helplessly at her limbs; Matthews' mean laughter told her she would not get any reprieve. The banana driving into her, she sobbed in small spasms and groaned "O-ouuewwgh! Nnghh! Oouh! n-no!"

She dimly heard his threat to Violet. So the bastard was aiming to break her best friend by making her watch Louise being tortured and fucked. And he underlined his words by jabbing the banana once more against the wall of her grotto; Louise gave a hoarse grunt. "I'm joining all the girls this prison has put to torture before" she thought, "I'm like those who were brutalized and flogged by the KGB..." - the next moment she heard herself wailing, and beyond it, Violet's upset voice that seemed so small, a woman's words of protest at what she had to watch. "Please, no more" Louise thought and sensed how close to exhaustion Matthews' routine was taking her.

With tears and drool flooding her ring gagged mouth, that sadist must be having a ball. What in the world was Violet thinking? Louise wished she could be with her buddy outside, but it was a useless fancy right now. Suddenly she felt the banana being pulled out, and her muscles relaxed a little - ooh, thanks - only to feel, a few moments later, the hard swipe of a riding whip on her heated, tortured mound.
She cried out sharply and kicked her bound feet. "Please...Mmmgh! " she thought, "can't anybody stop this?" Once again, she felt the icy fear that Matthews was going to rape and kill them both.

violet girl{MM}
07-19-2007, 01:59 PM
Violet's tears washed over her face as she watched Matthews fucking Louise with the banana savagely. This had to stop! Louise's agonized sobs echoed through the room, sending chills through Violet's body. Not seeing a way out, Violet screamed through her gagged, broken jaw. "MMMMMGGHHHH!!!!!"

Matthews stopped in mid-stroke with the banana.

"Oh!! you are going to talk, are you?" Matthews sneered as he ripped the gag from her tortured mouth.

Violet tried to scream out for him to stop, but her throat was dry and hoarse. He smiled at her predicament.

"Maybe this will help you find your voice!" He grabbed a crop and began whipping Louise's tortured pussy. Louise screamed a blood curdling scream that echoed through the room.

"STOP!!!!!!" Violet screamed as her throat moistened, and her voice returned.

"Perhaps you should offer me a bribe, " Matthews laughed as he opened the zipper on his pants and shoved his erect cock into Violet's teary face.

07-28-2007, 03:47 PM
Mathews looked down at Violet as he put his cock in her face and watched as she turned away.

"No skin of my nose there girl, I still have this other cunt, and she is much more coopereative than you anyway. Since it seems you do not care what happens to her maybe I should just use her."

As he turned back to Loouise violet moaned and began to cry. She wanted to help her freind, but had always hated to give blow jobs. even as a prostitute she had hated it, and since she had met Chase she had promised not to ever let another man in her mouth.


Mathews turned back to her, looking down at her.

"I want you to call Chase, I want him to know what you are doing."

"I might just call him girl, but I do not think he will want to leave the wife home alone tonight. It is her birthday, and he took a vaction day for tomorrow also."

Mathew's smiled as he saw the shock in her eyes. He new a bit more about Chase than she thought. Chase had always been careful in the girls he picked, usually arranging traansfers after a couple of months so that the word would not get around what a player he was. Violet had been here the longest of any of them, but Mathews had seen the signs of his growing restlessness as he looked at some of the new girls that had arrived, and he figured that Chase would be cutting the transfer orders soon.

He turned back to Louise as the tears began to fall from Violet's eyes. He knew he would enjoy the next part of this little interrogation even more now that Violet was broken, and maybe he would call Chase after all, he might want to say goodbye to Violet in his own special way.