View Full Version : taping lips open?

02-11-2004, 08:21 AM
No, not the lips on her face - the lower ones!

Can I use ordinary white 'medical' tape to tape open her lips? The kind of tape that comes in a little white metal can, that you use to tape gauze pads in place?

And if I did this, and she got really aroused, would it mean that she would be dripping wet, since there would be nothing to stop her from dripping?

And since she isn't shaved clean, just trimmed, wouldn't it hurt like hell when it was removed ....

I think I'm getting an idea :[

02-11-2004, 11:17 AM
I've never been one of tape right on the skin, except in certain places.

But if you want to use your idea and cause physical discomfort at the same time, use clothespins.

Affix three or four clothespins to each labia and the tape the free ends to her thighs using either medical tape or duct tape. This opens her like you want, but also makes thing uncomfortable for her. It's also a littleb bit safer, in my opinion, than applying tape directly to mucous-producing areas of the body.

Added bonus: The clothespins and what type of tape you use also allow you to control exactly how open she is. By pulling the clothespins as widelt away from her body as you wish and then taping them down with stronger tape, like duct tape or packing tape, you can really stretch her.

02-20-2004, 02:43 PM
I have been using fridge clips (the kind with a larger plastic clip and a little magent on the back) on my slaves pussy lips. They have a larger grip and can be left on for a bit longer then clothes pins or clover clamps. I also drilled a hole through the ends and tie them off to subbies calfs or ankles or arms or whatever. That way I can also use them to keep her still (it hurts like hell to pull these off straight away - they don't feel so bad when they are clamped but they have serations on the face to keep them from slipping). I can use these alone and tie them off to her ankles and it keeps her legs spread and up close. Also have tied them off to her cuffed hands behind her back (around the body, not through the legs) to keep her nice and open while I 'gave her a shower'. I ha ve found that they really help keep her still.

Just a suggestion. I don't like using tape because even when she is shaved clean it is still a bitch to clean up and it turns the skin red if you leave duct tape on too long (even 5 minutes can be too long for some places). Very irritating to the skin and it can last a day or two.

Play a bit and see what works for you. Just remember to come back and share your findings.

02-20-2004, 03:16 PM
Medical tape is made for doing what you want use it for (within a certain margin for error), so I'd try it if you have access to a supply. You might have problems getting it to stick to (ahem) slippery surfaces. Old-fashioned refrigerator tape (which may no longer be available) and Scotch tape should also be relatively harmless, but also may not adhere properly.

Duct tape has very much the effect issyrj describes and should only be used as a punishment, not for fun. The same would be true of electricians tape or any of the various rubberized tapes for automotive or plumbing repairs.

Good luck, and make sure to have Sylvie report back.

02-23-2004, 11:18 AM
Hypoallergenic medical tape is unlikely to cause any problems if used to tape the labia, you may find that it isn't sticky enough if she gets very wet though. It comes off very easily with sweat as well, clips would have a lot more 'staying power'.:D