View Full Version : ~ Princess and Warlord ~ {Chuckdom19}

10-26-2008, 05:32 AM
The Western World was watching the ascendency of the wild tribes from the frozen steppes of Russia and the East. Rome was hiring mercenaries to guard its frontiers. The city spanning the Bosphorus channel had just had the name "New Rome" conferred upon it by Emperor Constantine I. It was yet almost two and a half centuries before the birth of Islam.
In the Eastern World, much was in turmoil. In Japan, the Yamato polity was newly in power; the respect for militarism was rising, and conquering warlords were roving the Sea of Japan from the Tartary Strait south to the Strait of Korea. In China, the Three Kingdoms were reunited under the Jin dynasty, but revolutions were threatening the unity, and far-reaching lands changed hands seemingly daily, as small ethnic armies took control of areas outside the domination of the central governments.
One of these kingdoms was ruled by Tama Honda, a relative of the famous Tadakatsu Honda, so famous in history as a warrior and unifying spirit. Tama had conquered the long-contested island of Ostrov, near modern-day Vladivostok. The battle was long over, the 'kingdom' was consolidated and spread from Rynda, the capitol city to Gomostay, north-east of the city.
Tama had ridden the surrounding countryside over the first ten years of his rule, sacking smaller settlements for the wealth of the area. Too far and too insignificant to attract the eyes of Jin Dynasty rulers busy consolidating a huge land, these raids brought wealth to the new King of Ostrov.
But as with so many things, life in the house of Honda was not all joy. Tama had fetched along his wife to the new lands, a woman famed for her beauty. She took to life in the palace well, and soon was great with child. A surprise was two babies, a tragedy was one born dead. Mother and child, named 'Cleo', lived in harmony with the people. Cleo grew strong and beautiful, the jewel of her father's eye and the joy of the people of the kingdom.
Kong Ming was another warlord, another conqueror. Sent by the Jin Dynasty to put down the rebellious outer edges of the empire, he marched with a trained army, well-drilled and disciplined. There would be no resistance from an army across the sea.
Conquest happened quickly, and Ostrov soon fell. Rynda held out for some months, but soon its defenses collapsed for wont of food and water. The armies took the castle, and Tama's wife valiantly led its defense as her husband had been taken in the field.
Kong Ming took the throne and began to consolidate the kingdom. Only one thing was missing... the treasury. Somehow, all the wealth Tama had accumulated had been hidden. Kong brought Tama and his wife before him in chains.
"Where is the treasury, Tama? You have stolen much from the surrounding country, and we must return it to those people. Tell me where it is."
Tama told him he did not know; he had been in the field, defending his kingdom and leading his troops. Kong Ming plainly did not believe him.
"Tell me where the treasury is, Tama. Or your wife will suffer horribly. You have already lost a child; do you wish to lose your wife as well? And where is your daughter Cleo?"

The agreement was that if her father failed in the battlefield, it would be her mother to lead the last hurrah at the castle gates. Afterall she was a strong and well respected women, the people would follow her into battle. While her parents fought for the kingdom, she was to be hidden away. The last heir to the throne. There were plans about her escaping the city, going to her fathers allies. They would fight for her, help her regain the throne. The price of course would be high, most of the treasurey would be needed to buy those mens support. They would call it money to fund the campaign and war, she called it blood money. As if she had not paid enough in blood by then.
The agreement was only made, at least on Cleo's part, because her father would not leave without the promise that she would not engage and fight the enemy. Cleo had no intention of honoring that agreement. That she would indeed fight at her mothers side. What she had not counted on was her mother holding her to that promise. She had been sure that her mother would not force her to hide away like some child, but when word came that the outer army had fallen, Cleo had been sent into hiding. Once she was sure Cleo was not about to do something stupid she had gone to lead the battle.
Cleo knew when the city and castle had fallen. That would mean her mother was either slain or held prisoner. Both of her parents lost to her. Partailly she blamed herself. Telling herself if she had been there it would not have happened. Though guilt was a wicked thing. Remembering the argument she had with her father, the day he spent convincing her to go into hiding might have been the difference between victory and death. As if that had not been bad enough she had spent precious minutes, almost an hour consuming her mothers time, trying to convince her not to hide her away. Maybe if she had simply done as her father first said, it would have made the difference.
The cool draft did nothing to ease the burning tears that streaked down her face and ran her make up. Alone. Cleo was all alone. It had been too risky to let anyone know about this plan, even truted servants were none the wiser. The air around her was cool though she did not notice, it was a small thing compared to what must have happened to her parents. Beneath her the stones were covered with thick colorful blankets. They had been meant to soften the stone and give a measurement of warmth and comfort. Another luxury. She was sitting on antoher luxury as so many others where begging for mercy that would never come. While her parents had suffered. It sickened her.
Hearing foot steps and movement she went extra still and silent. No doubt it was the invading army, no one else had a rason to be in this part ofhte castle. They were probably seraching for her, and the treasurey. Maybe just the treasurey, since she really did not amount to anything without the money. As long as she stayed silent there was no chance for them to find her. The room was far beneath the ground, a part of the dungeons. The room was hidden in a rarely used section, behind a special wall. Even if they knew about the wall in the time it would take them to demolish it enough to get in she would be gone, out the natural caves and far from the city. Actaully she should have been gone by now but she could not stand the idea of leaving her parents, of leaving her home. The plan was to return, but to what? What would remain?
After crying out all of her tears, she finally climbed to her feet. Picking up the packed bag, she started away from the wall and into the caves. Knowing there might be need she had dressed in a shade of dark gray, in order to better blend with the shadows and night. She also dressed in a long shirt and pants instead of the traditional dress she wore at court. Cleo's hands were still shaknig slightly as she started down the rock formation. Her footing was solid and sure. As a child she played here so she knew these caves well. It seemed like hours before she made her way out of the caves and from beneath the city.
The treasurey, the part that was to buy her support and the alliance of her supporters was already well on the way. Sent during the night, on the night that her fathers army had fallen. The plan had been that she would meet it at a location then they would move together to make the alliance. That meant she had a lot of ground to cover while alone. Though she had some skill with weapons, primary the bow that now hung on her back, she was hoping to avoid the enemy. Being forced to fight was not a win situation for her.

