View Full Version : painful enema

10-19-2008, 03:39 PM
i want a VERY PAINFUL ENEMA. what can or should i use. hard cramps would be a great plus

10-19-2008, 04:02 PM
I'm not going to ask why, but I am curious is it for yourself?

Anyway, lemon juice does the trick quite well, use about 1/3 cup unsweetened lemon juice per quart.

Ice water enemas also cause some very severe cramping, but is also a shock to the system.

I've also heard of molassas and milk, (a cup or two each in 2quarts water)

I haven't personally tried any of these methods as I am not in it to feel any pain, but to hold large amounts and for certain periods of time. I have put in water that was from the fridge and was cold enough to cause some pretty harsh cramping, so I assume an ice cold one is pretty painful.

If this is your first enema, I wouldn't suggest a large one maybe a half a quart, and drink fluids before and after. I suggest Gateraide as the enemas usually make me sick and weak afterwards.

10-19-2008, 09:24 PM
i realize you probably just wanted to start a dialogue... but consider this crazy new thing called google.

i kid you not, i came across a story about a man who used concrete in his enema recipe. needless to say, it didn't expel and he had to be hospitalized.

however, it seems there's lots of enema info - and lots of sites dedicated to the art of enema (enemii?).

but be careful! painful up inside there isn't always good... so read up.

i hope you find what you seek!

10-20-2008, 02:14 AM
you can use hot water but no more than around 43 - 45 degrees otherwise you're likely to scald the colon.a medical friend of mine whos into enemas in a big way wrote a very good article about it, if you're interested i can post it in the a-z forum or email it to you...(i have her permission)

10-20-2008, 12:20 PM
Well...-scratches his beard- i'm not entirely sure why your looking for one...but I suppose I can toss out a couple ideas, I dont know about their safety so becareful Buuuuut....

You could attempt mixing like water with some sort of hot sauce, or like....jalapeno or habenero pepper juice. I suspect on a sensitive region that would cause a great deal of discomfort.

Id also say that if you decide to go that route, I don't even know if it would function, but keep milk on hand to administer a follow up if needed as that should help to clean out the oil residue from the peppers.

10-21-2008, 06:31 AM
Do your research on this before proceeding. Enemas have killed people. The skin on the inside of the colon is very thin and easily scratched, which can allow faecal bacteria into the bloodstream. Further in, the lower regions of the large intestine are designed to soak liquid through to the bloodstream. for this reason alcohol enemas have killed people from alcohol poisoning. I'd be very wary of trying anything like tobasco sauce in there. Beyond the colon the digestive tract turns left, so if you lie on your right side during the administering of the enema the liquid is unlikely to go "up" to the left side of your body and move into the large intestine. Not much of a problem if it does of course providing the liquid is pretty benign stuff... but if you do lie on your left hand side you need to be ready to expel some fairly fierce smelling stuff: it ain't pleasant that far in. Physically, use masses of lube and go slow. there are two sphincter muscles holding your anus closed. The outside one is fairly easy to coax open but the inner one can be like fort knox on some people. Forcing will cause very non-erotic pain; gentle persuasion does it. :-)

10-16-2013, 04:03 PM
May be a regular enema and eat a bunch of prunes. Its safe Id assume....but prob. Hard to hold it in lol.

10-17-2013, 04:32 PM
I've given & taken enemas with ice cubes in the bag & the water already very cold. OH MY GOD! The cramping is a real attendtion getter! The male recipient asked me if this was like being pregnant & I told him as close as he'd ever get to being in labor, he was very turned on by that. My own ice water enema was very challenging with very strong cramps & I was plugged too so no option but to endure it til the giver decided I'd had enough & helped me to the toilet. Took me a good 30 min to empty out. Very humiliating, she watched me the whole time & commented on my groans & moans. But so erotic too.

02-18-2016, 03:07 AM
milk and molasses one the most campy i tryed