View Full Version : Story Site Issues, Etc.

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01-11-2008, 09:56 PM
Where can i find the story site ? it used to be above the menu... thx

01-12-2008, 06:00 AM
Click on 'Links' at the top of the page and look under the 'Site Index' yullie...it's the very first thing listed :)

lex ludite
01-12-2008, 08:33 AM
I just got a review of one of my stories. Naturally I was directed to the Forum so I could be identified and then sent back to respond to the review. It appears that something is missing, since there is now no link that takes me back to my story, so I can thank the reviewer. What am I missing?

01-12-2008, 08:43 AM
I believe that they are still in the process of putting the links back up on top. If you click on the Links tab between User CP and FAQ it will give you a link to the stories.

lex ludite
01-12-2008, 12:29 PM
Many thanks for your advice. I am once more a happy camper until the next glitch. (LOL):)

01-12-2008, 08:44 PM
Hello alll,

So alll are aware between 1/28 and 2/11 (roughly) there will be NO story posting.

As of (1/12) 64 stories were posted and we are now caught up from any back-log.

Thanks to all the Authors for their story submissions !!!!

Be Well


01-12-2008, 11:00 PM
Thanks for letting us know, Torq.

I, for one, really appreciate the job you're doing in posting all the stories that are submitted.

01-13-2008, 10:25 PM
I'm posting this here, as I'm not quite sure which forum is best for it. My question is this:

If I decide, after posting a story, that I don't quite like it and want to do it over again, would the administrator be willing to take down the old version and replace it with the new one? Especially if the old version seems silly and embarassing to the author in hindsight.

Thank you in avance for taking the time to answer.

01-14-2008, 01:46 AM
LOL,, Yes no problem,, do it all the time is story section. Thats why you see (revisied) attached to some chapters.

Be well

Dick the Slaver
01-14-2008, 05:18 AM
Thanks for letting us know!
I would suggest that you post the same notice on the story page after the last batch of stories before you leave. Otherwise, somebody will post a thread "Where are the new stories?" It would save a lot of headaches.

01-14-2008, 07:03 PM
Cool, thanks!

01-17-2008, 02:50 AM
Just want to say a big fucking thanks to Torq! He has been a huge help with the story publishing. Have fun on your trip and we shall see ya soon!

01-24-2008, 07:15 PM
How can you tell which forum members wrote which stories in the BDSM library??? I think you should find a way to link the author's stories to their username in the forum (but i bet this might conflict with privacy issues). It's just that I sssooo have this mental fantasy about powerone (but I'm not a stalker:)) and i just wanted to see his picture. LOL.


01-30-2008, 04:56 PM
OK, Final reminder, There will be NO stories posted for approx 2 weeks!!!!!

If all works well story posting will resume approx week of 2/11


Be Well


slave cw
02-10-2008, 09:37 AM
Why cant stories be changed over to english instead of placed in format not able to be read by all? Thanks slv cw:rolleyes:

02-11-2008, 10:51 PM
There didn't seem like an appropriate place to ask this question, and this seemed like the best place to ask, so I hope I'm not out of bounds by asking it here.

The guidelines for story submissions state that the minimum story length for submissions is 10,000 characters. I'm currently in the process of writing a story which I'll probably submit to this site. So far, it contains two parts, one of which is over 10,000 characters by a substantial amount, and the other is just under. I haven't yet completed my final edits so far, so it is possible that the second part might be over 10,000 characters when I finish with it. I don't know how many parts my story will contain altogether, though I'm certain by the time I finish writing it, there will be at least three parts. (The story probably has more pull than that, but I haven't written the third part yet, so I can't say for certain.)

So my questions are these: How rigid is that particular guideline for story submissions? Does it apply to stories in their entirety, or only in parts? I don't think it would make sense to actually combine these two (or however many I wind up with) parts as there is a separation in time between each section of the story. Otherwise I would just combine them all and not worry about it, but I think it makes more sense to keep them separate. (I reserve the right to change my mind on that later, though. :) )

Any clarifications would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Alex Bragi
02-12-2008, 01:38 AM
I think you'll find that is just that--a guideline rather than an actual rule, underwhere. So, just keep it hot and dirty and I'm sure we'll all appreciate it. :)

02-12-2008, 06:56 AM
Is there a way to edit stories posted on forums under specific topics? I love to post small stories, but I do a much better job if I can go back and edit what I wrote a few days later. I noticed the edit option is available for a few days after a new posting and then it is taken away.

02-12-2008, 08:03 PM
I imagine that not all stories are WRITTEN in English, and one can assume from that that the author is probably not a native English speaker. A proper translation of any work can take quite some period of time to accomplish. Are you volunteering? :) My personal knowledge of any language other than English is not accomplished enough to be willing to take that on as a task.

02-12-2008, 10:14 PM
All stories ae posted in he language submitted. This site has members from all over the world and multiple languages. IF the author wishes to re-submit in other languages thats their choice, otherwise stories will remain posted as is.

Be Well

02-12-2008, 10:16 PM
Alex is correct , both in reference to guidelines and ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Be Well

02-15-2008, 10:26 AM
Thnaks everyone for your patience, stories are again caught back up.

Be Well

02-15-2008, 10:26 AM
Thanks everyone for your patience, stories are again caught back up.

Be Well

02-24-2008, 12:48 AM
First of all, I do realize that this site wouldn't be possible without the generosity of time from all of the people who contribute to it to make it what it is.

I've become a first time story-submitter. I submitted the first part of a story I am working on to the stories section. I realize it will take some time (since that is a volunteer job) for my story to actually appear on the web site. I also understand, from what has been previously stated on the forums, that story submissions are processed on a FIFO (first in first out) method.

What I would like to suggest is this: When stories are submitted to this site, it might be a nice feature to display not just a "thank you for submitting your story" message as I did receive, but also a mention as to the size of the queue (number of stories or story parts) which has accumulated before my submission. It might also be nice to provide updates of the queue status, though I'm not sure where would be the best place to put such a thing....perhaps in the User CP? I think that might provide authors with a better sense as to how long it might take to get their stories live on this site.

Thoughts or comments anybody?

02-24-2008, 06:25 PM
LOL, Good thought and suggestion, just not to pratical.

You are correct most stories are processed on a first i first out, however this is not always the case due to 'issues' with stories that may need re-formatting, or whatever.

As I have asked ALL authors Please be patient it takes time to process these fine stories its simply not just the "push of a button" and just as an FYI I receive approx 125 e-mails per day on an average that I sift thru to get the stories , then its approx 15-30 minutes PER story to process.

If a 'quere' of stories was to be set up it would probally delay the story posting an additional day or two or four or more, depending on the 'depth' of the quere.

Average submission to post for stories runss about 1 week est. or less. Please be patient


02-25-2008, 11:32 PM
"Patience" is, as they say, a virtue. My personal feeling that the composing of a piece is in, of itself, its own reward. The timeliness of the posting must be considered almost secondary.

Naturally, efforts and other influences demand others choose to read the finished product hopefully with their kind Reviews, but that must be considered just so much more "icing on the cake" given the entire process.

02-27-2008, 07:02 PM
This raises an interesting question, Torq. Since stories are published in the language the author wrote them, how can the BDSM Library staff know for certain that the story which was submitted does not contain, for example, prohibited content (http://www.bdsmlibrary.com/forums/faq.php?faq=main_faq#faq_new_faq_item)? Is there somebody charged with reviewing the stories submitted in languages other than English to verify that such content guidelines are being adhered to?

02-27-2008, 09:02 PM

Alex Bragi
02-27-2008, 11:48 PM
Well, I'm aware of at least one author here, slvWriting, who as submitted stories in English and Spanish.

02-28-2008, 08:36 AM
im not admin but u could try to just copy the story and go to a converter site, which will convert the word,letters, etc... into whatever language u want, it may be a word limit but it may help... hth

Alex Bragi
02-28-2008, 05:51 PM
im not admin but u could try to just copy the story and go to a converter site, which will convert the word,letters, etc... into whatever language u want, it may be a word limit but it may help... hth

Mmm... not entirely foolproof but a good idea none the less, angelic. :)

I know in the case of slv, he's submitted his Spanish story in English also;
that coupled with the fact that he's a known and trusted author here helps.

02-28-2008, 05:58 PM
im not admin but u could try to just copy the story and go to a converter site, which will convert the word,letters, etc... into whatever language u want, it may be a word limit but it may help... hth

Sometimes that kind of thing gives really horrific (or laughter-provoking) results. Automatic translation - well, it exists, and it can be useful for technical data like weather forecasts and so on, but with any longer, non-formal text, you have to let a person who knows both languages check the output text in some detail to avoid goofs. I've been doing a bit of pro translation work, and I remember seeing an ad for a travel agnency which had been rushed out at once, quickly, into several tongues (so the English source text was common to them all). They had plainly used automatic pc translation - the semantic goofs were soooo blatant. "web site" from the English original appeared as words meaning "cobweb + ground estate, backyard, property" ;)The words "we'll fly you out and drop you down in Paris" also acquired interesting new meanings. You'll get the idea... :D

No doubt the plan had been to look over those ads at once and let somebody ferret out the faults, but they were online for two weeks awithout any correction happening and were seen by lots of people. Finally they were taken down altogether.

Alex Bragi
02-28-2008, 09:21 PM

"web site" from the English original appeared as words meaning "cobweb + ground estate, backyard, property" ;)The words "we'll fly you out and drop you down in Paris" also acquired interesting new meanings. You'll get the idea... :D

Good one, lou! *gg*

03-02-2008, 04:47 AM
Hi, I'd already send the following questian via e-mail, but havn't got any answer (at least till now, of course):

I've submitted some stories at your site, mostly using the .txt-format.
For some reasons your site shows this format with blank lines where none should be, ignores line breaks and so on.

Is there a general problem with .txt ?

Would you recomment to use only Word/.doc ?

03-02-2008, 07:07 AM
That's happened to me too in ordinary e-mail occasionally, but with .the .rtf format, never with .txt

03-10-2008, 08:00 PM
the best story submission is either a standard word.doc or in rtf format,, converts the best.