Kong Ming then turned to Tama's wife, the extraordinary Jing. Her dark hair shone with reflections of the torches and candles lighting the room, and her eyes flashed with anger. Although a mother, her figure was lean and girlish, with high firm breasts and a flat belly.
"Jing, wife of former King Tama, former Warlord Tama, your defense of the castle was spirited and intelligent. You distributed your troops well, in places they might not be expected. They fought bravely, inspired by your leadership, and took many of my best men with them when they died."
"But you have lost, Jing, and now it is time to give up your husband's ill-gotten gains. The treasury you have acquired was stolen from many poor people; it is my responsibility to return it to those from whom it was taken."
"Tell me where you put it, Jing. Or I will have my torturer do the questioning, and your husband will watch you suffer and die, if needed. Where is the treasury? And where is the famed Cleo?"
Jing, as Tama before her, stood mute.
Kong Ming waited a decent time, then with some reluctance, said, "Guard! Fetch the Torturer."
Some moments later, a quiet man in a fairly ornate Yi, which he removed after bowing to his King. "How may I serve the mighty Kong Ming?"
"Teo Zhuang, this woman and man, formerly the king and queen of this kingdom, are hiding things from me. Their treasury, stolen from poor people, is gone; we must find it and return it whence it came. Their daughter, a beauty of great honor in this kingdom, is also missing... and I am beginning to suspect that should we find one, we will find the other. I have sent out ships and troops to search, of course, but we can save further efforts if you will make them talk."
Teo Zhuang, the torturer whose given name was "Great", did not use those names; rather he still used his 'milk name', The Ox. His men always referred to him in the third person, of respect. Beneath the silk Yi he had worn, he had a most simple ru (shirt) and shang (skirt) made of plain peasant weave hemp, while his shirt was ramie.
"My friend The Ox, use your skills as carefully as you can. If you can get the information without damaging her beauty, I will be most grateful. However, if you must cut her into tiny pieces and feed her to the fishes to get her husband to give up the answer, do so." With that, Kong left the chamber.
The Ox turned to Tama and Jing. "So, my friends. How must we proceed from here? You have heard the Mighty Kong Ming direct me to use all my skills... and The Ox has skills which are famed from the China Sea to the mountains of far India. A small, effective sample." Ox walked to Jing and grasped her breast through her simple clothing. "I will now twist your wife's breast, Tama, until she screams. I will not stop until she begs me to with promises of sexual favors. Are you anxious to hear her?"

Jing did not believe one word of the man's speech about ill gotten fortune. That was not the man she married. After all she had been amoung the villagers and common people. Though they were not wealthy people, that was not uncommon. They seemed happy, at least as happy as any other hard working peasant in other lands. Many of the soldiers were from thos outer lands and villages. If they saw this man as a savior it did not show in the way they had fought agianst his invasion..
Knowing she and her husband were already dead, she stood tall and proud. They were dead from the minute Kong Ming overtook the city. It as too dangerous to let them live even if they were simply banished. If her husband was capable of establishing such a kingdom before, he could and would do it again. Now the life of her daughter was the only thing that mattered anymore. If it was up to her, she would have sent Cleo into hiding a week ago, never to return. The restoration of her husbands kingdom was not worth the life of her only child.
Staring at the man addressed as the Ox. "No matter what you do.... I will not give up my child...."
Jing struggled against him as he grabbed her breast. Sickened by his mere touch. The more pressure he applied the harder it became not to scream. Willing to endure this to ensure the safety of her daughter, give her a chance to escape. Knowing her daughter, she had not left the castle nearly as soon as she should have.
For a brief instant, Jing's dark eyes flickered to her husbands face. Through gritted teeth. "Tama... Dont you dare say a word... No matter what....."
A soft whimper escaped her lips as his grip continued to tighten. Crying out she still refused to say a word about her daughter. His grip could not tigthen enough on her breast to force her to give in or beg. After all she was a woman who had give birth to twins. It might have been many years earlier but she knew about pain. The thought of him getting his hands on her daughter would be more painful than anything they could do to her body.

Chin was nervous. The castle was over run by enemy soldiers. The king and queen captured. Like many of the other servants, he had been rounded up and locked in a room for the time being. Pacing a small section of the floor, it was hard to believe this was happening. Being close to the door he heard about the search efforts to find treasurey and the princess. The soldiers talked as they went past. All of the servants had been questioned before being put in the room.
Nervous, the door opened again, another servant being pushed through. Stepping forward, he spoke up. "I have information...." A round of protest went up around him. Before he had a chance to defend himself or his reasoning, the soldiers had a hold of him, dragging him out of the room. The next thing he was aware of was being slammed hard enough against the wall that he was momentarily dazed.
"What do you know?" After a short pause, Chin felt his head slam into the stone wall again. "What do you know?"
"The treasure might be in the dungeon...."
"Its been searched....."
Hurrying before they could hit him again. "There is a hidden section. If its anywhere its there....."
"Take him to Mighty Kong Ming" Chin found himself being dragged down the hallway.

By the time Cleo drew near to her destination she was exhausted. Both physically and mentally. Her imagination had run wild with every step she took. Her consious reminding her of the fate of her parents that she had left behind. Thoughts that both her parents were already dead reeked havoc though she knew that would have been mercy.
Stumbling then falling to her hands and knees, she did not have the strength to pick herself up off the ground. Fresh tears started to fall. Coughing once or twice she battled to keep from getting sick. It had been hours since she had ate or drank anything. Too sick to her stomach to even try. Sitting back on her knees she gave herself a few minutes to get herself back under control. Knowing that in this state, she was doing no one any good.
In the still darkness she was aware of approaching movement. Movement from behind her. That was not good. It was faint sounds. If she had not stopped moving she would have completly missed it. As much as she wanted to simply believe that it was not the soldiers, that they had not caught up with her. That was foolish and childlike thoughts. Pushing herself to her feet, preparing to face the threat. Unslinging her bow, she strung it with practised ease. With fatigue it took her precious extra seconds. Notching an arrow in place, she stood ready. Cleo expected to be able to unleash two, maybe three arrows before they were too close and she would be forced to use the bow as a sword.

