View Full Version : Songs of dark and light

10-25-2008, 09:52 PM
Songs of dark and light
I have within me two apposing songs,
And each is fighting for my hart and ear.
For each has a reason it belongs,
And for each I wept many a tear.
For love and hate is their verse,
And each song casts it’s shadow over my hopeless frame.
For each has its reason and its curse,
And a dozen placeless event I put the blame.
I will share the one song with you,
And hide the other in its dark secrete place.
For each has its own audience to play to,
And their hope is acceptance or disgrace.
Two songs I sing, one of dark and the other light.
One of days and the other of nights,
Of closed and open, I can’t help but sing both their plights.

comments welcome

10-26-2008, 05:23 AM
Wow I like this....very much.

Such a lovely expression of personality.

Thank you x