View Full Version : Waking of the Beast

05-10-2008, 10:19 PM
The call is sounded
Her liquid flows freely from my jagged blades
One paw, I step on her
And hear a satisfying crunch

The call comes again
More urgent
The hunter fears I will be the prey.
I look down at this tender morsel
A sinner surely,
I wouldn’t have been dragged from my slumber

I move to answer the whistle
My hackles shiver with bloodlust
I will devour that whistling creature
But for now he serves me well
I think, licking my blood-tainted shackles

I will enjoy this night
I think spying our next quarry
Two Sheep are wandering without their Sheppard
Godless children I am told
Upon whistled command I attack

Never has anyone experienced a creature as myself
The Beast of Gevendaun has risen
And hell itself has not such fury as mine
Know me by the screams
