View Full Version : Alternative to Anal

02-17-2009, 05:20 AM
So my master has told me that if I come up with an alternative to Anal training, I can do that instead of anal from time to time, but only if he accepts the alternative.

I must be able to do it by myself, since my master will soon be working with an international company.

Any Ideas?:dunno:

02-17-2009, 05:34 AM
The only thing I can think of is oral training. If you are unable to deep throat without gagging, you can train yourself to ignore your gag reflex. There are several books available about it, and I'm pretty sure there was a thread here about 6 months ago that had many suggestions for self-training. If I find it I'll post a link.

02-17-2009, 10:38 AM
Does it have to be sexual in nature? There are many things that you could learn to do that could entertain your Master that don't neccesarily have anything to do with sex. For instance, learn to do a good lap dance, or belly dancing (check out some Shakira videos on youtube) that's hot, or maybe there is something else that your Master finds particularly enjoyable to watch, or a certain kind of food that he likes and you could learn how to cook it. Service to our Master's does not always have to be sexual. If that's not what he always requires then there are unlimited opportunities to learn something that would please him.

02-17-2009, 05:08 PM
If anal is a hard limit for you he should respect that.

02-17-2009, 05:27 PM
Does not sound like a hard limit to me (if it is, tell him that...) since the context of the post implies:

1) She has done anal training before this point (and hence maybe why she knows she does not like it too much)
2) She is only looking for something to replace anal 'from time to time' i.e. she is aware that she is only going to be allowed to make the swap occasionally and therefore anal is still on the menu.

Like the above posters, I am not sure what you are looking for here exactly. Anal training is a very specific thing that makes you ready for anal sex by helping to relax the sphincter muscles using graded butt plugs and dildos. Not sure there is anything that could be an equivilent, though the oral training suggested sounds the closest...

If, however, it is *any* BDSM task that can replace it, I suggest something that is as unpleasant but in a 'different' way. Anal training is unpleasant because of the pain, discomfort and the constant feeling of needing to go poo. There is also humiliation. Find which of those you actually dislike and then find something which does not include it.

Some examples:

- position training or furniture training. Good for patience, general body tone and making a good view for your Master to look at when he is away on a trip and watching you on webcam. Can be very boring to hold the same position for ages though...

- Vaginal training. As anal training but using the vagina.

- Cum restriction or some other similar activity (i.e. practising not cumming while masturbating, maybe keeping a time log of how long it takes each time to send him in an excel file). In fact timing something (like position holding, length of time you can take certain pain such as kneeling on rice and so on) and sending the times to him in a spreadsheet so he can see a graph of your improvement/lack of improvement is a good thing to do as it gives you both a feeling of progress and achievement.

- Taking pictures of yourself 'presented' for him (positions, dressed sexy, using yourself as a table) and sending them to him. Maybe even doing video (in fact video is often easier cos you can set the video running and set yourself up while in shot then edit it later to remove the 'fumbling around with bits of rope bits'). Webcams often do recorded video or still photography these days.

Most of the above are mainly things you can do to keep him happy while he is away rather than replacements for anal training...

02-17-2009, 07:24 PM
Well it's not that I don't care for Anal, It's just that I don't like it as my ONLY training thing. I could see if he would allow me to switch it up or something.

I do find it hard to do it every 2nd day. I also work full time and normally cook meals and tidy once I get home.

I will talk to my master and see if any of these answers suffice. Thank you all for your input.

02-17-2009, 09:15 PM
Good ideas. I was going to suggest much the same.

My girl does position practice. Some are strictly posture positions. Some are virtually the equivalent of a strength training, for stamina when servicing me.

She is also expected to do kegals to strengthen her vaginal walls... again to more ably service me.

02-18-2009, 01:14 AM
If it is purely a time thing then position training may be good as it can be done with little preparation - just strip and assume the position. I would suggest some form of timer with an audible alarm so you know how long you have been in that position. Alternatively, memorising the tracktimes on a CD album and using the length of the tracks as a way to work out the times (if you fancy doing quite difficult mental maths while naked on all fours, practising presenting your genitals to your webcam for your Master... :) I think the task is hard enough without that).

You'll probably only manage 5 minutes at first and that will seem like a lifetime (which is why the music sometimes helps as it takes your mind off the boredom but may defeat the purpose of the exercise) but you can build on that.

02-18-2009, 04:25 AM
well, fetishDJ, you have been very helpful. I will talk to my dom and see if he likes the options presented. He is still iffy about it but I think he'll come round. ^_^