Kong Ming heard out the slave, let him help guards find the hidden section. Once they discovered the blankets and the small, feminine footprints, calling out the mounted guards made tracking Cleo easy. It wasn't long before the experienced hunters of Kong's army had her in sight and pulled up as she nocked an arrow and raised her bow.
In another part of the dungeon, The Ox had bound the former royal couple into painful positions. Tama hung from his thumbs, raised from the floor. Hanging from his testicles was a heavy rock, as there were from his ankles. That was not the worst, however, as he was facing his wife... about to be tortured by this powerful man.
"One last chance to tell the truth!" The Ox stood between them. He was patient. But his waiting was in vain, as neither spoke.
He had bound Jing into a special chair, which had arms with round paddles at the ends. Her hands were on their backs, and loops of lacing held each finger extended. Her bottom rested on rough points, which wore at the skin as she moved. The chair had a back which could be removed if needed, and the bottom held a grate which could hold a bucket of hot coals which would heat the metal of the chair seat. Her feet were bound as well: tied to leg-and foot-rests lined with the rough points, and bound around each toe.
Braziers were burning hot around the room. The Ox turned to Jing and asked, with a grin, "Cold, little one?" At a hand gesture, he had a minion place a small bowl with just the bottom lined with coals under the chair.
"This will be enough to keep you warm, but not to bother you... yet. I will respect the wishes of my leader Kong Ming and try to preserve your beauty. We shall start with something simple and basic, then."
He started her torture with a wide leather strap. It was about 18 inches long, and 4 inches wide, well aged and stained with use.
"This is my favorite, little one. He has made many young things sing, and hard old men cry." Winding his arm, he laid a stroke across her palms to start with. She grunted, and looked at him defiantly. Tama cried out that he should not hurt her.
Another stroke to the other hand, the same response. "Ah, Tama, she is a strong one. Perhaps her back is more delicate than the warrior hands..."
Lowering the back support, he laid a stroke across her shoulders, putting his strength into it. This one elicited a moan from Jing, another cry from Tama.
"Ah, the little one begins to feel the force of my friend here. Next blow, perhaps a bit lower?" Another stroke falls, if anything, harder still. And another, and yet another.
"That is six blows, little one. Do you wish more, or will you finally speak?" He turned. "Tama? do you have anything to say? Are you such a worm, not a man at all, that you will not speak to prevent your wife from experiencing this agony?"

What her beauty mattered in the end she was not sure. Surely he did not care if her husband still found her attractive. If the reason was he would prefer to bed her while she still had her looks, she would have preferred to be damaged than give him such satisfaction. Jing consolde herself throught he pain by remembering every minute she remained silent was farther away Cleo would be. She told herself she could endure so long as it was giving her child her freedom.
Jing remained as silent as she could during the blows. Refusing to give him any satisfaction. When he spoke to Tama again, her eyes flickered to her husband then back to the other man. "There is nothing you can do to make me speak of my daughter..... And whatever you do to my husband will seem like play after I am done with him if he speaks." She never spoke to Tama in such a manner but she was honestly afraid he would talk to save her. They had never been tested in such a way.
A few times she held her breath in antcipation of the next blow. Several more blows, Jing was breathing heavily against the pain. Her mind starting to want to give in, but somehow she still managed to shake her head no. A light blush came to her cheeks as s he began to wonder if there was in fact a point she would give in.

Adrenaline pumped through Cleo's body in anticpation. Watching as they pulled up short of her. With them on horse back she had no chance of escaping them on foot. The best she could hope for was a kill. In the darkness it was hard to tell at this distance but she assumed they would have armor on. To keep from wasting shots, she would have to aim at the creases and joints of the armor. Those were not the kill shots she despreately needed.
When they did not immedatly try to overwhelm her, she started to back away. It was a foolish hope that she could get far enough that her fathers men wom had the treasury would help her. It was foolish because she was still too far from them. She continued to try to walk backwards till one of them started forward on his horse. Unleashing the arrow, there was a small satisfation when he cried out. At that the other men started forward. Cleo managed to unleash a second arrow before they were too close. Turning she started to run. It was useless but she could not simply stand there and do nothing. The first one caught a hold of her around the waist had a hell cat of a fight. Struggling, clawing, kicking, anything to try and get out of his grip. As long as she kept himtoo busy trying to keep a hold on her there was no way he could draw a waepon.

I grabbed the girl, fighting like a wildman to hold on, but unsuccessful. We had her surrounded, so there was no thought of her escaping, but how could we get her back to the castle?
Finally, we came up with a plan. Forming rope into loops, each of the four of us caught one limb and ensnared it. Then lifting her from the ground after mounting her horses, we carried/ran her back to the castle. We took her to Kong Ming.
"Good job, men! You will each have extra leave, and some credit at the Joy House to enjoy yourselves as you will. Bring her down to the dungeon... I'm about to enjoy a punishment." Kong walked before us.
We dragged the girl down, hanging her next to her father, nude as well. Now SHE would be fun at the joy house... We were relieved and sent on leave.
"OX!" Kong addressed his Torturer. "Any success in your questioning?"
"Mighty Kong, within the limits of your instructions, I have been unable to get any results." The Ox bowed his head.
"I am not surprised," Kong responded. "These are stubborn people. But perhaps I might help you along. Unfasten Jing for now, and put her on a table before her husband and daughter."
While this went on, Kong undressed, displaying his huge and muscular body. He also was hugely endowed, and his penis stood hard and firm, looking at Cleo and Jing. In seconds, Jing was lying on her beaten back.
"Have her wrists tied to her knees, and spread wide by tying to the ends of a truncheon. I want her cunt open and visible." It was done.
"Now, Tama, your reluctance to cooperate has brought about a consequence. I am going to fuck your wife in the cunt and in the ass until she bleeds and screams. If she does not scream, does not bleed... well, your daughter may be next. Or I may save her for later, giving you more chance to tell me where the treasury has gone. Watch closely, Cleo, and see how you were created. Tama, you are lower than slime for allowing your wife to suffer so."

Nothing hurt Jing more than to see her daughter being dragged through the door. Cleo was not resisting, or fighting by then, too worn out by the days events. By looks she looked unhurt. There were still tear streaks on her face but there were no visible bruises or marks. Cleo's eyes went wide as she noticed her parents. There was some releif on her throat to see her parents still alive and in fair health but there was also panick having a small idea of what was to come. A soft whimper escaped her throat. There were not enough soft words to make this alright.
There was some struggle as they tried to strip her. It was more for show than actaul effect, knowing she did not have a chance at escaping. Even if she got free of thes hands the enemy was everywhere now. A deep blush came to her cheeks as she found herself naked and bound. Her hair falling into her face and down over her breast.
Watching the man approach her mother, she started to panick. She kenw enough about what was going on to know what was about to happen. Pulling at her restraints, they did not give an inch. "Mother!!!" Cleo screamed is if that would make a difference. It probably was not wise to draw attention to herself but she could not simply stand there and do nothing.
"Stop..... Dont touch her..... Please stop....."

