View Full Version : an agp for use at the Sexperimental Farm Laboratory

08-18-2002, 01:56 PM
Re: The SFL, seeking 'Doctors' for FANTASY cyber

Dear Men,
For real, i am a mid 30's farmers wife, 3 babes, so a lot of time with a 'piglet' dangling from my nip. at all hours of night and LOVE FANTASY cyber.

The 1st. bit of my name, 'agp' is a title that i am proud of, as i am an assistant guinea pig at the Sexperimental Farm Laboratory, to be used by a 'Doctor' in His Research Trials for Science and good of all Animalkind.

This is a voluntary position, so don't need women haters and whips etc. but for cyber use in Your (recently fitted ACME Soundproofed) fully equipped, including harnesses and cold steel benches, Laboratory in Trials to help the Profits of the SFL.
i am sort of cow shaped and a prolific producer of milk, but can undertake numerous other experiments, if they have potential for World Wide sales.

If this conforms with an IMAGINATIVE MAN that could find a use for me, i will be very pleased to assist. i accept that i may have to be secured, (i suffer from vertigo, so feel better when secured to a bench .. etc. (smile) and appreciate that i may have to accept pain for Science.

i can work from my Yahoo IM (agp_millie) or E.mail.

The SFL Synopsis is availabe to any comprehensive request.

xxx Yours faithfully,
agp_millie (mrs)

ps. NO real time in ANY form, as hubby won't accept payment of any kind for my use.S