View Full Version : male electro?

07-24-2004, 03:48 AM
hi, i am looking (with out suck ses) :p a male version of shockedpusy.com ie male electri geny pian. can any one point my in the right direcsion.


08-08-2004, 07:57 AM
kan any give out any info about this subject.

PS can any give any sujestions as to items that are redaly avalerbul (BUT NOT SPESIFICLY MADE FOR SEX) in the UK high street that can be used for sume.......self theripy :p

like electical fly swots :rolleyes:

08-08-2004, 09:26 AM
I believe there is a male counter part to wiredpussy.com
something like meninpain. I believe it is part of the whole hogtied/fuckedpussy/wiredpussy conglomerit. A whole kinky empire as it were.

as for a deviese to eltro either gender I would say a tens unit could be used for either sex. They are sold at hospital supply stores to relieve chronic back pain. Probly "shockingly expensive" but there you go. :)

08-11-2004, 11:55 AM
as for a deviese to eltro either gender I would say a tens unit could be used for either sex. They are sold at hospital supply stores to relieve chronic back pain. Probly "shockingly expensive" but there you go. :)

I got mine for free. My friendly chiropractor got my insurance to pay for it. Every couple of months the very nice lady gives me new electrodes for it. I wonder if she realizes the reason I'm smiling is that I'm picturing her tied to a table with the thing attached to her clit?

09-07-2004, 03:34 AM
Have a look at.....
< http://www.timberwolf.com/masterwolf/electricity.html >
This has a citcuit for a simple device that you can make yourself. There are a couple of confusing parts listed from the Radio Shack catalogue. The MP2955 PNP transistor (listed ad unavailable) should be a 2N2955 which IS commonly available. The NPN transistor listed as an alternative should be a 2N3055, which is also commonly available. The rest of the parts are also no problem.
Good luck with your search,

04-17-2005, 04:25 AM
I know this is an old-ish thread, but I came across info on septic prostatis (http://risks.bmezine.com/?Septic_Prostatis) and thought I'd share :)

04-22-2005, 09:51 PM
I came into this thread expecting to read about masculine forms of electro-funk but I am not surprised it was this either.

05-04-2005, 01:34 PM
Just happened to find this while browsing a site.