Kong aimed his mighty organ at Jing's pink cove and slammed home all the way, causing all three prisoners to cry out. Grabbing her hips, he pistoned and twisted his hips, rotating the angle of attack, trying to get screams and blood. There were none of either in attendance.
Her tight tunnel grabbed at his huge cock, which pummeled her cervix with every powerful stroke. Pulling himself all the way in, he looked Jing in the eye; "No response, bitch? Do you not *care* what happens to your husband, your daughter? Is a scream such a high price to pay to keep your daughter from being raped and ripped open?"
No response from Jing, beyond a look that would curdle milk. Kong pulled out, and stared down at her, cock covered with her juices. The warlord spread her bottom cheeks and pushed against the brown rosebud there, slowly pushing in to make the pain and strain last. All he got in return was a grunt.
He was getting angry, and slammed home deep in her anus. What little lube he had on his cock was gone now, and he was rubbing hard inside her dry passage. Using every trick he could think of, he tried to get a response from her, but never succeeded. After fifteen minutes of combined rapes, he finally gave up, still rampant.
"The older bitch has no feelings, no heart, no response. She's more of a man than YOU are, Tama. OX! Put her back in the chair, warm it up more, and do what you need to get answers." The Torturer and his assistants removed the ropes and refastened her in the chair. Two more shovels-full of hot coals were placed into the bucket below the chair, and a new table full of implements moved next to her.
"Now get that young cunt down from next to her father and tie her as her mother was," bellowed Kong. He walked over to Tama, and yanked at the ropes holding the rock to his balls. Tama cried out from pain. "At least YOU can respond to pain," Kong said. "Now let's see about your daughter."
They had her tied, and Kong turned to inspect her body. Pinching her nipples, he lifted each tit, rolling the nubbins between his fingers. He tugged at the forest of curls framing her pussy, and slid his index finger into her tight passage.
"A VIRGIN!" he howled. "I haven't had a virgin in a long, long time. Maybe I will improve your line by giving you a little Kong, eh?"

Unable to watch what was happening to her mother, she turned her head away. It did not stop her awareness of what was going on. Soft whimpers escaped her lips, keeping her eyes closed tight. Cleo had to bite her tongue in order not to scream for her mother again. She was not capable of being that strong as that ahppened to her mother only feet away.
As soon as the rope was loose, she started to struggle to get away. Cleo already knew what this meant. Moving her from the ropes to the table her struggles barely seemed to make a diference. Her body was shaking in fear and panick. As he approached she tried to remain as strong as she could but that crumbled as he laid his hand on her.
Soft whimpers of protest escaped her lips as he touched and prodded her. She tried to move away from his touch but there was no where to go. Cleo cried out as he slide his finger inside of her. Closing her eyes tightened against the invasion. there was nothing comfortable about it.
"... please dont.... please.... sir.... please dont.... please...." Her voice was slightly cracked. There were already tears in her eyes and on her cheeks. "I... I... dont know what your looking for from us... please dont do this....."

"Don't know what we are looking for, little one? We are looking for the treasury you and your parents have hidden, have stolen from the people of the kingdom. Are you ready to give me information, or are you just trying to delay your defloration?"
Kong stood back, tucked his still erect organ into his clothes and walked around to look down at her. "I'll give you a few minutes... and a bit of incentive."
"OX!" he called. "Time to use a little bamboo, I think. Let's try Tama. The slut Jing has no reactions yet, perhaps after she has cooked a bit on those nails." He stood back to watch while he played with Cleo's body.
The Ox rolled up a brazier on a small table, with a bowl of what looked like chow mein noodles in it. Long boards were lashed to Tama's hands and feet, and a minion started to manually stimulate his penis. Once he was mostly erect, a tight strap was put around the base to keep it so.
Ox looked closely. "So, your cock CAN get hard? I'm surprised, Tama. You have shown no manhood up to this time, considering how little you have done to protect your women. Look at Mighty Kong over there, playing with your daughter's cunt! Can you see her juices, how she is getting stimulated? How her nipples are standing up so hard? She is being treated as a real woman for the first time, by the first real MAN in her life!!" He laughed in Tama's face.
Walking to Cleo, he got some of her juices on his finger, and wiped it on Tama's nose and lips. "Taste her! She tastes good, no?" He licked off his own finger. "Maybe you'll get to taste her later; does that excite you? No? Perhaps you'll enjoy what we will do to you now, then."
He picked up the slender, tan strips of bamboo from the dish. "These are going to be placed under the nails on your fingers and toes. First, we will make holes there with these nails, then slide in the splinters. This is wonderful for you; the bamboo will have enough air, then, to burn all the way to the quick of your nail! It will hurt much more this way!"
His minions proceeded to drive in the nails, while he played with Tama's cock. Finding a smaller, slender piece, he shoved it into the end of Tama's penis and lit the end. The bamboo burned slowly down to, then into the head of the man's organ. He began steady low screaming, which intensified as the nails were pulled out and the burning bamboo did it's evil work.
The Ox stood back, and looked at Tama. "Are you ready to tell us where the treasury is?"

Eyes closed tight she tried to move her hands to cover her ears. Unable to handle seeing or knowing what was happening around her. Her cheeks burnd bright red in humilation as he explored her body. No man had ever touched her this way. She had never touched herself in this way.
" Please stop.... Mother does not know... she was sent from the room during the discussion. It was irrelavant for her to know..... just let her go...." The words could not come out of her mouth fast enough.
"You get the treasurey and you will stop this right?" Cleo's voice still had an edge of panick. Not completley convinced he would truly let them go if he got the treasure. Not that she found there was much choice. "Your soldiers arrived before I could get to it... please..... Let my parents go and I will lead you to it...."
Hearing her father's scream, Cleo cringed as if she could pull away. A soft whimper escaped her lips. Fresh tears came to her eyes.