03-11-2008, 12:22 PM
Then it shall be the word.doc.

Thank you.

03-22-2008, 11:37 PM
This is my second attempt posting this. Probably, it will be substantially briefer and less detailed too.

I recently submitted an update for a story. I submitted part 2 to this story, which was officially added on March 22, 2008. Following the guidelines for "Submit Story" followed by "Update Existing Story", I filled out the entire form to update story codes as well as make some minor modifications to the display of the story information page as my author information page. (Apparently, one can't include an apostrophe in either without them being translated to \' I'm guessing that is a bug somewhere.) The instructions provided say, "please do NOT include other story information unless you want to update it (e.g. author's email, self introduction, story synopsis, codes, etc.)" I wanted to update the codes, so I filled out the whole form, but the codes were not updated, nor was the issue with the apostrophe fixed.

The update does not appear to be listed under the main stories page. I don't know if it takes some time for those updates to occur. They are listed under the story page for the specific story
but I'm not sure how people will possibly know to find it there if it isn't listed somewhere as a story update, assuming they are even interested in teh first place. Perhaps this is done on a regular cycle that simply hasn't occurred yet? Any information about that would also be appreciated, and if this happens on a regular basis, maybe some information about that would be useful to post so authors like me don't keep having to pester people by saying "When is it going to be listed there?" ;)

In any event, there seems to be discrepancies between the instructions provided and what actually happens when you follow those instructions.

I really don't want to gripe because I think this is a fantastic community, and I thank all of the admins and mods and story contributors for making this such a wonderful place.

03-23-2008, 09:19 AM
Okay, I can now say it is definitely listed as an update on the main story page, so perhaps that is something which hadn't yet been updated by the system at the time.

03-23-2008, 09:24 AM
PLEASE be patient,,it takes TIME. TY

Be Well

03-31-2008, 02:15 PM

I just have a couple suggestions for a few more codes. I love stories where the Dom is younger than the sub. Right now there are no codes expressing this situation. You could have, Y/o for a Dom who is younger than his/her sub, and O/y for the opposite.

Also, even though I am strongly opposed to drugs in real life, in fantasy land, controlling a sub with drugs is a real turn on. Could you incorperate a drug code?


03-31-2008, 03:55 PM
Has potential, interesting,, will look into.
Anyone have any other suggestions???

Be Well

04-02-2008, 12:20 PM
How is it about "Other Fetishes"? An additional category for fetishes not involving the classic themes latex, feet/shoes, hair etc.
Some are into mashed fruits (NOT ME!) or uniforms (maybe me... :) ).

04-07-2008, 09:03 PM
Hello Allll Story posters and readers;

Have just done (4/7) 30+ story "updates" for story section,, however this go around no "New" stories YET !!! Had a bit of techinical difficulities with the New stories,, I will have approx. 25 New stories processed in a day or so. A few authors will be getting a private e-mail IF I need you to re-submit your story,,

PLEASE do not re-submit unless you receive an E-mail from me.
THANKS to all our fine AUTHORS and readers of same!!

Be Well

04-10-2008, 01:37 AM
When the latest part to my story "Legacy of Priam" was added the one review that I'd had up to that point disappeared.

(a) Is this a recognised problem that happens sometimes?

(b) Any way to get it back???

05-01-2008, 10:47 AM
What happens to a story, maybe an WordPad file, after its content is turned into HTML format. Is it overwritten, or will it be deleted?

Namely, is there any non-HTML backup left on the server or on the editors PC?

05-01-2008, 04:30 PM


05-01-2008, 08:22 PM
I'm not complaining in any sense...just have a question. About how long does it typically take for story updates to be posted? A few days? A week? Is there any set schedule, or does it depend on some variable(s)?

Thanks in advance,


05-01-2008, 08:31 PM
It depends on alot of things.


05-02-2008, 12:07 PM
Hmmm...can you go just a little bit into details?

05-02-2008, 02:38 PM
A bit,,well lets see. Stories are "Processed" mainly into rtf files then into html files via a text convertor program then assigned numbers and posted onto story site. at times there are still copies of the 'original' still around for a bit, then deleted.

To answer probaly the next question from story submission to the main server (day 1) to main server email to editor mailbox to being 'processed' to back to main server to main story page (est day 5-7) actual depends on many variables, but "norm' anywhere from 3-9 days or so.

be well


05-03-2008, 05:32 AM
Thank you, T!

05-04-2008, 08:22 AM
I went to click on a story I posted to see if any of the updates that I sent in had been posted, and I got to a page that reads "The Story does not exist". What does this mean? Does this happen when additional chapters are being added to a story or is there some type of problem?

Let me know and thanks,


05-04-2008, 09:17 AM
which story?

05-04-2008, 02:38 PM
which story?

It's titled, "Cherin's surprise with Mom and Aunt Sara". It appears to be working fine now...not sure what happened there. There are two updates to the story that I sent a while ago; not sure if you received them or not. I can re-send if necessary.



05-04-2008, 04:45 PM
OK, Folks another quick FYI Story posting will be suspended for approx. 1 week.

Yes I know groans,,,groans,, Real Life happens.

Please be patient will get em caught up approx week of 5/12 or so

Thanks for your patience

Be Well


05-04-2008, 06:48 PM
I submitted part 3 again.....after that gets posted, I'll add another chapter...


05-04-2008, 07:37 PM

05-04-2008, 09:09 PM
No problem, Torq. Thanks for letting us know. We really do appreciate the job you do getting all the new stories and updates coded and posted.

05-07-2008, 06:15 PM
OK, Folks another quick FYI Story posting will be suspended for approx. 1 week.

Yes I know groans,,,groans,, Real Life happens.

Please be patient will get em caught up approx week of 5/12 or so

Thanks for your patience

Be Well


Thanks, Torq, for all you do for us. You are truly a (all to often unsung) hero! :cheerlead

05-11-2008, 04:03 PM
Will be processing again approx 5/14-15,, Thanks all


05-14-2008, 01:15 AM

Can anyone tell me why there has been no new stories or update since 4/29/08? Just wondering.

05-14-2008, 07:50 AM
Torq posted about this matter.


05-31-2008, 06:13 PM
It's happenning the same with this one: http://www.bdsmlibrary.com/stories/story.php?storyid=6142 and earlier I found another one, but it seems to be working ok now.

05-31-2008, 08:04 PM
There are times Authors ask to have story "pulled" or "suspended" for time frames or for reasons.


lex ludite
06-03-2008, 07:51 AM
I've had this occur many times in the past months, but it seems to correct itself, usually within less than an hour. I just assume its some random bug in the software and go my merry way.

06-03-2008, 09:09 AM

I know that this is a free site and all and up to now I've held my tongue because of that, but I can do so no longer. The formatting of stories just sucks. :mad:

For my latest story I've supplied all chapters in precisely the same format - RTF, but when the story is viewed as a whole the chapters are formatted differently.

The first chapter looked fined, the second to seventh chapter were formatted as centred italics and now the eighth chapter is centred italic and underlined. None of this formatting was what I intended.

It seems that each chapter is converted independently with a style name assigned for each different font format in the file in the order that that font format appears. However, the converter uses the SAME names each time it is run.

So the problem occurs when the chapters are formatted together in the 'view whole story' page.

So in chapter one, the first line of my story is a the title which is a bold header: this gets allocated rvts6. The second is the author, centred and in italics: this gets allocated rvts7. Next is the chapter header: rvts9. Then comes the main body of the story: rvts8

In the second chapter, the first line is again a heading - the chapter number. It gets allocated rvts6, so doesn't look too bad in the same font as the story title. Next is the body of the story which gets allocated rvts7 - hence the text is all centred and italic.

Either the style names need to be unique for each chapter, based on the actual style (eg arial8ptitalic) or a different approach for converting is needed.

I'm happy to provide my content in valid formatted HTML, but when I used to do that it also screwed up and I was recommended to use RTF instead.

I'm just really frustrated by all this and I've been getting complaints from readers who tell me that they love the story, but question 'my choice' of formatting.

Just what approach should I use to get consistent formatting across chapters? I don't care about fancy fonts or styles, I just want to have headings, plain text, italic and bold.

I won't mention the backslash and apostrophe problem in story names and summaries (but I cringe every time I see it and wonder how it takes to fix such a problem - two and half years so far and counting).


06-03-2008, 04:14 PM
Just a suggestion, but instead of complaining, why not send a PM or email to Torq, with your story info & the problem, and see if maybe he can work with you on it. He is one guy, processing 100s of stories a week, so yeah, there's a good chance things slide through.

The story processing program that converts from RTF to the style needed to upload it to the stories site is, indeed, archaic. But the entire stories process is a tad archaic. And no, it's not changing anytime soon, for a variety of reasons, all of which I am sure Torq can explain. However, there are ways to help the issue along, like ensuring your story is in a True Font, that it has no formatting inside of it, etc.

As for the grammar... well... a.) there have been at least 2 people story processing in the past 2.5 yr, and the previous person (before Torq) had a lot of the "delia'/s" problem (the slash/apostrophe) that you mention. However, it would take HOURS & HOURS to fix this issue, because you would manually have to go into each & every story to fix every chapter seperately... so put on your blinders & grin and bear it :) :) :) Also, when processing 100s of stories, sometimes mistakes in the writing are made... they each have to be MANUALLY ENTERED. And last time I looked, Torq was a human, so hey, guess what, probably isn't going to be perfect.

As you mentioned, this is a free site. And while I usually stand on the sidelines & let Torq field all of these questions on his own, I have about had enough. The man works 16-18hr days, and spends his off time processing stories. That is no joke. Trust me, I live with him--he spends his time doing that, when instead, hey, we could be having fun together. Do I mind? No, because it's giving back to a community that has given us so much. But please, EVERYONE, have a little patience--he tries to do them as fast as possible & as well as possible, but he is, as I have mentioned, a human, not Superman (welllll at least not in terms of story processing *grins*). And just to answer the inevitable "why not get help?" question, the story processing, as I previously mentioned, is ridiculously archane (sp?) and requires 1 person to do it. Annoying? yes. Is there a better way? Probably. But hey, life ain't perfect. So... we all live with what we have & enjoy what we can.



