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View Full Version : P is for Pussy Health Precautions

03-07-2008, 05:26 PM
A great article taken from Tiny Nibbles.com, found on funsexxxtoys.blogspot.com:

* Avoid lubes with sugar, colorings and flavors in them. Glycerin/glycerol is a sugar -- read the lube's ingredients, because yes Virginia, Astroglide contains sugar. Sugar feeds yeast: think about it. Nine times out of ten when I worked in sex toy retail this was the cause of most women's irritation.

* And that means no whipped cream, chocolate or pussy sundaes, either. Sugar caution also applies to well-meaning lovers who go down on you with a cough drop or mint in her/his mouth.

* Don't get oil in there either -- oils are difficult to flush out of the vagina, though silicone lubes are fine (even though they feel a lot like oil). Mmmm, silicone lube (one brand recently tested and passed FDA regulations for safety). Try to use pussy friendly water-based lubes.

* Always pee after sex, even if it's sex with yourself. If you have frequent bladder infections, this might be your solution.

* Avoid harsh soaps with intense scent or a high pH, like Ivory and 'deodorant' soaps. Use glycerin soaps if you think the soap might be a factor.

* Don't douche. Just don't. Douching kills all the good flora and fauna that keeps your pussy healthy.

* Drink plenty of water. Ever drink lots of coffee and no water and have your pee sting? That's your urethra (G-spot area) getting irritated and pleading for water.

* Is your lover touching your pussy with clean hands? Don't ever be afraid to have them use a glove or ask them to wash their hands.

* Never go from back door to front (anus to vagina).

* What's your sex toy made of? When in doubt, try to use silicone sex toys (or metal, glass or Pyrex), or cover your toy with a condom. Keep condoms handy so you don't have to hassle with washing a toy when you don't want to get out of bed.

* If you've been using a jelly toy with no irritation but suddenly start experiencing irritation, time for a new toy (or start using it with a condom). Jelly toys are porous and can retain bacteria even after washing.

09-19-2008, 04:27 PM
I have found that im very sensitive down there. Even when following all precautions I can get irritation and itchiness not to mention yeast infections. Especially if I indulge in whip cream/syrup play!!

I have a wonderful thing I found that fixes all that!!! What I read is most vulnerability to the vagina comes from the ph level not being ACIDIC enough. Regular application of half vinegar and half water raises your PH in such a way that it kills bad things and encourages the good things. Since I started doing things NO more problems!!!

10-03-2008, 12:56 AM
is this like douching? how are you applying this mixture?