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12-02-2008, 04:25 PM
Life is good. Life is easy, and whoever tries to tell me something else can kiss my ass. Driving my convertible across the desert, returning from a weekend with friends near 29 Palms, the warm wind in my long black hair, some grungy rock music playing loud, life can't be anything but good and easy. The fact that I have inherited enough money so I don't have to work helps a lot to make life easy, of course. Humming along to the tune I speed through Joshua Tree National park towards San Diego. If I drive fast enough I should arrive in time to meet my fuckbuddy Steve. The weekend was nice, but the fact that I just could watch and not touch has left me uber horny. Some good fucking is just what I need tonight. And the fucking with Steve is usually very good.

With screeching tires I race the next curve and almost don't notice the car on the curb. Well, what the hell, why should I care about some unfortunate soul being stuck in the desert at the beginning of the night? But out of the corner of my eye I see see something that gets my attention: Nice legs. Now if there is one thing in the world I like more than a large cock it's a woman with nice legs. Especially when they are bent and the woman is on her knees.
I break and put the car in reverse gear. The girl is leaning against the car, snapping her mobile shut with an annoyed expression on her face. Did she really think she'll have a signal out here? I get out of my car and walk towards her, taking a good look at her. Yes, she has very shapely legs, and the rest ain't bad either. Not bad at all.

I offer her my hand: „Hello young lady. My name is Stella. Can I help you?“

OOC: This story is for gothichippiechick and myself. Thanks :)

12-02-2008, 09:59 PM
"No.no.no.no.no.no- DAMNIT!" I cry out as my car starts to rapidly slow, giving one last cough before lurching over the slight hill on the side of the road. What the- is that a boulder?!

I pull at the wheel, yanking it to the left, desperate in my attempt to keep from ramming into the 4 ft rock looming before me. Holding my breath, I push down on the brakes with all of my weight, letting out a sigh of relief as it skids to a halt before any impact can be made.


Grumbling, I climb from the drivers seat and slam the door behind me. Just as quickly I have to sigh again. I forgot to pop the damn hood.

What a lucky friggin' day! First my girlfriend tells me she's leaving for another woman. "It's not me, it's her." Yeah, right. Then my lovely boss decided he'd go ahead and give the promotion to Big Boobs McGee, also known as Charlotte, the floozy with the double D breasts and ass height skirts. Who was I to compete with her obvious silicone Barbie charms? Apparently to my boss a natural C and lower thigh length skirt just wasn't enough for him, the pervert. Excuse me for my non-whorish ways.

Today just wasn't working too well for me. Now, to make matters worse I'm stuck here on a deserted stretch of highway with my piece of crap car. I lean over through the open window, pulling the lever to pop the hood up. There's a jingling thump and I check my pocket.

Yup, there went my keys. I scan the ground. Of course they're nowhere in sight.

"Damnit!" I shout again, giving the tire beside me a kick for good measure. Reluctantly I kneel down next to the dusty road and bend over, looking below the car. The key's right in the middle so I shift, reaching for them. My skirt rides up but really, what does it matter? I'm in the middle of God-forsaken-nowhere anyways and by the looks of it the sun is setting. The odds of someone seeing anything-

Was that just a car that drove by?

Quickly I grab the keys in my hand and pull myself back up. I scan the road, dragging out my cell phone even as I do. Who knows what kind of psycho killer might be out cruising right now? You always hear of that kind of junk.... Okay, so maybe not always but still- movies have to base their storylines on something, right?

Craaaap, whoever it was is backing up now and my cell phone isn't even picking up a signal yet. It's a convertable. I've always wanted to ride in one of those.

'Well, at least whoever it is, I'll get to fulfill one of my dreams before they stick a pick-axe through my skull.'

As the car stops I can't help but notice that rather than being faced with some gnarly toothed leering old man there's a woman sitting in the drivers seat instead. Actually, it's a rather attractive woman at that. She steps from the car and time begins to move in slow motion. You know those moments where they always show the hot chick climbing from the car, flinging her hair over her shoulders as the wind whips at the clothes around her? Yeah, it was just like that.

I can't help but stare at her. She looks at me expectantly.

Wha-huh?! I realize with a start that she just said something though for the life of me I haven't a clue as to what it was.

"Uh- um. Excuse me?" I ask, blushing slightly.

'God, I hope she didn't notice me staring!'

I glance nervously at the ground, mortified as I feel my cheeks growing hot. That was always what I hated most about being a redhead. When I blush it's too easy to notice, bugged the crap out of me growing up. I hope that the fact that my hair's pulled back might be making it harder to spot but with my luck- oh hell, who am I kidding, she probably thinks I'm off my rocker already.

This is exactly why I stay away from "pretty" women.

I look up hesitantly.