Kong stopped his teasing to listen to Cleo's words. "So you can put your hands on the treasure? You've known all along? And your father has as well?" Dark clouds crossed his face, as he strode to Tama's side.
"You've known where the treasury was all this time, allowed awful things to happen to your wife, your daughter, and yourself regardless?" Shouting now. "OX! Make the pain worse, for Tama, for Jing. They will suffer until that treasure has been returned. Free the young slut and she will lead us. GUARDS! Call the horsemen, get mine ready as well."
When Cleo was free, Kong led her naked to the smith's building, adjacent to the stables. "Blacksmith! Make a collar for this woman, quickly, with a long chain lead!"
Kong got aboard his own horse, holding the chain to Cleo. He fastened it to his horse. "Cleo, you will lead us to the treasure! Your parents will suffer until we have it safely back in the castle. And you will suffer if you lead us slowly or indirectly."
Cracking the whip on her back, they rode forward.
In the dungeon, The Ox was busy. The burning bamboo was below the level of the nails now, and Tama was howling. The assistants moved him to the table his daughter had been on, and spread his legs widely.
"You have made Kong very angry, worm. Keeping that secret and allowing your wife to be raped before you? Now you must both be pained seriously until he returns with the treasure. Your wife is next, Tama, but first your hands and feet."
Ox pulled his hammer out, and began to pound nails into Tama's fingers, fastening them to the table. His toes were next, all ten having the pieces of metal nailed through. Next was his balls... and hideous screams indeed.
He turned his attentions to Jing. Removing her from the chair, he took her to a small barrel-shaped metal device on a firm stand, with a huge studded prong sticking up from it. The Ox and his minions forced Jing onto it, watching the studs rip her cunt as they forced her down and bound her legs tightly around the bottom.
"Comfy, bitch? You are now suffering because of your husband and daughter. i hope you are proud of the worm's not talking. Don't worry too much about the few drops of blood from your cunt; the spikes' damage will stop bleeding quickly. Did you notice it's all made of metal? There is a reason, Jing. I will put hot coals inside... guess where the chimney is? I hope you enjoy your ride." He laughed loud and long, as his true pleasure was hearing the sounds of agony in women.

Cleo screamed until she was dragged from the room. The only thing that stopped her from turning her horror and anger on the man responsible was the other soldiers had a firm grip on her. The only reason she was giving it to him was to make him stop hurting her family. She considered not saying a word until he stopped the torture and pain. At this point it was not as if he could do more than he was already threatening to do so. Besides she was the only one who could access the treasure now. It didnt matter if her mother guessed or if her father told him what village to look, he would not find it without her there. Without her cooperation he would loose his cahnce to get his hands on the treasure.
"Make the torture stop before we go..... They will be dead by the time we get it and get back..... Something happens to them and there is nothing you can do to me that will make me tell you where the treasure is.... "
A soft scream escaped her lips as she felt the whip come down on her back. She was unuse to pain like this. Cleo was not sure if she was strong enough to go through with her threat but she was deteremined. No one else was going to be able to save her family. This was her only bargining chip. She tried to console her mind and the guilt with the fact that this was going to happen no matter her actions or words. Going on bfore his anger had a chance to cut off her words.
"I dont know exactly where it is... I am to got to the village and wait, the soldiers in charge will find me.... father said it would be safer that way.... " Cleo's voice was a little shaky. Fearing he would think that she was lying or simply not care. "If I am naked and chained they will not approach..... There only responsiblity is the safety of the treasure until I arrive ready to go to my fathers allies.....If I am already captured their orders were to wait till my escape....."
Cleo was not sure if it sounded as stupid to him as it did to her own ears. The plan had been a good one at the time but now in the face of torture and death, she was doubting the wisdom. Staring at him with tears still in her eyes she knew she was testing his patiance now. The whip came down on her again so she did not push the issue. Leading them back to where she was going, the travelling was faster since they could use the main roads instead of trying to stay hidden.
They were approaching the village when she felt something land on her head. Pulling it in front of her face it was aware it was some kind of materail. Afraid to look at him, she simply pulled it over her head, finding it was probably a soldiers shirt. At least it covered her body. Cleo held no illusion she probably would not be allowed to keep it any longer than he deemed necessary. Lightly touching the chain she looked at him for the first time since leaving the castle.
"If your not going to trust me enough to take off the chain it might be wise to walk closer with me so the chain is not so noticable.... "

I had gone so far with her, sending back a runner to stop the punishment and put Jing and Tama in cells until we returned. Not a problem; they would live until he was ready for them to die. But for her to expect me to let her go? Foolishness. I pulled her chain tightly after she put on the shirt and made her walk closely besides me.
We approached the village looking just like a bunch of soldiers walking with Cleo. A glance around the village, and a three soldiers approached Cleo and knelt. Before she could talk, one said, "Princess Cleo, we have the treasure safe in the root cellar at the merchant's house as you instructed..." and his voice faltered as two hands landed on his shoulders. More guards were behind them, of course.
Moving quickly, my finance minister who had come with us checked the cellar and returned. "Mighty Kong, we have a concern. Either the troop has not told us the truth, or Cleo has not; there is barely half of the gold there that should be."
I turned first to the conquered soldier. "Is that truly all there is, or is more elsewhere? Quickly now, before I have the guard remove your head." But he had no idea, this was all he was assigned to hide and protect. The other two captured men knew no more. Obviously, the answer was being hidden by Cleo... and she was trying to deceive me.
I told the Finance Minister to take most of the soldiers and the treasury back to the castle, and I took Cleo to the town square. There was the typical town center punishment post there, and I stripped her shirt off and had her bound there.
"You have tried my patience yet again, girl. You will take me to the rest of the treasury NOW, or tell me exactly where it is and how to get it, or you will watch your parents die, slowly, as you suffer as well.

It crossed her mind to telll him that that was all that was left. Then again he would have simply gone back to torturing her mother and father. If she did not know then her parents would have to. At this point cleo knew she had lost half of her barginning power. That it was possible he would settle for half and cut his losses.
"I never claimed that would be all of it....." The words came out in a fast rush. Her body tense as if she expected to feel his whip against her back again. Or something worse. "Let my parents walk away without further harm and I would happily give you the rest of it. If half is enough to finance a war.... then the whole amount has to be enough to buy their lives. Your word of honor and its all yours.... You will have the castle to take your time to rip it apart and find anything else you might be intersted in...."
A soft whimper escaped her lips

"Half". And she knew where the rest was... and is trying to BARGAIN with me. And for her parents' lives! Why in the world would I think of freeing another warlord, one who has been defeated and made angry by me and my torturer? He might just come back with another army to try and conquer the area once again!
This is what I shall do. "Cleo, I will send your parents away on a ship, so they will be out of my reach and safe to your satisfaction. Then you will show me where the treasury's remains are. YOUR word of honor that you will honestly do so upon the sail of the ship."
She was freed from the post and given another short garment, yet kept on the chain as I did not yet have her word.
We returned to the castle and I told her she could visit her parents and see that I had stopped the torture, and consider my words. Once she made a decision, we would exchange our words of honor before witnesses. And proceed at once with the ship's voyage.
I called in a minister to go with her: she still was a prisoner. Then my minister of war and I arranged the ship details, choosing the captain and the course.

