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View Full Version : Seaching for a female slave

02-18-2009, 11:24 AM
I am searching for a TRUE 24/7/365 no rights, no limits female slave. I am a caucasion Male, not in a vanilla relationship, alone for 1 year. I am a total Lifestyle Dominant,fairly cruel, creative, well read, reasonably intelligent. I am not young, good looking, or rich. I require absolute submission, and I demand complete servitude. I realize that the chances of finding an ltr total slave are something like one in a REALLY big number and this search could take years. It could conceivably take the rest of My life...so be it. I am tired of being alone.
My vanilla interests include...well, too many to list, really. Music, cooking, reading, movies, gardening, sustainable living, writing (the old fashioned pen on paper kind)...like everyone else in the world, My tatses are many and varied.
Obviously, if there is a slave, somewhere, for Me, there would be a long period of getting to know one another online. (although, really, how well can you know someone online?) I accept and expect this. However, I AM NOT looking for an online "relationship", whatever that is. My ultimate goal is real life, long term (forever would be nice, lol) ownership of a no rights, no limits, 24/7/365 female slave.
No druggies!
