View Full Version : What should my friend do

01-20-2010, 10:19 AM
this is very complicated story but will try the best as i can. I have a friend on another site who she is also a slave. Her Master has been seeing another slave for pain/pleasure/fun and they met up again for the same reason today. Now my friend was a friend with this other slave who saw my friends Master for pain/pleasure/fun today,.had removed my friends name of her friends list so that would mean that my friend could not see the comments or pics of this other slave other than looking in her profile .My friends Master had forbidden his slave to look at this ex friends profile as Master wanted his slave to share the photos when she moves with her Master in New Zealand. Well my friend had a red flag and felt that her Master was keeping something from her, so she had a look in this ex friends profile and found a pic of her Master getting a bj from my friends ex friend and doing it on my friends bed in which she will be using to sleep in when she joins her Master in New Zealand in Aug. Now of course that pics everybody else can see it other than my friend in where everybody leaves there comment/s with other peoples pics and groups. My friends Master said that there would be no sex with this other slave, now as you can imagine my friend is broken hearted as her Master has lied to her and has lost her trust with my friends Master. What should my friend do speak to her Master and tell her Master that she had a look in her ex friends profile even though her Master told her not to and saw the bj photo which is now in full view of everbody else on the site. . What should she do about her Master lying to her. As she says she loves Master to bits and dont want to lose him as her Master but the trust is lost though can anybody give any nice suggestions in what she should do next.

01-20-2010, 11:18 AM
Boy, what a complicated mess. I'll try to be succinct and clear with my thoughts:

She's moving to be with him in August (which seems like a pretty big deal)--and already calls herself his slave (which seems like a VERY big deal to me). Soooo:

Communication is never a bad thing.

Discussion of fears, expections, desires and emotional issues should, presumably, be happening considering the future arrangements set to take place (although it doesn't sound like it is)...so that might be a good place to start.

'Master said that there would be no sex with this other slave'...Recently? Is the picture a recent shot? Your friend seemed to feel that *something* was going on or she wouldn't have felt compelled to peek...trust may have already been an issue and now that's just been made an even larger issue.

01-20-2010, 11:40 AM
brwneydgirl my friends Master met this other slave todaY for pain/pleasure/fun the photos were taken after the pain/pleasure/fun

01-20-2010, 12:16 PM
Lets see...
1: the dominant lied to your friend and then tried to hide it by telling her not to look.
2: your friend is quitting her own life and moving to a new country to be with someone who lies to her.

My first reaction would be to end the relationship before someone (meaning your friend) gets very badly hurt. If she'd already moved and then faced such a serious breach of trust she would have been in a bad way. Better to end it now rather than offer a second chance that likely will lead to her facing another breach of trust later.

01-20-2010, 12:53 PM
My first reaction would be to end the relationship before someone (meaning your friend) gets very badly hurt.

I would not move anywhere with someone I couldn't trust. And even though trust is a BIG deal, I definitely wouldn't move anywhere with someone who made me afraid to bring up trust issues... I understand that your friend doesn't want to lose her Master, and I am definitely not an expert on this kind of thing, but the feelings seem pretty one-sided. No matter how you like to have a relationship or what kinds of things you like doing in the relationship, feelings should be present on both sides; if not, you're probably better off in another relationship...or on your own until a good one comes along.

Honestly, I think your friend knows the best way to handle the situation, but she's afraid because the price tag seems too high for her. The best thing you can do is tell her to trust her intuition and go with her heart, and then be there for her as much as you can. Sometimes when I'm in very complicated situations, I try to take everyone out of the picture mentally. I only focus on myself. When I ignore everyone else's reaction, sometimes it makes what would be an agonizing decision pretty easy. Maybe she could try that. Ultimately, it's HER life, and she shouldn't waste it on a relationship that is unfulfilling...Master or not.

01-20-2010, 05:16 PM
Your friend is obviously being played for a fool and would be wise to break contact with this individual if he has in fact cheated on her or is just playing some kind of head game its beside the point.

01-21-2010, 05:04 AM
Your friend is obviously being played for a fool and would be wise to break contact with this individual if he has in fact cheated on her or is just playing some kind of head game its beside the point.

You said it.

01-21-2010, 11:18 AM
Since as you stated in the happenings, a "red flag" went up and she looked. Now if there was no real "issue" then it would be something to communicate with her Master about. BUT since the red flag was warranted, the trust is gone and honestly why move in with someone you don't trust. Once a dog, always a dog. she may love Him and want things to work out so badly. but truth is unless she doesnt mind being poly in every area, even sex, then she shouldnt be with Him. as time goes on the hurt and feeling of love will fade. He really isnt worth it.
