View Full Version : Offensive word filter

05-07-2004, 01:53 AM
Dear Jinn

I have heard that some forums have a filter to reject any posts containing offensive words. If this feature exists on vBulletin could I suggest a word to add to that list?



Jones, Nikka
05-07-2004, 02:04 AM
Dear Jinn
I heard that some forums have a filter to reject any posts containing offensive words. If this feature exists on vBulletin could I suggest a word to add to that list.

In my humble opinion, given the fact that this forum has contributors from all around the world, some of whom are not native english speakers little annoyances such as misspelled words should be overlooked for the sake of participation.

Alex Bragi
05-07-2004, 03:51 AM
I realise this one is a pet aversion for a lot of people, but I agree completely with Nikka.

(Look at what I just typed, a lot of people reading it will say, “she misspelt realize!” ;) )

Alex :)

05-07-2004, 04:54 AM
i also agree with Nikka, it wouldn't be fair to impose such measures when not everyone is a native English speaker.

Having said that, i cannot help but feel at times that some people just don't even try to make their posts read well or even bother spell checking them. i don't mean posts wherein the odd word is wrong, i mean those where every other word is wrong.


05-07-2004, 05:32 AM
Lighten up everybody, it was a JOKE, and supposed to be ironic that our offensive word filter would contain such things instead of the usual offensive word list.

My point was that the word is often misspelt by contributors here when passing comment on other people's posts or stories.

Moderator, please close this thread.

05-07-2004, 05:42 AM
Lighten up everybody, it was a JOKE, and supposed to be ironic that our offensive word filter would contain such things instead of the usual offensive word list.

Oh, right! LOL, sorry about that Aurelius, i guess i've been having too many serious pills, and it would seem the word 'joke' is on my offensive list today! :D

i did think if it may be a joke actually, especially give your reason for editing it, which made me laugh. :D But with the recent strong feeling on such matters, i dreaded me saying "LOL - Ha! Ha! - Very good" and getting a "What? I am deadly serious" in response!


05-07-2004, 10:08 AM
If so, let me know and I will do so. :)

As for the joke. Good one! Grammer does seem to be a dirty word around here, doesn't it?

05-07-2004, 07:21 PM
Aurelius, if your Grammer bugs you, then stop going to visit her. No big deal.

And, please, no thanks are necessary.

05-07-2004, 08:00 PM
Aurelius, if your Grammer bugs you, then stop going to visit her. No big deal.

And, please, no thanks are necessary.

Pretty good Curtis! :D

05-08-2004, 02:58 AM
Aurelius, if your Grammer bugs you, then stop going to visit her. No big deal.

And, please, no thanks are necessary.

ROFL!! Ha! Ha! Nice one Curtis. :D

05-08-2004, 11:24 AM
As per request of the thread starter, this thread is now closed.