06-03-2008, 08:50 PM
Oh, well this ain't Random House,,

Life goes on ! Keep counting!

Maybe its time for someone else to TRY to please everyone,,,,,,,,

I'm gettin tired of the CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In eight (8) months over 4000 stories "handled" (every story is 'handled' 2 or 3 times) with close to 2000 POSTED ! In rough math thats 400+ stories PER month handled, 200 posted per month. EACH story taking anywhere from 15-45 minute PER story to process. Average 20-25 minutes per = 150 +/- hrs a month

ANY VOLUNTEERS FOR THE JOB?!?!?!?! PAY $0.00 With Overtime!

That's not counting the "Revisions" or the "Changed a word" repost or the "It has a / mark" Re-do it"


Be Well


06-03-2008, 09:00 PM

You handle an amazing amount of work and need to be officially thanked for it. (The trouble is I don't see an officials hanging around here right now.)

Is there anything the people posting stories can do to help you out (and maybe introduce a little consistancy/control over the resulting post?)


06-04-2008, 03:04 AM
Does anyone out there know how to use this feature. Where do you go in the system to add a story to bookshelf?

06-04-2008, 04:17 AM
Hi Falcon

Before you can add a story to your bookshelf, you need to create your bookshelf

Under the 'Library' tab, select 'My BDSM Shelf' from the otions - you will see a new page with the option to 'Add New BDSM Shelf'

You will need to give your new shelf a title (description is optional but you DO need a title for the shelf)...and then click on 'Add New'

Now, when you open a story to read, you will see an option at the right hand side of the window giving the option to 'Add this story to my bookshelf' Click on that link, select your bookshelf and then click on 'Add story to shelf'

Hope this helps :)

06-04-2008, 11:36 AM

This wasn't meant as an attack on Torq. If it seemed that way then I apologise.

I thought that this was the Tech Problems and Answers forum; I see this as a tech problem not a personnel problem. I want this site to improve. I was trying to point out what the issue was (that the same style names gets reused and then clash when the whole story is viewed) and suggested a couple of ways that it might be fixed, and then I asked the question about how to avoid the problem in the first place.

What else was I supposed to do? I have asked these questions and made similar suggestions about this privately before (when uploading new chapters, by emailing webmaster and by emailing Torq) and received no answer so I assumed that the best thing to do was to post it here.

If the software used for the site is so hard to use why not ask Tiger for something better, or even ask the community to help find/write better software - at least to enable the load to be shared by more people. Alternatively maybe provide a guide for how to get the formatting to be consistent and how to provide stories so that it takes the minimum amount of time/intervention from Torq.


06-04-2008, 12:16 PM
<snip> Alternatively maybe provide a guide for how to get the formatting to be consistent and how to provide stories so that it takes the minimum amount of time/intervention from Torq.

I think this a good suggestion. Maybe a FAQ or more detailed submission guidelines would help. I would be more than willing to do my part to make Torq's job easier by following formatting rules.

I'm sure I speak for the other authors and the readers when I say that we are enormously grateful for the time and effort that it takes to upload and update stories on the site. I had no idea the scope of the issue and my admiration for Torq taking on the job and doing it so well has just increased.

Thanks, Torq.

06-04-2008, 12:20 PM
Hi the following story is not working:


06-04-2008, 08:39 PM
Ty, E.


Dominica Potestas
06-05-2008, 11:05 AM
I seem to have had this problem with about half a dozen stories on the latest update. Is this just me or is it a bigger problem?

06-05-2008, 07:00 PM
Forever, the story you site does not exist,,was never posted, file was corputed, author e-mailed awaiting reply

dp, I went thru EVERY story posted AGAIN ALL !!!! Working just fine


06-05-2008, 10:30 PM
Your help on how to use Bookshelf was much appreciated, and did resolve the problem. I have since added quite a few titles to my new shelf!

06-06-2008, 10:35 PM

06-07-2008, 05:41 PM
*hugs Torq*

Dominica Potestas
06-08-2008, 05:16 PM
Thanks a lot Torq. I wasn't sure whether it was a problem my end or something so I was just checking. Thanks for all your work.

07-22-2008, 10:07 AM
Please please please can we have Anal as a category.

09-06-2008, 03:08 PM
Hi good people. I joined from a story by a member here. Wonted to perhaps find other like kind stories. I'm exploring Dolcett/ Cannibal style fantasy stories. Am wondering how to use the filters to bring them up.

any help.


09-06-2008, 03:37 PM
Try the advanced search and enter the word 'cannibal' in the synopsis box. Looks like you'll get 14 stories.

Unfortunately, they don't have a contents search here. So if it isn't "featured" by the author within the synopsis, you're out of luck.

On the other hand... there are at least 14 such stories here. ;)

10-07-2008, 08:39 PM
I was just wondering if someone is on vacation or something. It's been a long time since the stories have been updated.

10-08-2008, 06:12 PM
Well, T has been fly fishing for about a week now... just sittin in a boat in the middle of no where... once he returns he's off to Europe, then off for a 35 day x-country RV trip. So, it could be a while before they're updated.

[Note the dripping sarcasm. T is working on them. As always. They will be updated ASAP. Please have patience. The man does have an 80hr/week job.]

10-08-2008, 07:22 PM
and I was thinking he had been kidnaped by a sadistic mistress and being forced to be her sex salve.... maybe I'm reading too many stories here

10-08-2008, 08:04 PM
....not too many... just the wrong type *GRINS*....

10-09-2008, 11:58 AM
LOL....What???....Vacation??....you mean you get to have....vacation????....lol

Hey T have a great time on your vacation....and find some time to relax......

yes i know.....your talking to the girl who rents a cabana at the pool....and sits there with a laptop....lol

.......and delia...aren't you going to get to with him??....:(:(:(:(:(

10-09-2008, 07:53 PM
Oh good god, thrall lol. There is no vacation. I was being facetious (sp?). He's been at work 18-20hrs a day the past 19days. Literally. So... stories can wait. Such is life.

10-10-2008, 12:19 PM

The man is worse then i am!!!!.....

So delia...im thinking that the post above might not be such a bad idea...ya do need to chain him down for a bit and make him relax..... lol i hope everything is alright though....

02-13-2009, 12:53 PM
I found that in the BDSM Library, some reviewers, when clicked on their names, show a blank page instead of their user info page. Howzat?

Thanks beforehand.


02-13-2009, 06:41 PM
Some members were here before the "profile" pages went into place and may have never bothered to update since


02-16-2009, 10:56 AM
Since I've been going over all the stories on the site, to recapture those I read and didn't review and in the meantime get aquainted with new material, I saw a lot of people complaining about badly formatted text, font size and even font colour.

First of all, folks should realize that the sometimes odd formatting isn't always the author's doing, but that the site itself often seems to have a little mind of its own.

Secondly, to get rid of eventual flaws, simply right-click the text, pick 'select all' from the pop-up menu and copy the text, to paste it in notepad.

That way, in 90% of the cases, the textfile will appear as intended by the author, with the right font-size, no colours and the right formatting.

Just wanted to add this, in order to make people aware that taking away points from a story because of an odd format, isn't justified in most cases and to point out an easy way of reading a text without problems.

Also, a lot of members seem to have difficulty in adding a review, including yours truly. To avoid being led to an error page, before filling out a reply in the review section, open-up the main forum, or even your own profile page. Since the errors involved seem to be of the variety of cookies not being able to be sent, when the forum- or your profile page are open, a cookie has been sent and accepted already and the adding of a reply in the review section will occur without a hassle... :cool:


02-04-2010, 03:31 PM
I am writing on a temporary account. In spring and fall 2009 I contributed stories under the user name "aesexual pseudonym."

It seems that most of the functionality has been restored since the server crash, so kudos to the person or persons who pulled a hundred all-nighters to make so much progress.

Just checked in on my stories for the first time in a while, and currently there are two versions of the same story up. Since the story is extremely long, it is bumping other authors on the "Long Stories" listing. The synopses/reviews/counts are all gone, probably due to the server crash (trivial problems compared to the doubling issue, which affects other contributors negatively). Finally, my account is gone (i.e., the "aesexual pseudonym" account).

I have read above in this thread that the good Torquemada is still working on database restoration for minor features, such as the synopses, which is all to the good, however long it takes. However, I have a couple propositions that could solve the above issues much quicker/easier.

In short, my "story" is the first novel of three. The second part of the "story" is almost finished (due for completion in late March 2010). I would very much like to come back here. If that is okay with everybody. If I were to come back, I would obviously post the second part of my story, bringing the total length of the content to 1.3 million words. (Yes, I would break it all into chapters!) So, two proposals.

Let me come back (Please???): Delete all my story content. (Story #1, Unlikely Antichrist, and the short story.) I realize this might take time. I will check every few days. If I find that it has all been deleted, I will re-register as "aesexual pseudonym" and resubmit it, so that it will be there once, correctly, and will not bump other authors.

Don't let me come back (sigh): PM this account to tell me to screw. If so, fine. But in this case, please have the courtesy to delete all my stories, so that readers are no longer confused as to my status and searching for me on every other story site in the Web.

Thanks either way. (But I really do hope you pick Option A!!!)

aesexual pseudonym

lex ludite
02-05-2010, 08:42 AM
I don't know why or how I got dragged into this situation, but here goes. Torq is the one you have to convince, and that probably can be done. No one walked away from the December massacre with a whole skin, no one! Life is hard sometimes. As you can guess the poor soul is still up to his ass in alligators, so it might take some time for your request to reach his eyes. That too is life. That's about all I can add to your dilemma. Like yourself, l'm just a writer with my own set of problems. Life is not fair, it can be a bitch at times.