After being freed from the post, Cleo stood staring at him for along moment almost unable to believe he had agreed with her. Almost unable to believe he did not simply try to beat it out of her. While she understood the implication that if he put her parents on the ship she would likely never see them again. At least they were safe. He was probably right, if he did not send her father away he might very well raise an army agian. She was not completly convinced he would not eventaully find a way no matter where he went. Cleo was aware that he considered only her parents part of the bargin. There was not much left that she had to bargin for her own freedom.
For being no more than what it was, she found herself thankful for the shirt. It was hard to believe her life of luxury was reduced to being thankful just to be wearing a spare soldiers shirt. That thought made her cheeks burn slightly. She was sure to thank him for it anyway. Back at the castle she was givne permission to go see her parents. Cleo could not help crying, seeing her parents. The torture had stopped but they were still in pain. She actaully found herself unable to stay long without thinking about killing him the first chance she got.
Walking out of hte cells she did not look at the man the called the Ox. Disgusted by what he had already put her parents through. And he no doubt was dissappointed not to be allowed to do more damage. Her escort led her back to Kong at her request.
"Thank you for keeping your word and stopping the punishment..." Taking a deep breath, a light shiver went through her body. "I will give you my word of honor, once my parents are safe and sailing, I will give you the rest of my father's treasure....."

As she returned to the courtroom, she strode directly to me and started to swear to the commitment. I stopped her at once, and summoned all of my ministers and the local judges from the area.
"We will give our words, our hands, and our blood on this before all these, with honesty and all above-board."
Some time passed, and the various officials arrived. "Gentlemen, former princess Cleo has offered me a bargain. The bargain stated that if I freed her parents, 'let my parents away without further harm' were her exact words, that she would lead me to the other half of the treasury. I have told her I would agree with this, and I state again in the presence of all these before us:"
"Cleo, I will send your parents away on a ship, so they will be out of my reach and safe to your satisfaction. In exchange, you will show me where the treasury's remains are. I give my word as to the truth of this, and that I will abide with it. Already there awaits a freshly-crewed and -supplied ship, with a skilled captain and true, which will carry your parents away from here to a distant port in safety and without further harm."
"Now, Cleo, I await your formal acceptance of this, giving me your word of honor as I have you that you will accept this."

It felt like a slap in the face when he addressed her as the "Former princess Cleo". It was hard not to react. At least he had not called her a slave, yet. Although she was currently a prisoner of war. Or at least that was what she thought of herself. Cleo was aware with this deal she was sealing her own fate as she gave her parents a choice.
"Kong Ming I accept and offer my word of honor that once it is done I will give you the rest of the treasurey as agreed upon." The fact that he went through so much trouble helped ease her mind and fear that he was simply going to lie. That before all these witnesses he planned to make good on his word. They were not all just his men and soldiers. That gave her hope that this would really happen.
Cleo tried to look as confident and regal as she could, but this had been a long and stressful day and it had taken it toll on her. Tried to make her parents proud. To go from princess to nothing was mind blowing. Not to speak of what she had to witness happen to her parents. At the moment all she could think about was crawling up in her bed for a few days. But that probably was not hers anymore either.
Once the formal work was finished she was escorted to the bay to say her last good byes. Of course her parents did not understand what was going on or why she was not coming with them. Cleo maanged to stay strong at least till the ship was out of sight. Her heart was heavy as she prepared to keep up her end of the bargin.
"There is a secret room in the dungeon. Beneath the stone flooring is a small cellar, it is where the last of the treasure is. Once we get back, I can show you how to access it.... " That was it. Cleo did not look at Kong as she said it.

After Cleo gave her word before the court, we rode together to the bay. Tama and Jing were in a cart, in a fresh bed of hay, covered with silk blankets against the cold. We transferred them to a room aboard the ship.
"Cleo my dear, I wish you to note that I am sending the court physician with them, to help heal the wounds and bring them back to health. This is in accord with keeping my word to you." She smiled in approval, and thanked me for my concern and care for them. She also told me of the secret room in the dungeon where the treasure was hidden.
Once the ship was over the horizon, we rode back to the castle. I gave her privacy during the ride as she would certainly miss her parents. When we arrived, I had one of my assistants take her to her old chambers for the night, as we all were quite tired and in need of sleep. Guards were posted at her door to assure her privacy.
"Tomorrow morning, Cleo, we will find the treasure together. And our business will be concluded. Rest well!"

The door closed behind her and she sat down on the bed, staring blankly at the wall. Feeling somewhat numb and lost. After a few minutes she got enough strength to get up and go to the window. It faced in the direction of the bay. By now the ship was long gone from sight, her parents safely away from further torture. He had even promised he sent the physician with them. Cleo sat and cried until she was nearly sick. After a long time, she found her way back to her bed. Curling up in the middle she cried herself to sleep.
The next thing she was aware of was a knock on the door and someone calling her name. Opening her eyes, she wanted to believe that last night did not happen. That it had all been one big nightmare. But as she woke, she noticed she was still wearing a mans shirt, that the collar was still around her neck. The chain had been removed once she was in her room last night, but the collar had remained in place. Taking a few deep breaths to calm the rising panic, she sat up as the door finally opened and someone came in with a tray of breakfast.
The food smelled good but the idea of eating turned her stomach. Cleo forced herself to eat. Then got up, pulling the shirt off. In the basin by her mirror, she cleaned up. Scrubbing the tears and run make up off of her face. Applying fresh make up she went with simple eyeliner and a little bit of shadow, just to give her some color. Running the brush through her hair she pulled it back off of her face and into a ponytail. Picking through her closet she settled on an above the knee dress and flat shoes. She was looking in the mirror one last time when there was a knock on the door. Satisfied she looked as calm and together as she was going to, she took a deep breath and opened the door.
Recognizing the man standing there as one of her escorts the night before, she nodded a greeting. Once he stepped back enough for her to step out of her room she led the way to the dungeon. Taking childhood short cuts through service and servant hallways they soon came to the stairs that lead downward. Her feet were sure on the smooth surface, having played here in her early child hood. At the bottom of the stairs she noticed Kong was already waiting for her. At the bottom of the stairs she turned left and headed to the small room she had hid in the day before.
To her, finding the right finger holes among a hundred cracks as easy. Applying enough pressure to trigger the counter weight and let the all move. Once the stone slide out of the way it revealed a small room, the colorful blankets still on the floor. Pushing the blankets out of the way she indicated a stone close to the center of the room.
“This one is first… The others will come out around it… The pattern in which they come out and go back in is simple…” Cleo stepped back out of the room and out of the way. “There maybe a few pieces in my parents room… Father did not believe in spoiling her with jewelry, but she had some nice pieces. I don’t know if they are part of what you are looking for or if they were something special he had made separately. ”

