View Full Version : Submissive

06-29-2007, 08:29 AM
Dear Master.....

I came on line with all intention's of acting like an ass hole. i suppose it is just me missing YOU. I am just a bit thrown by the phone situation. YOU were alweays avilable to me before and latly getting in touch with you has been almost impossible !

Paul i fell for YOU the moment i heard you speak about children, mine in particular. That was my first hint of the wonderful man you are . When you graced me with YOUR ownership i lost it. Love came hard and fast.

There have been times over the years i have met people that i thought i would have liked to run away with, but intution kept me at bay, and because of the lack of my money situation consideration to leave was only a fantasy i held onto!

I love YOU for what you are to me...how you have told me i will be to you.....I love you for how you seem to be the only man who can handle me....the only man i want to share everything with....even if everything is love and pain. Fuck money, i never had it....i never missed it. i live humbly, so you never have to worry what it is you have or do not have. i know together and YOU handleing all the finacial end of things, we will accomplish the comfort zone we desever with each other.

It has been very difficult for me to admit to you until this divorce is finalized i have nothing but my devotion and love to offer you. As well as two beautiful children who will only enrich our lives.

i am home doing wash. If you reiceve this SIR please call me at home !

fucking hottest MASTER alive and most beautiful MAN i need....

slave cunt denise

God, i still love HIM passionatly ! Need to serve HIM desperatly. MIssing HIS voice when HE is not available by phone. Missing HIS words when i am unable to get to a computer.

The conclusion has been drawn that FUCK what we do or do not have ....this is going to happen....and together.....HE as my Master/Owner and i as the worthless slave cunt that i am, will pull it all together as it should be !

I fantazie myself kneeling in the position which he has shown me......our first night togther.....HIS fingers sliding over every inch of me as i slightly bow my head and eyes are to the floor as he has commanded. i whisper..."Master may i make a request ?" "YES" is HIS reply. May i please Master kiss YOUR mouth that i have longed for since the day i heard YOUR voice...?"....."YES"...HE says again....

He takes his fingers under my chin.....making my raise my head a bit...and i feel for the very first time HIS mouth on mine.......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.omg....as perfect as i have imagined it! HIS kiss...HIS taste.....HIS smooth tongue ! My mind fades out to romance and the slap HE delievers on my ass wakes me up, and brings me back to the kiss that has now ended. But because it was the first........it will never be forgotten by me ever !

I see HIM in my mind as the MAN i have searched for...the one i want to give to share with obey....and more than ever...a MAN i will respect to no end!

More thoughts i have more words i should speak, but it is way fucking HOT....I love you Master Paul! YOU are the on i haved hoped for!

i fucking ache to have YOU my Master.....abuse, use, fuck..disiplind punish and let me love you!

cunt denise

Dear Master....

NO, not pictures...(lol). Just some thoughts i have been allowing myself to feel. Realizing your phone sucks...and that is only because you have told me so, i was unable once again to report to my owner all weekend. However.......why is it that same phone connected me to my Master anytime i needed HIM for the past month or so ?

Perhaps i am trying to think of all the reasons i can, to admit it is getting more difficult for me to believe that i will truly be who i am....YOUR cunt slave. But if i may speak freely Sir ? YOUR demeaner has changed a bit , speaking only from what i have obsevered. You may call it assuming. and that may quite possibly be the correct word.

Bailing out......is something i do a lot of. Always have. Walked away is maybe a better word, but that is neither here nor there. I can't with you. I have tried. But i can't ! Because i have fallen deeply for a man named Paul. One i only know limited things about. However...He has another side HE/we call Master, and with that person i long to be with. i know once with my Master, the man behind Him will reveal himself a bit at a time, making me fall more in love.

He must understand one thing. I am not typical by any means. I admire that one thing aout myself. You need to know that if bailing is what you need to do.....i can deal.....ok? I mean what is in front of you is tough. If you are not a white knight in shinning armour doning a whip...than walk away. I can not seem to even fucking help myself these days, and expect NO one to do this for me. If it is not you ...please tell me now!@

cunt denise
