View Full Version : being off line

01-29-2010, 02:55 AM
i am finding it very hard when Master is not on line i feel lost and dont know what to do. Master will be off line for a week starting tomorrow and i know that i will be losing my tree going spare in other words, as talking to Master on line it brightens my day up and makes the day more easier for me to see the day fade away. i have tried to keep myself busy like house work, reading a book, going out with friends but i still feel the same any ideas anybody to make my life easier when Master is away for a week starting tomorrow.

01-29-2010, 03:41 AM
Try writing to him in a journal, as if you are talking to him one-on-one.

01-29-2010, 05:50 AM
As Steelish said express yourself in writing don't think about the days He has been gone but each day think it is one day closer to seeing Him again.write these feelings daily and when you meet again you will have a special gift for Him.

01-29-2010, 11:49 AM
I would agree with the others. Write him, and let your thoughts flow out from your soul. When the other of a pair is away, it is the best time to contemplate the relationship. But also find yourself again, in those hours you might have spent with your master. Renew old friends and make new ones. Someone may be helpful in coaching you though this time of need.

01-29-2010, 11:52 AM
Has he set any tasks for you to do while he is away to help you? It might be worth asking him. I definitely agree with writing things down it does help.

01-30-2010, 11:40 AM
Try something small, a little ritual, to "center" yourself. When I'm at home and being apart from him is a little too overwhelming, I like to get into a calming position (for me, it's prostrated on the floor, as though I can pretend to kiss his feet). My Master also wrote me what we cutely call my "slave prayer," just a small mantra of things that he finds important and wants to emphasize in my life and wants me to remember. I say it at work when I can't talk to him, or if he's out and won't be home for hours... It's just a way to keep yourself calm and centered in his absence, and it doesn't have to be minutes and hours long, just something small to say "this is who I am, this is who I serve, now pick it up and keep it moving, kid" whenever you're reminded of the distance/absence.

01-30-2010, 02:07 PM
Absolutely love the "slave prayer" idea, pervetedpages! Good one!!!