Lex Ludite

02-05-2010, 11:50 AM
I don't know why or how I got dragged into this situation, but here goes. Torq is the one you have to convince, and that probably can be done. No one walked away from the December massacre with a whole skin, no one! Life is hard sometimes. As you can guess the poor soul is still up to his ass in alligators, so it might take some time for your request to reach his eyes. That too is life. That's about all I can add to your dilemma. Like yourself, l'm just a writer with my own set of problems. Life is not fair, it can be a bitch at times.
Lex Ludite

If you, sir, are just a writer, I am just a lurker. I am honored by your response, and I intend to frame it.

I am cognizant of this website's difficulties, as well as the long hard hours Torq has put in, and the blood, sweat, and so forth that Mistress Delia has expended on this forum as pro tem moderator, dealing with the likes of me.

That said, they do appear to be making slow and steady progress, and this is one of the best boards of its kind, occasional hardware disasters notwithstanding. I acknowledge that a response to my proposals, either way, will take time, but I had to convey them, because I do want to come back.

Thanks again. I love your work. Great chops.

aesexual pseudonym

02-06-2010, 08:24 AM
My email service blocks all emails from BDSM Library, it seems, so any emails that are sent to me using the "email this author" function instead of manually creating one using the email address shown in my stories is lost. Can my email address be removed "Send Author Email:" tag on the site?

02-06-2010, 09:54 AM
Why not use a "throw-away" email, like Yahoo, Google, Hotmail, etc., as your contact email for the Library. You can use that address only for the library, insuring that any emails you receive there will be from members, or the library staff, or the ubiquitous spam. And it's rather simple with those systems to set up the BDSM Library mail client as non-spam.

In fact, I would think twice about using any mail client which doesn't allow you to unblock a particular address (unless, of course, it's a work-related email server.)

02-06-2010, 05:18 PM
It isn't even an issue of "spam". Email from BDSM
Llibrary appears to be outright blocked with Hotmail, as in won't go to my inbox, and won't go to my spam folder. I've lost who knows how many emails over the last year because of this, and it really bothers me. And since I don't know which email services block it and which don't, I'd rather just have my address removed from the site entirely.

02-06-2010, 05:49 PM
gmail doesn't get blocked at all--- we are sure that's one that seems to get through. Also, I personally have had success with yahoo, though that might be the "gift of the Admin," I can't speak for general members.

You can't "just remove your email entirely" --your email is required for the site. If you wish to CHANGE your email, you can do so in the User CP--change it to another email acct-- just create one on your own & then viola, change it. That's the best advice, I can give you (assuming I am understanding the issue correctly).

Razor 7826
02-06-2010, 07:03 PM
gmail doesn't get blocked at all--- we are sure that's one that seems to get through. Also, I personally have had success with yahoo, though that might be the "gift of the Admin," I can't speak for general members.

You can't "just remove your email entirely" --your email is required for the site. If you wish to CHANGE your email, you can do so in the User CP--change it to another email acct-- just create one on your own & then viola, change it. That's the best advice, I can give you (assuming I am understanding the issue correctly).

Thank you, Delia. I registered an account with gmail, and can now receive email from the Library.

However, because Hotmail blocks all system emails, I can't get the email to confirm the change of email address, and attempting to do so put my old account in lock-down so I couldn't even look for people's email addresses to try to resolve the issue. So, this is an outright new forum account.

Now what do I need to do change all of my stories to this new email address? (razor7826@gmail.com)

02-06-2010, 07:36 PM
Author emails aren't like the others... they have to get changed through a different database, so it's a much more convoluted, jacked up process. Not that it is any consolation to you in the meantime, but... just to let you know why it might take longer... it isn't simply just "click click click, done."

But to get on the list to be changed: You send a PM to Torq w/the issue. Be succinct. Give him your user name the stories are posted under. The old email. The new email you want it changed to.

And then be aware it is going to be added to the loooong list of others he needs to change... and he will do it when he can. But it will get done :)

All the best,


Anne Gray
02-10-2010, 08:34 AM
I've been trying to post my newest story since early December. I realise there have been problems but I've sent it two or three times and contacted the webmaster as well. I have had no reply and wonder if my e-mails are being blocked for some technical reason. Funny thing is that at the same time I first sent the story I also asked to have my profile updated and that happened within a couple of days. Can anyone offer any assistance?
Many thanks. Anne

02-10-2010, 10:06 AM
Your best chance of getting it fixed it to PM Torq directly. As I understand it, he's the one that does the updates for stories. Tiger, the owner, does it sometimes too, I think. So, if contacting Torq doesn't work, try Tiger. Give it a couple of weeks. As I understand it, a lot of effort is still going into recovering from the server crash so they're busy. They still haven't completely reposted all of the stories from that so bear with the admin but I think contacting Torq is your best bet for now. At least your problem will be in queue.

Anne Gray
02-10-2010, 10:20 AM
Thanks for your help. Do you happen to have a address for 'Torq'?

02-19-2010, 12:28 PM
One question: When trying to review a story, the instructions were to come to the forums to log in and then return to review it. So I did, and returned, and returned and returned.
Is the review program broken?

02-19-2010, 03:14 PM
Will look into it, but you may have caught when we were switching things over. Let me know if issue continues.
Anyone else having same/similiar issues??

Be Well

02-20-2010, 12:31 PM
Issue continues. I cannot review stories.

03-22-2010, 09:29 AM
Let me come back (Please???): Delete all my story content. (Story #1, Unlikely Antichrist, and the short story.) I realize this might take time. I will check every few days. If I find that it has all been deleted, I will re-register as "aesexual pseudonym" and resubmit it, so that it will be there once, correctly, and will not bump other authors.

Don't let me come back (sigh): PM this account to tell me to screw. If so, fine. But in this case, please have the courtesy to delete all my stories, so that readers are no longer confused as to my status and searching for me on every other story site in the Web.

I know everyone is very busy, so I am not nagging.

But my second novel is done. And I can't post it unless I know that doing so is okay with everyone, and the current double-postings (above) are cleaned up. In short, I would like to see everything under "aesexual pseudonym" deleted, so that I can repost the whole thing from scratch.

Or not.


lex ludite
03-22-2010, 02:04 PM
Torq has obviously been up to his ass in alligators for openers. Whatever he wants you to do will occur, but at his pace, not yours. I found that out the hard way once. Take my advice and wait another week before bugging him again.

Lex Ludite

03-26-2010, 08:49 AM
To all concerned (or merely passing through):

The previous message was conveyed with the utmost in humility. Not bugging!


P.S. I have just checked the story list and have observed that the duplication appears to have been cleaned up. That step effectively addresses my biggest concern, namely the unintended bumping of other authors from the long stories list. Thanks very much for doing that, whenever it happened. Cheers.:)

04-01-2010, 09:51 PM
Quick question, well hopefully quick.

I noticed that many of the stories from last posted update had a strange display of broken lines and spaces between each line as in this story - Sweet Little Kitten

Is this a site issue that you are aware of and working on? Also I noticed that the synopsis is fairly bare bones in some compared to others is that due to a bad submission?

I love this site and very appreciative of the work you all do to maintain it.

04-10-2010, 06:47 AM
I noticed that many of the stories from last posted update had a strange display of broken lines and spaces between each line as in this story - Sweet Little Kitten - I find this style incredibly hard to follow & tend to not enjoy those stories as much as the formatted ones.

Is this a site issue that you are aware of and working on? Also I noticed that the synopsis is fairly bare bones in some compared to others is that due to a bad submission? Can there be some thing in the guidelines that demands the style of submission of stories?

I love this site and very appreciative of the work you all do to maintain it.

04-10-2010, 04:32 PM
Stories are posted as they are submited. I can see nothing re: lines/breaks in stories



04-25-2010, 06:21 PM
per kind requests above.

I have one book posted here, a long one, called UNLIKELY ANTICHRIST, Book One, Nascent.

Book Two is ready. I would like to post it here.

But, my author account (aesexual pseudonym) got killed in the server outage, so the first book is "orphaned." I can't add to the account, or get emails. Also, I can't add the second story.

Could someone (Torq or Tiger) kill the one posted story - that is, wipe it out entirely, so I can re-register with the name "aesexual pseudonym" and start over?

If someone could do that, I'll re-register and post both books - the first one, and the new one.

aesexual pseudonym

04-25-2010, 09:50 PM
OK, For the umpteenth time TONS of Authors got their account e-mail addy erased from the crash.

I am in the process of re-building IT TAKES TIME!!!!!!!!

Once the e-mail addy are re-built all will be well



05-11-2010, 04:57 PM
Once I joined, I happily uploaded my PDF stories as such. I didn't know that the process here involved converting all of that into .txts and plain html's, thereby losing all the images and URL's.
Suggestion is: why allow people to upload a PDF?

05-11-2010, 05:10 PM
First, here is a link on how stories are processed that might interest you: http://www.bdsmlibrary.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5447

Second, we allow authors to upload in almost any format that works for them,, that way the uploading process is fair and equal for ALL,,, however,,, .rtf is the preferred format for upload as stories are converted into .html.

Third, urls and the like will be removed from stories if they are advertising other sites, etc,,,

06-28-2010, 03:57 AM
I have "Training Rose" and its sequel "A Particuarly easy Pony to please," `Pony Play humilliation etc and I log in go to submit story and it tells me I don't have permission and yet my initial log in says I do have permission to post, this post sort of proves it.


I know i'm shouting Its frustrating

06-28-2010, 04:16 AM
At present there are two ways the "old" system of story submission is still up and functioning.

The new system is located on the "Home" page, simply use the "Create" button and follow the steps below.

Thank you for your stories!


07-02-2010, 12:32 PM
Hi guys,

I'd like to update my story but I can't find the "update story" button.

- Under "Submit Story" it only says: Message: No Content Type Selected
- When you enter the forum via the Submit Story link there's the "Create Article" dropdown, but nothing else...

Thx in advance!

cu, kimber

07-02-2010, 02:36 PM
Both systems are up , still a few bugs in the new one. Work in progress Patience please.

