View Full Version : Works Of SM Knights And the "Nola"-Series

04-07-2002, 02:51 AM
A few years ago, I enjoyed a very large novel called "The Arena" written by SM Knights published on the "rape, pillage and plunder"-site.
At the end of the story, SM Knights announced several other short-stories and novels, but I never heard of him again. Does anyone know more about him?

Another highlight of the "rpp"-site was the "Nola"-series by Curt Strap, but some of the stories and the series itself were very incomplete. Any news here, too?

04-13-2002, 07:57 AM
Tut mir leid. Nie davon gehört. Aber ich halte mich grundsätzlich von allem fern was mit "rape" zu tun hat. Fällt nicht unter einvernehmlich und es gibt einfach zuviel Schrott der Art im Netz. Da muss ich nicht auch noch Vortrieb leisten. Im Bereich Comic kann ich dir eher weiterhelfen falls Du dort nach etwas suchst.

Trekkie, huh? Die Borg haben doch den ultimativen SM Spruch, oder?

"Widerstand ist zwecklos!!!"

Dr. Phil
07-14-2003, 09:38 PM
Curt Strap was not a writer of stories. He was a modifier of stories. I know that first hand from email discussions with him over ten years ago. He took one of my stories without permission and turned it into one of his Nola series. He changed a few of the names but left the dialog word for word. He also added a section in the middle of it.
When I found out about it, I sent him an email complaining about what he had done. He answered my email and told me that he felt that he "improved" my story by adding a new part, and thus felt justified in now claiming himself as the author. He told me that his hobby was finding stories on the old Bulletin Boards that he personally enjoyed, and then modifying them to be parts of "his" Nola series. He apologized for any ill feelings I might have and and said he would give me credit in his story listing as "inspired by Dr. Phil". "Inspired by" should have read "plagiarized from" to be more accurate. I haven't seen any new modified stories by him in a long time. I guess he found a new hobby.

- Dr. Phil

lex ludite
08-16-2003, 05:49 AM
Regardless of whether Curt Strap was a modifier or writer, his efforts did produce a body of work that had a consistent theme, the torture and humiliation of Nola and her daughter. I personally found the thirty or so Nola stories actually postd on RPP to be an excellent body of work and wish that the other 70 or 80 pieces will one day surface so they can be part of the history of erotic literature. To this observer that was the golden age of erotic writing simply because it was a period prior to the arrival of the style Nazis, those carrying the banner of political correctness and the dark minions of Ashcroft, the man who hears spirit voices. I really believe that Strap did something rather remarkable despite his penchant for ignoring the original authors.

05-29-2004, 10:14 PM
i think you can find it at silent screams.com.........