View Full Version : Strong welts

10-06-2004, 03:17 AM
How can I make strong prominent welts on my sub's ass without actually strinking too strong (and causing too much pain) ?

Are there any trics ?

Thanks for your help, Hogar.

10-06-2004, 04:06 PM
Hogar, I have found that using a Dressage Whip on a bottom and thighs can leave really nice welts. You can buy one for a few dollars at a Farm and Fleet type store. The Dressage has a hard shaft that can cause damage if used too hard. It also has a soft tip that can be used to leave nice welts without too much pain to your sub. It takes practice so start out slow and easy... Good Whippings

10-07-2004, 04:49 AM
How can I make strong prominent welts on my sub's ass without actually strinking too strong (and causing too much pain) ?

Are there any trics ?

Thanks for your help, Hogar.

Where's the fun in that!

Jones, Nikka
10-08-2004, 01:59 AM
...How can I make strong prominent welts on my sub's ass without actually strinking too strong (and causing too much pain) ?

Use a small copper coin -a penny will do- and rub your sub's skin with ith using long strokes. You do not even have to press very hard, but make sure you run the same place at least a dozen times. What looks like a ferocious welt will appear on the skin. It will disappear quite fast, but if you only want it to take a very impressive picture, this will do.

10-08-2004, 10:54 AM
The phenomenon is called dermographism and requires a certain type of skin, all types of skin respond to a good cropping or padling though:D