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View Full Version : "Girl Tamers."

06-06-2004, 06:57 PM
Does anyone know where I can get my hands on an article/story/novel entitled
"Girl Tamers." ???
Any help would be appreciated. I do believe that "boccaccio2000g" who has reviewed a short story titled 'The Wonderful Brassiere' might help but I'm unable to contact him.

Any help would be appreciated

06-08-2004, 06:43 PM
Does anyone know where I can get my hands on an article/story/novel entitled
"Girl Tamers." ???
Any help would be appreciated. I do believe that "boccaccio2000g" who has reviewed a short story titled 'The Wonderful Brassiere' might help but I'm unable to contact him.

Really? Did you try to send an e-mail (or IM) through BDSMLIB? Maybe that's why I never get any feedback on my stories! ;-) Strange.

In any event, yes, I did have a copy of "Girl Tamers" some years ago; it was apparently written by the Pamela who posted "The Wonderful Brassiere" which was, as I recall, the original version of an incident played out in "Girl Tamers".

GT was a wonderfully exciting book, about two 'gentlemen' who 'trained' recalcitrant wifes and girlfriends for men who were unhappy with their lovers for whatever reason. Very sexy, very nasty and very well written -- and done from the male P-O-V, for the most point, which, for me, added to the excitement. One of the two men was Chinese (or Chinese-American) and in Girl Tamers, it was his deliciously beautiful daughter of about sixteen who was forced to wear the punishment bra to a dinner party or banquet or something. There was another wonderful scene, early in the book, during which the Chinese man is shown teaching his daughter the feminine arts of submission. Each day, after he arrives home from 'work', he whips the beautiful young lady slowly while she tries to hold her arms extended above her head. If she lowers them in response to the cruel bite of the whip, even for an instant, the number of strokes is doubled; if she screams, (IIRC) it is doubled again. And each stroke is recounted with loving attention to detail. Great, great stuff, if you like your stories intense.

I've read many hundreds of erotic novels (and hundreds of shorter stories here) -- but only one or two have stayed in my mind like that one. It is not impossible that that young lady subconsciously inspired me to set some of my own stories in China.

But unfortunately I cannot help you to locate it.


06-08-2004, 07:25 PM
sounds kinda like the new movie "Stepford Wives"

06-08-2004, 07:28 PM
Thanks for the information boccaccio2000g. I have just joined the forum and I didn't know how to privately contact you. The novel sounds great would love to get a copy. The article The Wonderful Brassiere is extremely well written and highly erotic. It is one article I haven't throw out

06-11-2004, 09:37 AM
sounds kinda like the new movie "Stepford Wives"
New movie stepford wives. Gaaaaad how many times are they gong to remake tha movie.

I think there has been bout 6 retelling of that movie starting back in 74.
There was the stepford wives
return to stepford
the stepford husbands
the stepford kids
so now they are going to start again from the begining.

I think the screen wrighters have run out of ideas.

Maybe they need to pull the bong out of the closet and expand there minds. Maybe they will find some thing original for a change.

08-04-2004, 10:28 AM
I just saw the new remake this afternoon, fully expecting to hate it I actually didn't mind it, could have been great though so still a disappointment.:(

The story sounds interesting, was it a book or was it published on line?

08-05-2004, 05:44 AM
I saw "Girl Tamers" in paperback form. There's a brief discussion of its history in the reviews/replies to "The Wonderful Brassiere".


08-05-2004, 06:24 AM
Really, Boccaccio, fancy teasing us with your recollections of 'Girl Tamers' and then after we have really enjoyed your recollection and we are really looking forward to finding out how to read it, hitting us with the crunch 'sorry don't know where you can get it!!!' :D

It sounds a really good read so if anyone out there knows how to trace it, or even the author, then please let us know.

Interesting that the 'Stepford Wives' film has been remade. I saw the original starring Mia Farrow, who was once married to Frank Sinatra, and I enjoyed it. But in those days, any mention or hint of control in a sexual context was a big NO NO. (Still is, I think? :eek: Funny that my tale about Brookdale, has used a reference about the 'Stepford Wives' in the intro, but I was unaware that the film was being remade at the time.

Regards to all in the Forum who bother to read this contribution. :)