View Full Version : Playing in the Snow

02-14-2010, 08:51 PM
I had a discussion the other day about having a play session in the snow.
My dom saw a video where a submissive was tied, naked to a snow covered picnic table, and water from a watering can was poured on her. She was then turned over on her front and had water poured on her again, then hit with a flogger.

He said, since we both live in areas with snow that this will undoubtably happen to me.

I like the idea, but don't like the cold much.

I'm wondering if anyone has ever played in the snow and would like to share thier experiences. Also suggestions for safety issues, because all I can think of is not being outside in very cold weather.

02-14-2010, 09:56 PM
hiya cadence:)

your thread caught my eye as we just got us a little snow where i live in NC. my Dom/bf was all for making me run outside around the apartment in the snow or some other snow related activity. however i live in a very populated area with kids around so that isn't possible. He has dreams however of us moving more north someday, and having His snow sessions come to life. Like you i do not like being cold and as a nurse can only think of the hypothermia that would set in and me having to be rushed to some ER....

while the hypothermia would not be a good thing, the humiliation of being seen in an ER with possible questions about why in the world i was out in the snow in the first place would be something He would enjoy....

good thing He isn't a member here;)

to answer your question seriously though, you would have to be sure that you didn't get too cold because hypothermia is a concern. and i'm not sure how cold skin would react differently (or if it would at all) to flogging and such. i'm sure there are others here that have experience so i'll leave it for them to answer, but i'll be checking back for future reference:) and good luck with your snow time:)

02-14-2010, 11:16 PM
The only time I ever even got close to having played in the snow was when my owner took me with him on vacation in January to Washington State for a primitive camping trip.

(That is camping with no modern amenities, we had only what we carried in on our backs, no tent either he made a shelter from scratch etc)

He was a survival instructor for the first half of his AF career so I wasn’t worried about some things like freezing to death or going hungry but I have never been colder in my entire life than I was on that trip lol.

He never made me play naked in the snow, though he jokingly threatened to make me go outside naked to fetch more wood one night. I did however in the shelter strip down to my birthday suit so I don’t know if the trip counts per say.

Have fun and be safe, hypothermia is no joke and neither is frost bite.

Safety first…kinky second.

02-15-2010, 05:40 PM
Thanks for the responses, and yes I'm pretty concerned about hypothermia and frostbite.

I know that it would have to be an extremely mild day, but I wonder about pouring water over a body.

Would warm water be better or cold water?
I've heard something about that before, but am too lazy and too busy to find out what the implications are for that.
At least I'm honest :)

02-15-2010, 05:56 PM
My Owner told me that pouring water hot or cold (cold is worse of course) on you while outside in very cold temperatures will make you get hypothermic even faster. He also said your dominant best be completely knowledgable with all the dangers if he doesnt want to jepordize your safety. He told me flat out that he wasnt comfortable with expousing me to extreme cold himself for any length of time which is why we didnt do any out door play in the snow on the trip. Though if a warm heated pool and modern amenities had been available things may have been different.

02-15-2010, 06:18 PM
Yes, be very, very careful with the cold.. :/
Been a pupil one a "Folk Highschool (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_high_school)" in Norway where there was a sailing line (not the kind of school where you get grades and stuff).
Had to practice turning over the boat in the freezing water (there was snow on land and a little ice on the "beach") and then turn it back the right way, empty it of water and swim back in to land..
Never been as cold as that before in my whole life.. ><
At least have proper wool clothing close at hand.
And a fire going nearby.
That's a minimum..
One thing that might help is sharing a sleeping bag of the warmer kind with your dom ;)
But honestly, don't even think about doing this without don't some proper research on the subject first.
Other then that.. :gl
It's a rather nice feeling when you can feel the heat returning to your bones again. :)

02-15-2010, 08:10 PM
I'm guessing that eating ice cream immediately afterwards mightn't be a good idea ;)

02-15-2010, 10:23 PM
lol nope, but warm coco is.

02-15-2010, 10:25 PM
Note to self: Update checklist to include "no play involving snow".

You are a brave woman, cadence. There's no way on God's green (or snow-covered) earth that I'd go out in the snow naked. Heck, I barely go out in the snow with 4 layers of clothes on!

02-16-2010, 05:43 AM
Note to self: Update checklist to include "no play involving snow".

You are a brave woman, cadence. There's no way on God's green (or snow-covered) earth that I'd go out in the snow naked. Heck, I barely go out in the snow with 4 layers of clothes on!

LMAO, as W/we have had 15 " of snow here i spend every day of it grateful that He hates snow! He can't even tease me about it, He tried but His hatred of it was stronger that His desire to make me nervous! :)

02-16-2010, 02:50 PM
I love to play outside and have done so several times, but I don't have any snow around where I live. Sounds a little crazy/fun/hot and cold all at the same time. Next time I go to the mountains, I know what I'll be thinking about!

02-17-2010, 04:13 PM
I'm wondering if anyone has ever played in the snow and would like to share thier experiences. Also suggestions for safety issues, because all I can think of is not being outside in very cold weather.

Cold is actually a very hard limit with me so this scenario would be pure torture, and not the good kind. Good luck. You are so very brave.

02-17-2010, 10:21 PM
Note to self: Update checklist to include "no play involving snow".

You are a brave woman, cadence. There's no way on God's green (or snow-covered) earth that I'd go out in the snow naked. Heck, I barely go out in the snow with 4 layers of clothes on!

Eskimos have 128 separate words for snow... I have no doubt jeanne is going to miss one or two of those.... :eek:
