View Full Version : Obama

03-02-2009, 07:58 PM
I would like to pose this question about the President

This thread was ceated to keep the Legacy Of Bush's thread on the Subject of his Legacy, and it turned into a Obmam type subject let's keep this one Obama and his Presidency and keep the Bush Legacy thread just that Bush's legacy the 2 have nothing in common and are 2 different subjects, thus this thread

We have Unemplyment at 8.65 percent (approx) the Presdient just Signed a $765 Billion Dollar Stimuls plan
What happens just what happens as this money is released, Businesses start rehiring those they layed ouf, peole start buying again do to their paychecks being bigger as a rsult of the Tax cut since the earn under $250,00 a year, land get more money to spend and do, overtime the Banking System becomes more stable, even Warren Buffet said the Reccesion is liekly to last in the the early part of 2010.

What if with this Stimuls Package, unemplyment were to drop to say 5-6% rather then the current 8+% and you notice in your paycheck that since you earn well under $250,000 that you are getting more money, can now afford that car you wanted, your mortage payment and afford medical care througthis package and other in congress right onw
Whatthen would your opnion of the Stimulus Package be, your View of Obmam ect
Remember he inhertited this mess he did not creat it, and no it is not going to be solved over night parts of it may take 2-4 years to clean up

Just curious, and granted tihs is speculation, but why not, this speculation is based on what the Stimulus Package is going to do
My guess is that it does work over time Unemplyment drops, citzens have more spending money and they can make ends meet easier

If the Stimulus Packagge DOESNPT do over time what it was inteneded to do, my guess is Obamam will not be Re-Elected in 2012, and I realise that the possabilities of the Packag working as designed are speculation right now but give it time don't rush over it's success or failure 2 weeks after it went into law, givie time to prove itself and Obama time to prove himself to judgmenet as it wa