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View Full Version : Munch?

10-25-2008, 05:05 PM
Hello to all,

As I am new here on the website and also new to the lifestyle, I figured this was a good place to ask this question...

I have read several posts about "Munches" and as I understand it, this is a meeting of sorts with people that are in the BDSM life. I was wondering if anyone knows of a place to look for something local that I could go to. I live in NE Wisconsin, US.

Also what is the proper etiquette to being invited? Do I need to know someone? And if so, is there anyone here that could be the person to know?

Thanks in advance for any responses.


10-26-2008, 04:12 AM
Go to your favorite search engine, type in "BDSM munch <your nearest larger city and state>". You should find what you need.

Munches are usually easily found. In some areas, a request for invitation must be sent and the new person will attend as someone's guest. You don't have to 'know' someone.

In my area (the Twin Cities) there are at least 2 munches per week and no need to be invited to attend most of them.

Etiquette - street clothes, don't get drunk and make an ass out of yourself, be polite and kind, just as you would be in large group of people you don't know.

10-26-2008, 05:49 AM
The list of BDSM Munches in Wisconsin includes a whole bunch of local groups in cities as small as Green Bay. For the best list in the country, look here (replace each space in this link with a period and it will take you there):

www drkdesyre com/meetppl/orgs/orgswest html

You'll find the Wisconsin list just below the West Virginia one.

Good luck to you! And have FUN!

10-27-2008, 08:20 PM
yes as they have stated...go to your fave search engine from there type of your local area and then munches..sometimes ive had to really be specific when i type in munches..lol...

good luck on your search, i wish you the best!

10-28-2008, 01:03 AM
There is variety in the protocols of munches so find out what the one you are looking at does. Some are strictly invite only (but these you won't even find out about unless you are 'one of the in crowd' in your local scene) and others are more open and love to see newcomers. Yahoo groups have mailing lists for many local munches where they discuss times and places. Many of them are also timed to match with big fetish events like the London Fetish Fair and the Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar.

The majority are strict on clothing and behaviour. No fetish clothes at all and behave politely. Even if you normally wear fetish clothes in day to day wear I'd suggest you toned it down a little for the munch as many of them are dependent on being allowed to use back rooms of pubs and restaurants and overt fetish behaviour can upset the owners.

Most of them will have a greeter who will agree to meet you before hand and introduce you to everyone. If they don't have this they also often have an obvious sign of where they are.Sometimes this is as obvious as a sign with an arrow pointing to the room. Other times it is a subtle sign (a particular book on the table, for example) so that members know where they are but outsiders do not.