Staying close to Cleo, I had a clerk keeping close notes on the locations of the buttons and procedures to get into the chamber; he daubed some paint on the wall around the cracks until they could be carefully documented and pictured. After the floor was mapped in the small room, guards proceeded to remove the flooring. Moments later, they were bringing up trunks of gold, silver, and jewels.
I looked on, happy at my efforts to recover the treasury of the kingdom. This was much of the remaining amount, and my counting people would be working their abacuses overtime to track this addition. My clerk had the guards take the find to the vault, and we carefully checked to see none was missed.
Smiling, I led Cleo back to my throne room, to a seat at my side. "Cleo, I am so proud of your courage, and of keeping your word in the face of adversity. Now that we have completed our agreements, we need to know where we go from here."
"But first, my dear, how WERE you to contact the people who would have helped your father regain his throne?" Kong Ming waited patiently.

"It would not have been my father regaining his throne. Father is good at war, he does not need others help, he never has. The guard knew the way to them. I on the other hand know little about war. The money was buy their cooperation to regain my throne. When the plan was put together, it was in case of his and mother's death, if my aprents lived there was no reason for me to do anything but sit back and wait."
It probably was not the wiset thing to tell him that she was to be on the throne b ut they had been this honest so far. Maybe she was too young to really think better about sensoring her words.
"I was to follow the guard they knew the way. Once I had arrived my saftey and the treasure wer number one priority. There was to be a man waiting for my arrival. As in the first village, he would find me upon my arrival." It was clear on her face she did not understand why any of that mattered. "After threatening to beat me in the public square, I am sure word has already spread to say that I have been captured. Without the treasure and me in their presence I dont expect them to do anything. They were reluctant to help in the first place. I am sure they are loving the chance to wash their hands of me. "

So! She was to become queen... and now the traitors among these people would be busy trying to find a way to free her or to bring her parents back with another army to chase me out? Hmm. What should my next step be?
"Cleo, I want you to find those guards who would have helped you, and bring them before me in the court this afternoon. I wish to learn where those faithful to your father would be found. You can understand how that could make ruling easier, and my kingdom more secure?"
"And while we are talking about it, do you expect your parents to return with conquering armies to try to take the kingdom back?"
I sat to wait for the guards, and for the answer to the question I would get when she returned with the guards.

Cleo stared at him for a long moment. This did not seem like a good thing to tell him. If the men did not cooperate, then it was a death sentence. Had she not brought enough pain on people already.
"I really cant tell one guard from another..... I really dont know.... They were to come to me... " There as a slight hint of panic. "Father would not have encouraged me to know any of the soldiers or commoners.... They might over think their place.....Or think they were owed more... As you already know that did not happen...."
A deep blush came to her cheeks as she tried to keep her thoughts moving on. It strange how it was acceptable for a man to be told and believe a lady was a virgin, but it was much more humilating when he had found out for himself.
"Many of them dont care who rules as long as they are emplyed and their families are safe..... Father trusted the men after he got their oath of loyalty, even though some had been loyal to previous rulers.... that is why there was so much set asdie to buy loaylty. No one was promising nothing for free. "
Having her face under control enough for the moment.
"I wont lie..... I really dont know if they will be back or back for me. You know fifteen years ago there is no doubt but he is geting to be an older man now... maybe if he hears I am doing well and not suffering he will leave things as they are?"

I stood and took Cleo's hand, leading her out into the courtyard.
"Before you stands your father's court guards. Which were the ones who would help you?" Cleo realized the trap, and stood mute.
Signaling my own guards, they advanced on the others and slew them by sword, to a man. Then they set to work stacking the bodies and setting them aflame, a gory funeral pyre.
"Now they will not be a threat to my rule." I turned to the entrance to the courtyard, indicating an approaching wagon with a cage on the back. Within were Tama and Jing.
"I promised to put them on a ship and allow them to leave with no further harm, even to send along a physician to help them heal. No mention was made that the ship would not return directly to this port, or that i would not bring them back into the castle for more... interrogation. As i will you, Cleo." With that, I seized her arm and handed her over to The Ox, who had appeared behind us directly according to plan.
"Ox, this woman and her parents are all that is left of the invading army. We must not allow danger to the kingdom again. Take them to your dungeon, and get back to work on the parents. And make sure Cleo is aware of every injury, invasion, and bruise upon their bodies."

There was nothing she could say to asve the soldiers. Then her parents came into sight. Cleo stared in shock unable to beleive this was happening. Did this nightmare never end? Had she not cooperated, given him what he had wanted. She really had not thought she asked that much.
"Lair.... You agreed out of your reach and safe to my satisfaction..... You damn well know this is not to my satisfaction. Damn lair...." Cleo screamed at him as the Ox started to pull her away. She continued to scream till he was out of sight. Focusing on her anger she tried not to think about what this really meant.
It was beyond her why he was doing this to her. Then again that is probably one of the reasons she never dealt heavily with the court. Father had always said she was a little too young, that there was no reason she had to learn hard lessons lyet while he was still around to protect her. Her parents were gone and not a problem. Cleo had cooperated in everything he asked, at least to the best of her knowledge. She had not even asked about her own fate, satsified if her parents were free that she could undure whatever price for that.
It turned out the Ox's idea of aware was a chair. Just a plain chair that he tied her to. There was nothing painful about the chair. He did not want her pain and suffering to distract her from her parents pain and suffering. It was moved close enough to her parents that she could not possibly miss much but also far enough away that she would not be in his way.