The link is still there for the old system,,,http://www.bdsmlibrary.com/stories/story_submit.php

If your going in the Story section, don't use the one on the far left in the box, click onto the one under the "LibraryY header>>.submit story there



07-02-2010, 05:15 PM

There is no Create button on nthe home page only a Submit Story Button which leads nowhere.

Both new and old ways to submit lead to the same place, something is wrong here.


07-02-2010, 06:31 PM
Both systems are up , still a few bugs in the new one. Work in progress Patience please.

The link is still there for the old system.

Thx for he prompt reply. In the chat I was told, that might be the reason. Also, I learned you're right in the middle of implementing the whole new system. *thumbs.up* Guys, you're doing a great job!

Ok, then I'll submit it "the old way" and, elsewise, be patient ^^

thx again, cu, kmb22

07-02-2010, 06:58 PM
Angie, the link works: http://www.bdsmlibrary.com/stories/story_submit.php

just do it like I do it 'till the new system works how it should ^^

07-28-2010, 11:17 PM

I think there has been a glitch in the July 9th updates - not sure if it's your fault or mine but anyway, here are the problems with my stories ....

(1) No Accounting for Taste - Part 10 was put up on July 9 but the story was completed with part 9. Part 10 is not needed. Please delete.

(2) Such Sweet Sorrow - Part 5 put up on July 9 shoes up as chapters 9 & 10 of a different story (No Accounting for Taste) it should be Chapters 9 & 10 of Such Sweet Sorrow. If you don't have the file, I can re-submit.

Thanks (and apologies if this was a problem from my side).

Freddie Clegg

07-29-2010, 10:00 AM
Thanks Freddie will look into as soo as I can.

Be Well

lil ashley
11-13-2010, 05:00 AM
Have I missed something? Are the levels of writer's block there but it's inactive? Sorry to post here but this seems one of the only areas that seems to have activity. If the Writers levels are down and I missed it somehow.. ok.. would just like to know. Thanks to anyone for any input.:confused:

11-20-2010, 01:00 PM
Just now tried to post a new story, but after clicking 'send the story' get an error message:
You need at least provide the story title and upload the story file
Hit back button to go back!
But I did! All fields filled in. Tried twice using Opera, and again using Firefox. Same result.
Story name is "Dear Clitical". Story is 180KB, plain text, long lines.

Is there a problem with story submission atm, or am I missing something? Any suggestions?

11-20-2010, 01:20 PM
Just now tried to post a new story, but after clicking 'send the story' get an error message:
You need at least provide the story title and upload the story file
Hit back button to go back!
But I did! All fields filled in. Tried twice using Opera, and again using Firefox. Same result.
Story name is "Dear Clitical". Story is 180KB, plain text, long lines.

Is there a problem with story submission atm, or am I missing something? Any suggestions?

Seems to be a problem with member recognition. I can't add reviews, because it seems as though I'm not logged-in. I get the "Seems you are not login. Go to the forums to login!" error, but when I come here, I AM logged-in... nevertheless, on the story-side of the site, I'm logged-out...


11-20-2010, 04:27 PM
Interesting! I have found that several reviews of mine have been erased, at least one was an edit that showed up while I was online posting it...now it's gone. The edit was after the crash and things seemed to have been stable. An update to a story hasn't shown up either...but I'm attributing that to the backlog.

11-22-2010, 02:18 PM
Well i'm trying to be a good girl and comment and recommend the stories that i enjoy on the main stories page, but almost all the time now it tells me i am not logged in and to refresh the page etc. I can assure you i have logged out and in many times now and each time i still get the same message, so i guess i wont be adding any more stories to my bookshelf unless i can figure out what's wrong. Anyone else have a similar problem?

11-22-2010, 06:55 PM

11-23-2010, 01:37 AM
With the new server change we are still working on all the "bugs" in the system. Hopefully will have all fixed as soon as possible


Seems the "you're not logged-in" problem in the stories comment section is solved... Thanks for that ;)

11-23-2010, 06:53 AM
Log-in recognition in Forums seems to still be "iffy". Some of my replies get posted, some not. This one, for example required a re-log-in from the advanced page. Quick reply doesn't work. The new post update works immediately, however. We do appreciate the hard work and long hours required to fix everything.

"Patience, Patience." He said to himself.

lil ashley
11-25-2010, 04:27 AM
The Writers area is simply ""stalled"" at pressent. There have been NO Authors/Writers that wish to assist in this area as Co-ordinators, etc.

When and IF Writer/Authors stepup the section shall return.

Be Well

Thanks for the info. I appreciate it! :)

John Tagliaferro
11-28-2010, 12:05 PM
Not sure if this is the right spot. Saw someplace where "This month x readers" was supposed to show reads for the current calendar month. It does not match the data on the only story I've posted:

Added on: Nov 9, 2010
Total 2733 readers
This month 395 readers

Shouldn't both "readers" fields match in the first month of posting? Story is "Suki II: Sunshine Returns"

Thanks in advance,

12-05-2010, 08:11 AM
When I open up a story, in many cases I get symbols like little squares in stead of quotationmarks. I have not changed anything on my computer. It seems to have started after the latest crash? Any ideas as to why or how to solve this?

greetings, Karel

12-08-2010, 01:25 AM
I think there's something screwed up with the server setup and the character encodings. Or in the way they're converting the stories. I see the same things.

If you look at what encoding the browser thinks the page is (View->Character encodings in firefox and Page->encoding in IE8) it says UTF8. But is you manually change the encoding the browser is using to Western European (ISO-8859-1 in firefox) it fixes the issue and everything looks fine. So something is telling the browser to display it using the wrong character encoding.

12-08-2010, 01:43 AM
On the author profile page is says that webmaster@bdsmlibrary.com is the right address to get changes made to the author page. But I've pinged it a couple of times (both before the recent crash and now after) I've never heard anything back. Anyone else had this happen?

Are my emails being eaten somewhere? Or is there a different email address I should be using?

I just want to add my blog/homepage:

As my author homepage

I'm curious/concerned if I'm simple sending emails to robot address that's simply deleting them!

12-08-2010, 11:38 AM
I've written Torq about the problem. All my stories now have ?? instead of "" marks....Ever since the latest crash.....very distracting and disappointing...

12-10-2010, 02:12 AM
Torq gets things done! I got a review today on a story and when I went to read the review, I also opened the story - and the problem has been corrected. Not only on this story but on all my stories. Thank you Torq! I'm going to review the thread he mentioned to make sure that any of my future submissions follow the format closely.

12-15-2010, 04:05 AM
Thanks Torq. I appreciate you're busy and there's a lot to catch up on.

I normally wouldn't have bothered starting this thread, but I'd sent a similar email before the recent crash and received no response to that either. Hence my puzzlement.

You might want to consider updating this page: http://www.bdsmlibrary.com/contact.html
There's a line on there about the account being checked daily and responses being prompt. If that's not true then it'll just create more confusion and threads like this one.

If you're getting a lot of postings about backlog and stories then one idea might be to post a regular status update to a sticky thread in the tech corner. Spending 60 seconds every couple of days to let me people know what's going on may save you a bunch of time by avoiding creation of unnecessary emails and posts.

From an external point of view it's pretty weird when a story update gets processed but other parts of the submission don't. Did the other changes get missed? Is there a separate update path for them? Are my emails actually going anywhere useful? When should I resubmit? etc. etc.


12-19-2010, 11:26 AM
Not a technical problem in itself, but one that can most likely solved only here:

I am active in the Writer's Block for ca. two years, but due to its current situation (for which I have full understanding) I cannot be promoted to the fourth and final level.

So I am hereby requesting access to The Writers Block -- Level Four.

Why should it be permitted? I'm definitely not asking for some kind of free ticket.
To reach a new level, assignments in the form of writing texts have to be fulfil(l)ed. Their number is varying. I wrote the two given to me, the second I have re-posted in level three. Several narrations of mine are in the free Library, all of them highly rated. My latest work, as some kind of reference, can be found here, in the Forum: Story Reviews/Story Feed back:


To finally reach Level Four would mean much to me, for it represents having achieved an aim I have set to myself when I joined this site.

Thank you.

12-21-2010, 01:24 PM
Thank you, Torq.

12-29-2010, 07:25 PM
I'm (slowly) rewriting a story I posted, as I am not satisfied with how it came out originally. Would it be possible to take the old one down if I sent in the new one? Would I have to submit the new version all at once, or could I still do it in installments?


12-31-2010, 07:32 PM
Thanks, but it's been changed such that the new chapters don't follow the old ones; it would be confusing, I think, to have both up at the same time because the plot of the new version goes in different directions.

Mistress Hades
03-17-2011, 11:44 AM
Hi everybody
I know that this may all sound a bit much, joining a forum just to get in touch with someone, but geez. I have been trying to get a response from the webmaster (Torq?) for over four months and each time I have been brutally ignored. I even set up a new email account in the attempt but nothing has worked. I only wanted to ask a tiny favour about my page on the Library.
Does this so-called 'webmaster' actually exist?
I didn't know what else to do. If by doing this, I have caused offence - suing me is always an option!

H x

03-17-2011, 08:49 PM
Have you tried sending him a PM on the forum? He was only online 4hours ago so clearly he does exist :)


Mistress Hades
03-24-2011, 04:44 AM
Hi. I'm new to this. What do the letters 'PM' mean - other than afternoon?

03-24-2011, 06:01 AM
'PM' stands for 'Private Message'. At the top of the page, beneath the Library logo, you'll see an orange, or gold (on my system, anyway), list of links: 'New Posts', 'Private Messages', 'FAQ', etc. You can send a private message to other Library Members, instead of sending an email. Review the FAQ, though, to learn proper PM etiquette.

03-24-2011, 08:53 AM
I think Torq even advise the private email as the best means to get a hold of him. I can't say he responds to everything, but I do know he responds. He was recently in contact with Me. it's my humble opinion that certain problems will generate a personal response. Certain other problems are dealt with behind the scenes. This opinion is based solely on my own interactions with Torq. Nothing else.