//Okay, I'm going to stop re-editing this now and leave it as is. It's a bit tricky getting this first person, present tense thing down but it's been something I've been wanting to try. If you have any suggestions please help me out here Luc- I'm always game for constructive criticism. Hope it's not too hard to read though.//

12-03-2008, 06:45 AM
Ohhhh niiiice! She actually blushes! Now isn’t that cute. She’s staring, mouth agape and then quickly averts her eyes to look at the ground, stammering an excuse.
Images of her bent over the hood of her car, the skirt hiked up to her hips flash through my head. I lick my lips at the thought. But no, I mustn’t rush things.
I flash her my friendliest smile, push my sunglasses up on my head and repeat what I already have said: „Hello, I’m Stella and if you need a lift I’ll be happy to help you. I’m heading to San Diego, so that’s as far as I can take you. Can’t help you with fixing the car, though.“ ‚Nor do I have the slightest inclination to get my hands greasy and dirty’ is what I think. That’s what mechanics are for, no? You call them, tell them where your car broke down and three days later you go and pick it up again. Or you just forget about and buy a new car.

She finally looks up again and shakes my hand. „Um, err, thanks, that would be nice.“
Omigod, the girl is so cute. She actually blushed even more. She doesn’t seem to have a name, though. Or is she just to nervous to introduce herself? I've met a couple of guys behaving like that when I approached them. But so far never a girl.
„Ok, then I think you should get your things and yourself in my car.“
Once we’re on the road I turn towards her: „Are you in a hurry or would you like to go to a beautiful spot to watch the sunset? Maybe smoke some pot, too?“

12-11-2008, 09:05 PM
"...I think you should get your things and yourself in my car."

The words echo in my head. Of course I had rushed to do as she asked- well, stated really. I may not be the best when it comes to women but I'd like to think I know an opportunity when I see one.

I glance over at her, trying not to be too obvious about it. She really is something- everything that Lana could never be for me. She was as straight-laced as they come, had never even come out of the closet for that matter, but this girl? Well, she's certainly different. I've always had a thing for long hair and black just so happens to be my favorite color. Now that I think about it I guess I could say I'm about to get lucky. I smile to myself- even if it is a dumb pun.

I glance back to the dashboard. The vehicle itself seems to be talking to me- whispering tales of sex and money through the soft leather seat I'm sitting on.

"Are you in a hurry or would you like to go to a beautiful spot to watch the sunset? Maybe smoke some pot, too?"

My attention shifts and I feel it's safe to outwardly stare for a moment. Did she just say what I thought? I force a laugh but I think it comes out sounding more nervous than what I was going for.

"Hehum, no. No thank you. I mean I've never- I don't smoke." I cringe a bit at how lame that must have sounded. Score, 1 for Beauty, 0 for Brains.

I make myself continue, hoping I can gloss over any awkwardness, avoid that weird pause in the conversation entirely.

"I don't really have anything else to do though. I mean, I don't want to be a bother or anything but I'd love to see whatever you wanna show me!"

...Okay, so maybe that came out wrong. I take a deep breath, hoping she didn't catch my little Freudian slip.

"You know," I continue, choosing my words more carefully, "I could really go for a drink right now before anything else."

12-14-2008, 02:30 PM
"Ok, then let's go and have a drink." I floor the gas pedal. Should I crank up The Tragically Hip singing about being fucked and drowned by a lovesick killer whale or would that be too much for the girl? Probably. Better leave that, along with the pot. She certainly isn't one of the wild ones. Too bad, i really like to smoke some pot once in a while to unwind. But not alone, and definitely not when I'm with a beautiful girl out in the middle of the desert.

At the next junction I steer the car onto a gravel road that winds uphill. I'm driving too fast and the rear of the car is skidding on the gravel for a split second, trailing a cloud of dust. She grabs the door handle and looks at me again, this time with a worried expression. I slow down a bit and laugh at her.
"Sorry, I have a tendency to drive and live too fast. But no worries, it's not far from here, about five minutes. Believe me, it's a terrific place." And hopefully deserted too. "You will like it. Promise."

The place is indeed terrific: On top of a steep hill, overlooking a deep valley that runs to the west and opens up to the desert plains where the sun is just about to touch the horizon in one of those famous californian sunsets. And it is also deserted. I park the car at the edge of the little plateau and kill the engine.
„What do you want to drink? Coke, water, beer, champagne?“
„Umm, water, please.“
I hand her a mineral water from the cooler on the backseat and pop a Coke. Then I slide the seat back and turn towards her. Damn, she's hot. When she turns to look at me I can't myself hold back and just pull her towards me and start to kiss her on the mouth, my hand on her hip, tasting her full lips and hoping that she doesn't bolt from the car.