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02-09-2010, 10:09 AM
There is a Giant Billboard on a Minnesota highway with a picture of George W. Bush and the Question,,, " Do you Miss Me Yet??? " lets have a poll and see who misses Bush and how is Glad he is gone and who Doesn't care.......... I am glad he is gone,,,,,, Comments everyone???

02-09-2010, 10:17 AM
There is a Giant Billboard on a Minnesota highway with a picture of George W. Bush and the Question,,, " Do you Miss Me Yet??? " lets have a poll and see who misses Bush and how is Glad he is gone and who Doesn't care.......... I am glad he is gone,,,,,, Comments everyone???

No, but I do miss Reagan.

02-09-2010, 11:18 AM
No, but I do miss Reagan.

Amen to that. He's one of the first Presidents we had in years that agreed with smaller government and listening to the people. (and not just listening to the people long enough to get re-elected - he REALLY listened and fought for American citizens)

02-09-2010, 11:18 AM
Oh, sorry Stealth. NOPE! I don't miss Bush.

02-09-2010, 11:51 AM
Glad he's gone. Would be nice if you had a president like Nixon these days (who was phenomenal in office and went down because of his paranoia) but I guess settling for Obama isn't that terrible.

Disagree strongly on Reagan those dramatic tax cuts directly caused the out of control deficit that is destroying the country. It's a nice message, but when the tax cuts aren't accompanied by spending cuts (and they weren't) it doesn't work.

" Many Republicans would express support for Ronald Reagan’s
obs"ervation: “Growth, prosperity and ultimately human fulfillment, are created from the bottom up, not the government

Unfortunately, after Republicans are elected to political office they tend to fall into the Washington trap of assuming that higher federal spending will solve the nation’s problems.

Harvard economist Jeffrey Frankel argues that we should not be surprised by the discrepancy between the rhetoric and the actual policies of Republicans. Frankel even argues that “the Republicans have become the party
of fiscal irresponsibility, trade restriction, big government and bad microeconomics.”46"


45 and 46 are:
45 www.reaganesque.com (Ronald Reagan, September 1981)

46 Jeffrey Frankel, “Trading Places: Republicans’
Economic Policy Is Now Closer to That Associated
with the Democrats, and vice versa, Says Jeffrey,”
Financial Times, September 13, 2002, www.cid.harvard.

02-13-2010, 06:30 PM
46 Jeffrey Frankel, “Trading Places: Republicans’
Economic Policy Is Now Closer to That Associated
with the Democrats, and vice versa, Says Jeffrey,”
Financial Times, September 13, 2002, www.cid.harvard.

Sorry unable to accept the proposition that the Democrats have moved towards the center on economic policy.

02-13-2010, 06:33 PM
There is a Giant Billboard on a Minnesota highway with a picture of George W. Bush and the Question,,, " Do you Miss Me Yet??? " lets have a poll and see who misses Bush and how is Glad he is gone and who Doesn't care.......... I am glad he is gone,,,,,, Comments everyone???

It does not matter if I miss him or not! But one must presume that the sentiment is not so much related to Bush but the administration we have now.

Oh! The reason. Because he is ineligible for office. Hmm, I wonder .....

02-15-2010, 03:21 AM
Unfortunately, after Republicans are elected to political office they tend to fall into the Washington trap of assuming that higher federal spending will solve the nation’s problems.

And that's not happening now???? (with Democrats "running" things)

I keep seeing partisan politics being argued in all the threads and really...it doesn't have much to do with it. It's PROGRESSIVES that are trying to "ruin" our country....not Democrats or Republicans. Progressives abound in BOTH political parties.

02-15-2010, 05:40 AM
Whatever my opinion is of any past president is really just water under the bridge here. I want to see how history portrays the man, and using other references, make a sound statement at that time.
One thing I can say, though, is that I won't miss this current dude one little minute, nor any of his minions such as my state's senator Baucus. Doesn't even rate a capital S in senator.
End of time on the soapbox.

02-15-2010, 12:46 PM
Hear! Hear!
And most people have no idea that the Progressives are anything other than Democrats. The see the word "Progressive" and hear "progress". Yet have no idea that the Progressives see the Constitution as an impediment to Government.

And Obama identified himself as a Progressive!

And that's not happening now???? (with Democrats "running" things)

I keep seeing partisan politics being argued in all the threads and really...it doesn't have much to do with it. It's PROGRESSIVES that are trying to "ruin" our country....not Democrats or Republicans. Progressives abound in BOTH political parties.