05-03-2011, 01:33 AM
There seems to be a problem with all the site counts now, unless everyone's forsworn reading recently and I missed the memo. Not a single story on site has more than 3 readers listed for the month, and the total counts for new stories are similarly low. The page for T.S. Fesseln's "Hunt", for example, claims it's only had 14 total readers since it went up on the 20th.

The low counts look like they started with the March 18, 2011 update.

05-06-2011, 04:04 PM
I really don't know where else to put this, but I've been trying, for a few months now, to get my author profile information changed when someone clicks my name on a story. I just need to get my website added. It's ............... I've tried emailing webmaster@bdsmlibrary.com twice, and sending a message to the administrator on the forums via the contact link at the bottom, and not gotten a response. If there is someone else I need to contact, please let me know.

05-07-2011, 01:49 PM
Did not receive any pm's?? Your 1 story current address is quite ok. The "link" you wanted will nOT be used, it's a direct link to an outside site.

Be Well

So let me get this straight. I provide original content to you, written by me, free of charge, and you won't even link back to my personal website under "Author's Homepage" in my profile? What is that field for, then, if not link to the Author's Homepage?

05-07-2011, 01:59 PM
Also, I looked at a few of the other author profiles, and they link to outside sites. Maybe miscommunicating here? All I'm looking for is a link to my own personal site from my author profile...which I used to have.

06-09-2011, 03:19 PM
Any update on the story count? It still registers as 1 reader per day.
Also, when i click on my name it doesnt open the page that would list all the reviews i have written. Around half the people do get the hyperlinks and half doesnt. Any thng i could do to get this fixed? I simply like to check who i reviewed.


08-07-2011, 06:26 PM
Hello! I have read over each forum category, but I'm still not totally sure where it would be appropriate to ask this.

I read this BDSM short story a while ago, only I can't remember the title or the author. However, I vividly remember the plot (it was a relatively short one-shot), and I recall coming across it several times, so I feel somewhat confident that someone may recognize this story if I describe it to them. Where could I ask people this?

Incidentally, the story plotline is:

This story is told from the point of view of the rapist (I can't remember if it was in third or first person). Basically, he raped several of the women in the neighborhood, who joined together and asked a Master and his slave to help them obtain revenge - though we don't discover this until the end. The rapist first watches his new neighbors (the Master and his slave) very intensely. He thinks the Master is a "pussy" because he is kind and successful. Throughout the story, we come to see the rapist as being very bitter and hateful towards women, and it's implied that he's very envious of the Master.

He closely watches the Master walk the slave on a leash, whip her, etc. He becomes obsessed with spying on the slave - he watches her eat at her Master's feet, go jogging, and so on. One night, the Master deliberately leaves his house after he ties up his slave on the sofa. The rapist can't resist this opportunity, so he sneaks into the house and rapes the slave. The set up is then revealed, and the women take their revenge by rapin him.

08-08-2011, 08:17 AM
Something like that you can usually ask either in general bdsm or perhaps the pencil sharpening threads.

Can't help you with your story question though.

08-08-2011, 10:07 AM
Ozme52 - thank you! I'll try there :)

10-09-2011, 08:03 AM
Torq, I submitted a story back near the end of August that has yet to appear on site. If it's just working its way through the queue, that's fine, but I want to make sure that it didn't get lost in the shuffle somewhere.

Mermaid Master
10-10-2011, 12:33 PM
I just had two tech questions and I am not sure if this is the right place to ask. I have one story here which has gotten a lot of readers and very high ratings. I am now doing stories that are illustrated. They are too large to submit in Word format but are of reasonable size in PDF format. My questions are first, do you accept illustrated stories and second, if so, can I submit them in PDF format?

10-11-2011, 04:37 PM

I submitted stories to this site and have contacted webmaster@bdsmlibrary.com many times over the past months to ask if they would remove or anonymize my email. I do not want nastygrams/feedback and I did not know they would display my real email.

How can I get them to change the email to author@needfeedback.com or something or just delete the page? They won't reply to my emails. It's been over a year now I think.

Does anyone have access to the admins who run bdsmlibrary?

I ended up taking off all my stories because I'd rather use a psuedonym and posting them on another site because of this one minor detail.

10-11-2011, 08:08 PM
Hmm... odd I am sure there is a way, I never submitted a story to BDSM tho.. But then again I have several emails for that reason alone

10-18-2011, 11:10 PM
It appears that some special character sets are not being recognized on the site, all the stories have these squares where a special character should be, at first I thought it was only new stories but went back & it appears to be on all stories.

This is displaying this way on multiple browsers.

10-19-2011, 06:20 AM
I am having this problem with the stories now too. I thought it was just my computer, which can be uncooperative, but I guess not.

10-20-2011, 05:01 AM
I am having this problem with the stories now too. I thought it was just my computer, which can be uncooperative, but I guess not.
I believe that the issue lies with either the server needing a character set update it was a issue I had previously on a similar site.

Webmaster can you pipe in on this issue, I love the site but some stories are unreadable

10-20-2011, 06:34 PM
At least now I know it isn't just me experiencing the same thing.

10-21-2011, 02:33 AM
I've tried to test this & it displays on multiple browsers & multiple systems, I think that this is something that the server admin will need to fix & hoping they do soon or recommend someway to view the stories without the odd characters displaying.

10-23-2011, 11:38 AM
Bumping this post up a bit, not sure why but this story - Sandra Ottershaw Ponygirl 314 - http://www.bdsmlibrary.com/stories/story.php?storyid=9403 - Does nto show the characters while this story - A Latex Girl Thing - http://www.bdsmlibrary.com/stories/story.php?storyid=9402 - May be a editor issue but unlikely & hoping the site admin can help!

10-23-2011, 12:22 PM
I have the same problem. I use Windows 7 and Firefox. Most stories open with strange symbols in place of single and double quotation marks. I can fix it by clicking on the View menu, then Character Encoding. Most stories have preselected Unicode (UTF-8). If I click on one of the other choices such as Western (ISO-8859-1) the symbols are instantly replaced with the correct symbols. However, the change does not stick. When I go to the next chapter I have to do those steps again. I know this fix works, but I don't know what it means, if you know what I mean. Still researching. Hope this helps a little.

10-23-2011, 10:25 PM
I'm having the same problem and it's on some great stories but really hard to read with weird question marks instead of quotation marks.

It's been this way for awhile now, hopefully it will get fixed soon.

10-25-2011, 07:18 PM
I'm having the same problem with my stories. Torq - brother, can we get this fixed... and soon? Thanks! Brewt has been having the same problem too. So, it's not just with a few authors or stories...

10-27-2011, 12:48 AM
same problem. Not all the text has these unrecognised characters, but some parts do.

Mermaid Master
10-30-2011, 08:03 AM
I don't think sending it in RTF format will work well because it is too long. However, if you prefer, I can send it in parts. Would that work better? Thank you for your prompt response which I did not see.

11-02-2011, 12:14 AM
It's not affecting a few of my recently posted stories, it's affecting all 27 of my stories. This is a recent development and appears to be due the site's new server. My stories, submitted since 2008, were "OK", but at some point recently this problem appeared. BTW, they were all submitted as Word docs.

Will you be correcting the problem as a consequence of fixing the server's "bugs"? If so, thank you. But, if the problem is not going to be corrected and/or you're asking me to re-submit all my stories, then please remove all my stories from the site, with the exception of the one I co-authored with JoeTex, "Bosnian Rape Farm". Thank you.


11-24-2011, 04:03 PM
I noticed one of my stories displayed ok and two had the "weird question marks". On re-checking my original submissions it appeared that the one using word with Smart Quotes enabled produced the weird symbols while one using Open Office with plain quotes displayed ok!

So I may be wrong but it seems that if .doc files are submitted with plain quotes the irritating little ? s can be prevented.

12-14-2011, 06:48 AM
Hi, I've found a way to make special characters display correctly.

For Firefox (Assuming you're using the latest version):
1. Click the 'Firefox' menu button on the top left corner.
2. Select 'Web Developer'
3. Select 'Character Encoding'
4. Select 'Western (ISO-9959-1)'
The page should reload and the correct characters display.

For Chrome:
1. Click the little wrench icon on the top right corner (not the close button, but just below it)
2. Select 'Tools'
3. Select 'Encoding'
4. Select 'Western (ISO-9959-1)'
The page should reload and the correct characters display.

For IE (Assuming you're using the latest version, you're not still using IE6... right?)
1. Click 'Page'
2. Select 'Encoding'
3. Select 'Western European (Windows)'
The page should reload and the correct characters display.

The annoying thing is that you have to do this every time, unless you use an extension or addon to override the site's default encoding, which for some reason is set to Unicode. It doesn't matter what format you submit your stories in, because it'll always break those 'special characters' once your browser uses Unicode encoding, whether it is RTF, HTML, PDF or whatever.

I don't know if the site administrators can fix this but at least I hope this helps some people.

EDIT: I noticed somebody already mentioned the same thing about two months ago. Anyway I still hope it helps.

12-15-2011, 12:13 PM
If you search the web on this subject there are a numerous complaints about this issue relating to numerous different websites. It appears that the default "encoding" may have been changed.

For older web pages viewed under Microsoft the suggested quick fix is to Right-Click; select "Encoding"; then select "Western European (Windows)". Sorry but I don't know the equivalent Unix/Linux/Mac or anying :(

Apparently if the webpage <META ....> contains the proper "encoding" (e.g. UTF-8) this eliminates the problem.

Hoping this helps at least some

12-19-2011, 12:22 AM
Dear Delia:
Thank you for your response. A number of my stories were submitted in .rtf format originally and there was no problem with any of my stories until very recently. I can only assume that something changed on the site in the intervening time.

12-19-2011, 01:18 AM
Please Ma'am, this isn't the fault of this website. Here is a typical post from elsewhere which highlights what the problem actually is:


Source: HTTP/1.0 (RFC1945)
The HTTP content type may be extended to give the character set. As an HTTP/1.0 header, this unfortunately breaks older browsers. As a META tag, it causes Netscape Navigator to load the appropriate charset before displaying the page. E.g.

