View Full Version : Gojack10 : Reviewer or Trasher?

04-09-2004, 01:09 AM
Has anyone else noticed that a person calling himself/herself Gojack10 wrote a couple of dozen very short reviews yesterday -- giving ridiculously low marks to some of the best writers and most popular stories on this site, including Jessica Verdi, Slave Ruthie, Viddler and many others?

If that makes you feel important or powerful, Gojack, how nice for you.

But what it really does is make you look spiteful and ignorant.


04-09-2004, 01:14 AM
And guess what? you just gave him attention. Ignore the fucker..he'll disappear as fast as he appeared.

04-09-2004, 04:42 AM
I'm reminded of what in New York they call the "Broken Window effect", (something like that.)

If you ignore vandals they think they can move in. I'll bet GoJack has smashed a few windows in his time. He's probably doing something destructive (to himself or others) right now.

04-09-2004, 01:02 PM
or he'll just get bored of doing it and then fuck off.

08-13-2004, 04:20 PM
Amazingly, I just responded to one of Gojack10's reviews just prior to my seeing this thread. While it is true that his (or her's) review is the lowest score I've yet to receive, I did not take it for a deliberate attempt to trash my work, but as an actual opinion of someone who didn't really like my story.
As an author who posts on this site, I have made the conscious descision to allow others the right to speak their mind about my stories, good or bad. I've been pleased so far with most opinions of what I write, but I'll take one bad review if it means I can read the numerous good ones I've received, not to mention the e-mails.
In other words, chin up and keep on writing. the opinion of one reviewer will not make or break any of us.

08-13-2004, 04:39 PM
While I do not agree with this gojack guy for giving artifitially low marks.

This system does have a tendiscy to giving reviews way to high for what it realy is.

I have posted some reviews and generaly give a 8-9 or 10,

I dont think I have given or seen a review of a 1 or 2 -5 for that matter.

I think reviews are a little biased to the positive.
But if a reviewer gives a mediocer review he may get flamed or worse the auther may stop writing and we never get to hear about the raise of lue chang.

08-13-2004, 05:23 PM
While I do not agree with this gojack guy for giving artifitially low marks.

I think reviews are a little biased to the positive.
But if a reviewer gives a mediocer review he may get flamed or worse the auther may stop writing and we never get to hear about the raise of lue chang.

Moby, it wasn't that he gave one of my stories that bad a review. He gave it a lukewarm review. But, as I sometimes do, I clicked on the reviewer's name and found that he/she had written a great number of reviews (including reviews of some long stories) in a very short space of time, and that the "marks" were almost uniformly low compared to the average score for that story. And the comments were so brief as to call into question whether the person had made a serious attempt to read the stories, as opposed to having a desire to put down a flock of authors -- including most of the top authors on this site. If you doubt me, go check his reviews, paging down so that you begin with his earliest efforts. (Remember that the date shown on the review is the date of the story, not the review); a great many of his reviews were written with a few days time.


Carmenica Diaz
09-06-2004, 08:20 PM
One has to expect this sort of behaviour. :cool:
I don't usually pay attention to reviews so I mostly don't have a clue what people write but I understand that it is annoying when people (usually those who don't or can't write) give reviews based purely on spite. :[
The emails one receives from readers is far more valuable as a source of feedback. :)

09-07-2004, 08:34 AM
I clicked on the reviewer's name and found that he/she had written a great number of reviews (including reviews of some long stories) in a very short space of time, and that the "marks" were almost uniformly low compared to the average score for that story. And the comments were so brief as to call into question whether the person had made a serious attempt to read the stories, as opposed to having a desire to put down a flock of authors -- including most of the top authors on this site.

I don't know...I've certainly gone on story binges and read a great many in the span of a few short bleary-eyed days. And I'm sure there are other story whores floating around this site somewhere. I hear it's like crack. *whistles innocently*

But at the same time, if a story either isn't very good or just not my thing then I simply move on. I usually only take the time to review those that I feel are notably well above average or that really affected me in some way. Some of that is just laziness on my part :D, but a lot is not sayin nuthin when I got nuthin nice to say. Possibly the bias toward good reviews is based on a lot of other people feeling the same way.

Now don't anyone get offended if you haven't gotten a review from me. I don't read a lot of stories these days and I filter them down pretty thoroughly when I do. I probably just haven't read any of yours...yeah, that's it! ;)