View Full Version : what is trust to you?

01-23-2010, 05:03 AM
People talk about trust, gaining trust, having trust. When we say we trust someone, what exactly does that mean to you?. What types of things do you trust them to do, or not to do, or what types of things do you trust them with?

01-23-2010, 05:49 AM
Safe sane consentual is the Lifestyle Creed
Without trust how can you know any of these are met
You trust that the other will respect your limits
You trust that the other will keep you safe/ do no harm
You trust that they are true to themselves as they are to you
You trust them with secrets you hold within , wants desires
You trust that they will allow you room to grow to explore

They trust you will communicate your needs
They trust that when they are gone , you still obey their commands

With time , effort and each step into the Lifestyle this trust builds upon itself
layer by layer of doubt , mistrust , old baggage disappears until all is revealed
you stand bare all needs exposed, this is achieved through honor loyalty and truth and the ultimate prize is Trust in yourself and them

01-23-2010, 07:34 AM
Trust is a bond. Trust is truth in communication. Trust is all those things that allow a person to feel safe inside a relationship.

01-23-2010, 10:33 AM
Trust is one of the corner stones orf any relationship.

It does however take effort on both partners parts to nourish.

Tended to and nurtured with the same care as a fragile orchid within the garden of wise dominion's gentle embrace.

01-23-2010, 11:21 AM
Trust is security in the absolute knowledge that a specific person will

--never abandon you because of external circumstances you can't control that cause stress
--never cross the line to say or do the things that will hurt you the most simply out of meanness and immaturity
--always seek to find the good in you even if you have lost sight of it yourself
--not punish you for what is revealed when you bare your soul
--not attempt to maintain your loyalty by abuse
--always be honest and upfront about their feelings to fight off resentment before it develops
--stand up for you (as long as you are not wrong) regardless of what may happen
--help you make it through times that you may not be strong enough to handle on your own
--learn you well enough to know when something is wrong
--never make note of what you say and twist the meaning later, turning your words into weapons to be used against you
--never try to turn others against you but will do the opposite, being diplomatic for your sake
--trust you completely, believe what you say, honor your feelings, and love you in spite of whatever happens

Trust is hard to find...certain elements are much easier than the whole list. But to someone who fits the entire description, there would be no limit to what I would give or do...my world, my love, my life would all be completely and unconditionally entrusted to that person forever, because complete trust seems very rare.

01-23-2010, 11:31 AM
Also, in a D/s relationship...

trust him to make the best decisions for me
trust him to literally hold my life in his hands
trust him with the power to make me do anything
trust him not to make me do that which I can't handle, and am not ok with
trust him to protect me in any situation.

plus everything that's already said.

01-24-2010, 11:09 AM
Trust is a willingness to let them go where they want, whenever they want
Trust is the ability to share anything with the one you love, no matter how sacred
Trust is the ability to understand their special needs, though you may not share them
Trust is not minding if they become friendly with another person
Trust is placing yourself in your partner's hands and feeling comfortable
Trust is permitting that special someone the freedom to enjoy his/her kinks

01-24-2010, 12:58 PM
People talk about trust, gaining trust, having trust. When we say we trust someone, what exactly does that mean to you?. What types of things do you trust them to do, or not to do, or what types of things do you trust them with?

Trust to me is no lies, ever. Trust is to be able to be with each other with your own faces, your own soul, not having to hide anything.