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-2022-JP">

It is now recommended to always use this tag, even with the previously-default charset ISO-8859-1. Failure to do so may cause display problems where, for instance, the document uses UTF-8 punctuation characters but is displayed in ISO or ASCII charsets


Which implies that if the "previously-default charset" is being used, older systems will probably display that webpage correctly whereas newer systems which use the new default (which I think may be UTF-8) will display incorrectly.

Even if you post your stories elsewhere they will may the same problem until the proper <META ...> tag is added to the webpage displaying the story.

Please please don't blame the volunteers here for something that isn't their fault!

All the best

12-19-2011, 02:04 AM
Not looking to assign blame; just looking to rectify problem. It's not clear from your post what I could do to correct problem. Please advise. Thanks for taking the time to post!

12-19-2011, 02:30 AM
Hi great writer

I'm pretty sure that there is nothing you can do yourself, as the problem is within the "hidden" part of the webpage which is wrapped around your stories (in fact each part of each story).

This means that there is a mammoth task of adding the correct "hidden" instructions to each and every page containing a story (technically only those containing any special characters, but I doubt there's an easy way of identifying those). That's nearly 10,000 stories total having up to 100 pages/sections/chapters each (e.g. Karen and Michelle).

So its a question of waiting for Torq to magic up a genius solution, for example. I can imagine numerous possible problems such as interfering with the date/times of each story post when changing the pages; so would expect it to take some time simply to test precisely what needs doing.

The only thing I can think of is humbly begging for patience from any people frustrated by the mess that this change has caused. Its pro'lly down to those in the w3 consortium, so let's send all of them nasty messages to vent our feelings!!!!

All the best

12-19-2011, 11:00 PM

Thank you for your explanation as to why this is occurring. If you're correct, and there's nothing I can do myself, it would nullify the site administrator's suggestion to re-submit stories in .rtf format as a solution. For that, I'm grateful.
Again, thanks & cheers!

12-20-2011, 03:14 AM
Its a pleasure to be able to help.

I can also give you an update on what's going on (by "peeking" at the "hidden" code on the webpages. I think Sir Torq has been busy trying to sort this out but is beating his head against a brick wall (and for a Master that's not funny).

If you list all the stories by size, the largest on the list is Karen and Michelle... - and there is a "?" character after Michelle. At the top in the hidden code is:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"></meta>

Now this is more-or less what was recommended in that article. BUT the question mark is still there on the webpage - and if you look at the "Encoding" per my browser (Internet Explorer 9) it still shows Unicode (UTF-8)??

If I create a simple webpage using the same "hidden" code at the beginning:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

This displays correctly as Encoding Western European (ISO) [which is close enough to the Windows encoding to make little difference]. So WTF is happening - it's okay in this test page but not in "real"?

A bdsmlibrary webpage typically has hundreds of lines of code - poor Sir Torq will pro'lly have to go through each type in order to isolate where the "Encoding" is being changed to UTF-8 - and it's uncertain whether the problem isn't created outside the page even.

So I am crossing everything and hoping the Sir Torq is successful, wishing him as much luck as I can give in order that he sorts it out.

Hope this helps, or at least explains what is going on

12-21-2011, 09:02 AM
It's me again

At the expense of appearing an interfering busy-body (well, I am but please don't tell anyone); and because the site admins are obviously up to their eyeballs in work (just look at how long since the last stories were processed) I hope you don't mind that I investigated this a bit more.

Trolling for info on how this problem may occur, I find a typical description such as:
Firefox say it regards the character encoding as being ISO-8859-1 1). That’s actually coming from an HTTP header - if you click on the “Headers” tab you see;
Content-Type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1

Meanwhile amongst the HTML meta tags (scroll down past the whitespace) though you find;
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
Now that’s not a train smash (yet) but it should raise the flag that something isn’t quite right. The meta tag will be ignored by browsers so content will be regarded as being encoded as ISO-8859-1, thanks to the HTTP header.

Now this looks to be similar to the problem here - just that the "encoding switch" is upside-down (we view as utf-8 what its s'posed to be the other).

So it looks as if the fault lies not (necessarily) within the web pages themselves but the HTTP header - this is "invisible" even to standard sleuthing tools - it is provided when your PC first talks to the website, for example.

If the website is running an Apache server the http header encoding can be specified in a .htaccess file. Or if using PHP apparently there is a setting in the PHP ini which can override it. There's pro'lly loads more places - this is just a sample.

Once again I hope this isn't "treading on toes" and interfering - I'm only trying to be helpful.

All the best

12-22-2011, 09:37 PM

Hopefully, the info you've unearthed will help the overworked site administrators figure out a clever solution to the problem. Thanks again.


12-27-2011, 09:04 AM
I've written some Foot Fetish/Femdom stories that I would like to post here. Trouble is ...

Trouble is ... I'm a thicko who doesn't know how to use a computer.

On the story submission page, the instruction is to upload a story by file; document ...? lol.

I was wondering if it is possible to submit stories by email, instead?

Or whether I am going to have to come out of my cave, and learn a thing or two?

12-27-2011, 10:25 AM
Thanks for the quick reply.

I'll email one of my stories ('Coffee, Tea, and Me') to you tomorrow.

Thanks again.

03-02-2012, 02:39 AM
I posted, sent in ather a story called BETRAYAL on the the 26th. im not sure i did it right. I was just wondering how long it usually takes to be posted?
it hasnt even been a week yet, im just anxious lol
thank you for your time

03-20-2012, 06:54 AM
I'm unable to load two stories by Angelgirl. The openings will load, but not the story content. They are: "Amanda's Letter from Daddy" and "Amanda's Secret Memories".

Is it my computer's problem or a bdsmlibrary problem?

I hope you will be able to help me get it fixed?

Thank you,

03-21-2012, 07:54 AM
I tried e-mailing Angelgirl at the addy given on site, but it was returned as undeliverable:
Mail server for "canada.com" unreachable for too long

Looks like, I'm SOL on that story...

TY Tora...

04-26-2012, 09:50 AM
In my opinion this needs thorough investigation which will probably take a solid day if not several days to find out what is causing it. Everything is "suspect" from the configuration of the Server (it's own language, for example); the webserver engine and the configuration of that; the legacy plus advertiser's html code which must by agreement be added to each page (to pay for the site); any file corruption caused during the transfer from the old server ; etc. etc. And I may not even have mentioned where the cause of this problem is.

In order to investigate this properly it may even be necessary to bring the whole site offline. Alternatives are to spend lots of money duplicating the server and its setup. I have a feeling that money is not available.

In my opinion it is up to the people that pay for the site - the advertisers - to be pressured. I do not think that Torq however much of a genius he is has the power to solve this without that kind of intervention.


08-11-2013, 10:07 AM
Are reviews working? When I click the "review this" link on a story the page is blank.

09-16-2013, 03:11 PM
Unable to access stories.

Getting 500 error

09-16-2013, 04:01 PM

its been this way for several days.....


09-22-2013, 03:41 PM
What happened to the site, that it was down to great parts for a year or more? Forums, reviews...?

02-24-2014, 12:54 AM
Cant seem to add to my shelf or view my shelf without going to stories I know I added and clicking my name. Been so many good ones that are likely lost to me now. Guess I shoyt have bookmarked but I use a shared computer. Hasnt been much talk on this board for months but wondering if im the only

03-08-2014, 02:29 AM
I have the same shelf problem. No idea how to fix it but it's not just you

05-10-2014, 11:56 AM
Is it just me but can anybody else get into theirs? Every time I try I get:Please Login First
Only users can create/edit their BDSMshelf

Seems you are not login.
Go to the forums to login!

then refresh/reload this page

Want to register? It's free!
Forgotten your password?

And I am logged in.

06-06-2014, 11:06 AM
thank god. i would like to know why no one from tech support has answered my question.

06-09-2014, 09:46 AM
Thank u for getting back with me on that. Now I know that its being worked on. Yall are doing a great job and still love the fact its free. I would love to update my story asap too.

06-09-2014, 04:24 PM
Using Chrome. First, lately I've been getting warnings on chrome that there is malware on the site.

Second, when updating a story I get the error"You need at least provide the story title and upload the story file" when the story title has been added and story uploaded.

Third - I log into BDSM.Library forums, then try to rate a story and it says I'm not logged in.

06-10-2014, 07:11 AM
Would love to see BDSM library include graphical novels/stories. DevientArt allows it but their moderators are quick to delete what they find offensive. Really no place online that offers a place to host erotic graphical stories.

06-10-2014, 07:22 AM
When picking updating existing story and filling out the required fields, I get the error message:

"You need at least provide the story title and upload the story file, Hit back button to go back!"


06-14-2014, 06:08 AM
Cannot update story
When picking updating existing story and filling out the required fields, I get the error message:

"You need at least provide the story title and upload the story file, Hit back button to go back!"


07-07-2014, 10:12 AM
Is there any resolution to being able to the rating stories feature?

I've now been able to update my story. Well, I haven't been getting the error msg now but I haven't seen it updated yet.

07-24-2014, 06:33 AM
Is there going to be any update to the story site? It's been over a month. I'm usually not so impatient but I've submitted story updates in the past, wait a month and then the update comes and my story is not there. Seems like we've been going an awful long time for story updates.

08-08-2014, 01:20 PM
I love the "interface" of bdsmlibrary.com regarding story organization/searching.

Is there anyone who has come up with a system to sort/organize/update their own private collection of stories?

(I am ***NOT*** discussing mirroring a website....... I am discussing organizing your own files of stories in a manner similar to the bdsmlibrary website. For your own private viewing and enjoyment)

If anyone has any suggestions/ideas please let me know!


09-24-2014, 08:44 AM
For the life of me, I cannot remember the name of this story. Hoping someone can help.