Once Cleo was seated and bound, I had her parents placed in simple x-bondage on the wall. She was crying to see them again in danger.
"It was so nice of Kong Ming to send along a physician, no? He helped your parents' wounds heal a bit, gave them food and wine to fortify themselves, and assured them they would reach their planned destination safely. Which they did. The captain had been told to sail in a circle, and be back in a few days.
I walked over to Jing. "I hope you enjoyed your cruise, O queen? Lots of fresh air and exercise as you sailed in your circle? So glad to have you back again. I think I will have you relax here a bit with a few of my little spiders..."
I took out three beautifully-made copper devices, clamps with something new called "springs" which closed them tightly. I played with Jing's nipples, then put one clamp on each one. She screamed at the sharp teeth and powerful squeeze. A little manipulation, and her clit stood for the third clamp, bringing forth a blood-curdling howl. I patted her cheek... we'd get so much scream time in!
But it was Tama's turn to sweat now. Perhaps a chance to stretch his legs?

At first she had been only crying but hearing her mother scream, Cleo had a matching scream. She struggled against the restraints but they did not give. Closing her eyes, she could not bear to look. The only thing that kept her from trying to drown out the screams was knowing that he would take that as a challenge and her mother would scream more.
"STOP.... just stop.... dont.... let them go....."
For the moment Cleo knew she was safe, or at least as safe as she was going to get. Then again, that could always cahnge in moments if it was Kong's wish.
"He promised that they would be safe to my satisfaction .....LIARS.... " The words came out between cries. There was still an edge of anger to her. Not that she really expected her words to make a difference. "I paid for them to be free not a day trip around the bay....."

Kong Ming walked in with the judge who had heard our oaths.
"Cleo, you accused me of lying. I brought along the judge who took our words, and he will read and recite what we said."
The old judge came close, not looking at Cleo's nudity. "Cleo, I will send your parents away on a ship, so they will be out of my reach and safe to your satisfaction. In exchange, you will show me where the treasury's remains are. I give my word as to the truth of this, and that I will abide with it."
He cleared his throat. "He did exactly as he promised. He sent them out of his reach, and safe to your satisfaction; a fact you stated on the wharf as they sailed away. He never promised that they would not be brought back." The old judge bowed to her, then much lower to me and left.
"That is quite enough of your bandying about the word "liar", girl. Your parents stole this land from the Emperor of China who I serve. I was sent here with the instruction of regaining the land, and killing the leaders in a hideous method to set an example for other would-be invaders. Being a loyal servant, I do as I am told."
She had me angry now. "YOU, my young slut, have gotten off too easily to this point. Your time is quickly coming!"
I turned to The Ox. "Break the man to bits on the rack; rend him slowly and awfully, making it last as long as you can. One turn at a time, minion, one notch. YOU!" Pointing at another minion. "Get the metal-tipped flogger out and rip his skin from his scrawny body. Use salt and vinegar and lemon juice on his wounds. Infest him with maggots and fleas and stinging ants. Burn the hair from his head and armpits and crotch with flaming oil. Crush his balls in vises, use a grater on his penis until you can tease out the piss tube free of the flesh."
"THERE, Cleo! Are you satisfied now? Call me a liar? Your father will die a death of horrible agony, thanks to you! And your mother will be next... and then, after I have raped your every hole and flogged your body, I will give you to the guards... then to the dogs... then to the horses..." I was flaming red in the face, huffing with the shouting efforts. An aide helped him sit, as he would spend every minute of the rest of the tortures, watching the three.

10-26-2008, 05:43 AM
"The judge in this case has committed much worse crimes than any my father has...."
Cleo stared at him, at first in complete shock, then anger and defiance. At the moment there was no way she as going to take the blame for what he was doing. Maybe if she lived long enough her guilt would erode away at her conviction in that, but it would not be today. He had promised torture, pain, and death long before she had hurt his feelings by calling him a liar. The only thing she would accept is she had just shortened it from weeks or months to a matter of days.
"It’s been well over twenty years since my father took over, where were you then? Where were you fifteen years ago? Where were you ten years ago? The Emperor can not care that much if he let my family be here this many years. Surely father was not that good at hiding his activities. What example are you setting, conqueror the Emperor's land and you have twenty years before he cares enough to send somebody.... " There was a little more strength in her voice.
It did not seem right that he could twist their words so they better suited his twisted plan. He damn well knew what she had been asking for during the agreement. She had told him that she was going to give him the treasure in payment of their lives. Maybe she was too young a naive. Maybe she should have kept her mouth shut and let her parents have negotiated this. Then again if her parents had, they would have only choose to save her life, not their own.
"We are all dead anyway.... I have nothing left to give.... it’s just a matter when you get done toying with us...."
Hearing the first of her father's screams, Cleo turned her head away from him and Kong. Shuddering, she took a deep breath. Closing her eyes tight she tried to block out and ignore them the best she could. It was impossible to completely block out those kind of screams, and she found her body shuddering at everyone.
It was little more than thirty minutes before a new solider walked into the room. Whispering something to Kong. Not that she noticed any of that. What first caught her attention was the order for the torture to stop. Lifting her head slowly from where she was looking at on the floor. Her face was soaked with tears. The defiance had left her about 20 minutes earlier. The sound of her parents screamed rattled her to her soul. There had been little doubt in her mind that once they were broken and dead, he would move on to her torment. She was fairly confident she was going to be mentally and spiritually broken long before he even touched her.
Eyes unfocused she looked around the room. The sight of her parents after such a short time almost made her sick. The only thing that made her determined not to throw up was that she was securely bound, the only thing she would have been able to do was get sick on herself. Looking away, her eyes found Kong. Looking for a reason why there was a sudden halt. He still had his back to her, talking to the new soldier.
In disbelief, Cleo watched as her parents were ordered taken to their cell. This was another one of his tricks, she knew it had to be. Staring till they were out of sight, she could not help but feel like this was her fault. Next two guards unsecured her, pulling her up to her feet and toward the door. At the last minute she came out of her shock enough to try to talk to Kong one last time.
“Please… just… let my… parents… go…” The door shut. Instead of shouting, her voice dropped to a whisper. “You… have… me… that’s… all… you… really… need…”
The guards escorted her back to her room. Stepping inside for a long moment she did not move from the spot that they put her in the middle of the room. Standing confused and numb. One of the guards moved to stand next to the window, staring outward. The other walked back out of the room, shutting the door. Cleo knew he was standing guard there. The one by the window was probably making sure she did not try suicide. Smart. Now knowing there was nothing she could do but die painfully there was no reason for her not to have tried a quicker end.
For a long while, Cleo stood in the middle of the room. Not that it really mattered. Not much mattered. Numbly she finally walked to her bed. She had meant to only sit down but found herself curled up in the middle, curled up in the fetal position. Awake, eyes unseeing, unfocused, she laid perfectly still as time slipped past. Waiting. He would send for her eventually.