View Full Version : Blood vial

03-30-2010, 06:16 AM
Hi, Master has requested a vial of my blood, I don't have a problem with it at all, I was into blood way before He was, thing is though I dont know where i'd be able to get one from, or even if it would be possible to make sure the blood didn't congeal (sp?).

This is something that means alot to Master, to Him it is a material display of my submission to Him, literally giving a part of myself to Him.

I'm preferably looking for somewhere in the UK but I'm willing to try anywhere. Can anyone help?


03-30-2010, 06:57 AM
It is hard to do this without really going to someone trained in the correct procedures. You can easily get a few drops of blood from a finger (you can buy diabetic testing kits which will give you a few microlitres of blood safely and steriley - I could even help you with that) but for anything more than a few microlitres you are looking at piercing a vein and that requires training. You may be able to find a BDSM friendly trained phlembologist but you will need to know that you trust them to be safe and sterile and use fresh equipment.

As for keeping it from coagulating, that is a case of using the right equipment and materials. You need an anticoagulant such as EDTA or heparin (for your purposes it really does not matter which you use). Heparin is, I think, more difficult to obtain as it is a dangerous medical drug which could be lethal in the wrong hands (I remember having to be very careful when handling the vials as a cut finger on the broken glass could lead to a dangerous bleed). EDTA may be your better bet as it can be used in solid form. Best bet may be to obtain some purple vacutainer vials which have the EDTA already in them, are sterile and hold about 5 ml of blood. You may be able to get hold of one of them from a supplier online but be very careful of your supplier and be aware that these things have a best before date for a reason. If you manage to acquire a trained, trusted, kink friendly phlembologist then they may be able to sort out all that for you.

I would be very careful how you do all of this. It is very easy to get an infection (especially hepatitis or HIV) or risk damage to your veins when doing this sort of thing.

If you want to only get a few drops, talk to me in private and I can probably help you out.

03-30-2010, 08:04 AM
Thanks for the info. I'll PM you.

03-30-2010, 05:36 PM
Have you gone to a lab and asked if a phlebotimist can take a sample and give it to you?

I believe those vacuum tubes they use to draw blood have an anticoagulent in them.

Then a laboratory grade rubber stopper and he will have what he wants... Add a silver chain and he can even wear it around his neck.

Google this and get 20,600 more ideas, some of which appear to answer your question directly. "blood vial jewelry"

I would pay heed though, to concerns raised by fetish... remember, just because you heard it on the Internet... doesn't mean common sense and caution needn't apply. ;)

03-30-2010, 05:42 PM
Ahh... The first site... vampirewear dot com, also suggests going to your doctor for filling your own vial... but they do have some nice choices for containers.

Do It Yourself (http://www.bloodvialjewelry.com/fillvial.html)

03-31-2010, 03:07 AM
Thanks Oz, I totally get what fetish said as Master is a tattoo artist and He has a form of haemophilia, so safety and infection control are things that have been thought about alot.

Its mainly the anticoagulant that was the problem, never thought about going to the doctor for it, I'm not sure he'd be up for it, but its a thought, none the less.

Thank you again.

03-31-2010, 03:21 AM
Doctors in the UK are less likely to do it. For one: They often outsource their phlembology to a local hospital rather than do it themselves now. For another: in the US if you give a doctor money and what you want is not unethical or against the law, they'll do it for you because you are paying them. In the UK there are no private GPs (that I know of) only private specialists who you have to be referred to by an NHS GP.

Had I still had the job I used to have, it would not have been a problem. I could have invited you in to the lab, got a doctor (we had some very good medics who were very good at taking blood) to take a sample for my research, put it into some anticoagulant and, if a small amount was sidelined into another vial, no one would worry about it so long as you were consenting to that sample being taken and used as it was used...

03-31-2010, 04:00 AM
Unfortunately, fetish says that doctors in the UK are not very cooperative. I'm also about sure that you could obtain help from most any physician or even Urgent Care Clinic here. Perhaps, if you have a family doctor, you could explain that you wish to give a vial of your blood to someone very close to you and he/she would be willing to assist. Most would be if for no other reason than to prevent the possiblity of infection or blood borne pathogens if they think you are serious and are going to do it with or without their help. Good luck on your quest!