Basic theme. Woman has never cheated before. She becomes dominated by a co-worker in her office. The co-worker comes to her office almost every day to have her, even having her call her husband on the phone while he is taking her. The co-worker is eventually laid off, and the dominated wife gets her husband to give him a job at the husband's company. The co-worker eventually begins taking the wife to his house where he films and shares her with others.

10-28-2014, 04:19 PM
Yeah, I'm really hoping the site will come back to life again as well :)

10-29-2014, 08:53 AM
Good morning,
Sadly I've noticed that BDSM author Dale10 has stopped writing/posting and I'm wondering if anyone has an archive of his stories not posted here in the library?
There were stories like Prom Date chapters 1-5 that posted but then disappeared. I'd appreciate any stories you may have. If you message me I'll gladly give you my email address.
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
Have a great day!

11-05-2014, 06:12 PM
Well, all we can do is address the issue and hope someone cares enough to respond. Since this is the best place for BDSM stories on the web, I was surprised not to see more people talking about the lack of updates. Hopefully, whoever runs this lovely site is alive and well ...

11-17-2014, 03:03 PM
Hey, I know that this might be normal but I just want to make sure. I sent a short story about three weeks ago, or was it a month ago? I didnt get any kind of message that it was received, and with the last update it was not published either. Do I just have to wait some more, or might it be lost in the ether due to technical hiccups?

11-18-2014, 03:22 PM
Thank you for your reply, I'll be patient. Good to know it's not a technical problem!

11-28-2014, 02:27 AM
I seldom check back here for news. That is because it was a bustling, actively site once and now it's rundown. I have a few observations but I don't want to blame it on Torq.

Well, I consider this site more or less dying. Sorry to say that, but it has been going downhill for longer now.

There are only occassional story updates now (the last had a hiatus of two and a half months), where there used to be at least one update a week. The forums weren't working for over a year and haven't been back to normal since then (the activity is, measured against the former times, nearly zero). The site is the same, where story reviewing still isn't working properly (SQL-errors). Some authors wrote on their blogs, that their stories weren't published here, too.

I know, that a site like this is needing time to be maintained properly, so I don't want to blame Torq. But what has happening to bdsmlibrary is a damned shame, as it WAS by far the best site on the internet for bdsm stories and discussions.

I still hope, it will come back to it's former glory.

12-02-2014, 07:47 PM
I seldom check back here for news. That is because it was a bustling, actively site once and now it's rundown. I have a few observations but I don't want to blame it on Torq.

Well, I consider this site more or less dying. Sorry to say that, but it has been going downhill for longer now.

There are only occassional story updates now (the last had a hiatus of two and a half months), where there used to be at least one update a week. The forums weren't working for over a year and haven't been back to normal since then (the activity is, measured against the former times, nearly zero). The site is the same, where story reviewing still isn't working properly (SQL-errors). Some authors wrote on their blogs, that their stories weren't published here, too.

I know, that a site like this is needing time to be maintained properly, so I don't want to blame Torq. But what has happening to bdsmlibrary is a damned shame, as it WAS by far the best site on the internet for bdsm stories and discussions.

I still hope, it will come back to it's former glory.

I have to say I've been very disappointed as well. Definitely was the best story site out there. To be fair - they did get the reviews back up but still with a ton of SQL erros. The amount of money this site could make would be mind blowing if only it was given a little love.

12-03-2014, 02:38 PM
I think there are people out there with a chip on their shoulder...people with hacker abilities. Every time Torq and crew get the site up and running, someone disrupts it. It takes time for things to build back up. At one time, it was quite busy. I know things come and go in cycles, and I for one will keep checking to see how things are progressing. I still read the stories, and still poke through the forum.

04-12-2015, 08:48 AM

Most people know me. I'm Ross, formerly, MitchC. I made this new id when I couldn't get back on site, after the crash, and I'm waiting to hear from the mods whether I can reclaim my old screen name.

Now, I have another problem.

I used my AOL e-mail account, when I re-registered for the site a few weeks ago.

I'm currently locked out of my AOL e-mail, which isn't a problem for my every day life, because I rarely use that account for personal/business use, etc.

However, it is a problem, in regard to the forum, because, I couldn't receive a new password, or get forum email on that address.

I know it is possible to change one's email address contact for the forum, without changing their screen name, or making another ID.

I don't remember how to do that, since it's been a while.

I would appreciate advice /assistance, on how to do this.

Thank You.

04-15-2015, 07:52 AM
Sorry, man. As far as I know, the only way to change your email is to sign into the account first. Since you can't do that....

You might be able to have a moderator do it, but as near as I can tell, moderators around here are nonexistent. I haven't seen anything to indicate that anyone is monitoring the boards at all.

04-15-2015, 07:48 PM
Thanks for the insight, Thorne. I guess I'll just have to wait to see if a mod is around.

05-28-2015, 12:16 AM
I remember about my post from last fall. Again two (!) month since the last story update. The last added is from March 31st.

06-03-2015, 09:53 PM
I remember about my post from last fall. Again two (!) month since the last story update. The last added is from March 31st.

the forum was giving out a databse error for several days as well

slaveboy 6
06-04-2015, 02:57 PM
I got the same data base error, and I've noticed no new stories have been posted since April. I know the powers-that-be must be working hard to correct this.

06-13-2015, 10:46 AM
two months without new stories posted. Last update didn't even include my story update. In fact, my story hasn't been updated since March (and I have been submitting).

What's going on?

06-14-2015, 10:21 PM
Maybe postpone the stories for abit, I tend to think all the database errors popping up here are of a more pressing nature

07-07-2015, 01:40 AM
When I go to my shelf page, it says I need to go to forum to log in...but I am logged in...?

07-22-2015, 05:47 AM
Thanks for posting the stories.

I tried posting another but seems there is an error in the submit story - says "You need at least provide the story title and upload the story file
Hit back button to go back!" Even though those fields are filled out.

08-17-2015, 12:27 AM
Good to see the last 2-3 updates were more regular and in a relatively short time period. Thanks for that and please keep it up. ;)

Working very hard to correct. Stories are a main attraction to the Site


08-18-2015, 06:07 AM
is anyone else having problems submitting stories?

08-18-2015, 01:42 PM
is anyone else having problems submitting stories?

No, but I can not review stories. It says:

Only user can review stories

Seems you are not login.
Go to the forums to login!

then refresh/reload this page
Want to register? It's free!
Forgotten your password?

But I'm obviously logged in in the forums.

08-18-2015, 03:03 PM
When I attempt to post a review to a story on the stories site, I get the error message "Seems you are not login. Go to the forums to login!" I get this error message even after I have logged into the forums site in a separate tab, and even after I then refresh the stories page. I get this error message whether or not cookies are enabled.

There are a number of really good stories I've found recently for which I would like to leave reviews, so it would be great if someone would have a look at this.


08-20-2015, 10:14 AM
Exactly - same problem, same error message, and same frustration.


08-20-2015, 10:15 AM
Exactly - same problem, same error message, and same frustration.


08-23-2015, 04:43 PM
Same problem for me. I sent email to the web master, but never received a reply.

08-23-2015, 04:48 PM
I also am unable to review stories even though I am logged. Never got a reply to my complaint.

08-24-2015, 09:11 PM
…and add me to the party.

This happened a few years ago, and then it took several months to resolve.

08-24-2015, 09:12 PM
…and add me to the party.

This happened a few years ago, and then it took several months to resolve.

09-22-2015, 07:10 AM
Same here - first reported 2 months ago and no action.

10-09-2015, 01:38 AM
After my post from August, 18th and Torq's post from June, 6th: It seems I have cheered to soon... And stories are the only real attraction left to this site.

10-26-2015, 07:32 AM
looks like it is working now - as is the review feature. Thanks!

11-15-2015, 03:30 AM
Hi there, new to BDSM Library and not especially gifted from an I.T point of view, so apologies if I have done something noobish. When I go to the 'about me' tab on my profile, it seems to have a completely different persons information with a completely incorrect date of birth making me 67 years old......(ageing me by 35 years :() it also has an incorrect joining date, and last activity date. When I go to the 'edit profile tab, all the correct information is there, but it seems that this is not the information that is being displayed 'publically'

In addition I have been having terrible problems uploading an avatar. I have tried as that automatically down size pictures and imaging hosting sites, but so far I am still avatar-less.

Any hints or tips about this would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards river.

01-15-2016, 03:13 AM
There is a few ad links that do not work, hotlatexdreams is one of them.
There has been others as well,I'll write them as I find them.

01-15-2016, 09:03 AM
Reviews seem to be down. Clicking a link redirects me to


Where xxxxx is the storyID.

01-18-2016, 03:58 AM
Didn't work

04-05-2016, 03:44 PM
Perhaps someone here can point me in the right direction!

My most recent short story on bdsmlibrary.com ( BDSM Library - Story: Special Agent Princess (http://bdsmlibrary.com/stories/story.php?storyid=10801) ) has been put up with a duplicate author account from my usual one - it has been filed under BDSM Library - Stories by Nephthys (http://bdsmlibrary.com/stories/author.php?authorid=4280) while the rest of my stories are under BDSM Library - Stories by Nephthys (http://bdsmlibrary.com/stories/author.php?authorid=3866) The two profiles are identical! So it's not like I submitted the wrong profile info or anything.

I've emailed the webmaster link provided on the main site about this a few weeks ago, but haven't received any reply. How do I go about getting this fixed?

Torn Asunder
05-08-2016, 10:04 AM
I could not post reviews either. Namely when I logged in here first then used the search function to find a story and then clicked on the "review it" link. In that case clicking on these links always leads me to a one pixel image and the URL contains the word "avatar".

However I can post reviews if I click on the "review it" link while not logged in, then open the log-in link on the review page in a new tab, log-in, switch back to the review tab, and finally refresh the review tab.

There seems to be a bug in the code, just sayin'

07-10-2016, 04:24 PM
Seemes the problem is not solved till now because I do have the same problem, I can't post a review or add books to my bookshelf
And for me there is no difference from which side I start the login. <grmpf>