View Full Version : anyone else do this out there?

crazy dave
04-18-2010, 08:10 PM
I,m into crossdressing-lite selfbondage, outdoors with water. let me explain. I wear skirts , limited movement boundage (hands tied, legs above the knee), then go and do some self imposed task in a lake or river. yes it is dangerous, but i do try to be safe. thats what i'm adicted to. the heart thumpping rush when of going under or getting cought on something. anyone else out there as crazy as i am?

Jennifer Williams
04-20-2010, 12:12 AM
You really, really, really should have someone with you when you do this; if you hit your head that would be the end of you.

crazy dave
04-20-2010, 07:12 AM
yes, there is that posiblity. but thats what makes it execiting. in reveiwing my life, i'm amazed i'm still here! i do limit my self now to a few times a summer, but after do it and coming close, i always feel so alive. what a rush!! have fun, crazy dave

crazy dave
04-20-2010, 06:06 PM
I think you guys think i'm unsafe. i've been at this water stuff for about 15yrs now. let give you an idea what i do. i walk the area i' m going to play in, if river, both banks. i like cotten rope. so i find all exit points. mark the trees facing river where i hide knifves.(never can have to many of those guys) i can swim in my form of bondage! never have anything hanging loose. slip on shoes( laces and straps get cought on stuff). stay out of swift currents. allways tie hand in front in a river. if in a lake and staying sallow water, might tie hands in back. i'm crazy, not insane. but the elemet of surpise is still there. before cellphones and cameras, i did my thing during the day in forests. the thrill then was allmost getting cought or seen. bacsily i've been playing these games for about 45-50yrs now! and yes i've been cought at it. truth got me out every time. have fun and enjoy your life. crazy dave

04-21-2010, 06:38 PM
It may be true that Tarzan the best swimmer in the world died while swimming or at least my mom always told me that but there is also a saying that says it's your life and you only get one of them so in my opinion go for it. I do what I need to do and in the end I won't regret it.

04-22-2010, 01:07 AM
One thing to think about: You have chosen to do this and that is your choice and you clearly manage the risks. Others may not be so careful or even aware of the risks and may try to copy you. Therefore, whenever something like this (edge play) is posted a lot of people (me included) feel obliged to point out what the risks are so that anyone who does try to copy it is aware of them and may take the required steps.

Any form of self bondage is highly risky and anything involving water is risky (depth is irrelevant when you are bound and/or unconscious - if your face is under the water you will drown) so it worth making sure that all the bases are covered.

I have read stories of people doing self bondage in public (one story involved a person tying themself up in a woodland near thier home and having to hobble and hop all the way back to the house where they kept the keys) but I am not sure how true to life these are - they claim to be real life stories but I am always wary of that. I have also been impressed by the idea of a predicament situation - a slowly filling receptable of water in which you are bound. Not sure I would ever try either of them, however.

crazy dave
04-25-2010, 02:53 PM
One thing to think about: You have chosen to do this and that is your choice and you clearly manage the risks. Others may not be so careful or even aware of the risks and may try to copy you. Therefore, whenever something like this (edge play) is posted a lot of people (me included) feel obliged to point out what the risks are so that anyone who does try to copy it is aware of them and may take the required steps.

Any form of self bondage is highly risky and anything involving water is risky (depth is irrelevant when you are bound and/or unconscious - if your face is under the water you will drown) so it worth making sure that all the bases are covered.

I have read stories of people doing self bondage in public (one story involved a person tying themself up in a woodland near thier home and having to hobble and hop all the way back to the house where they kept the keys) but I am not sure how true to life these are - they claim to be real life stories but I am always wary of that. I have also been impressed by the idea of a predicament situation - a slowly filling receptable of water in which you are bound. Not sure I would ever try either of them, however.

hey, maybe i should delete this thread then. never thought other people would try this because i do it! just wanted to know if some else did it. when i try something new i use bow knots or velcro cuffs. after i'm sure i can do it, then heaver stuff. but never ever anything with locks or chains!! too dangerous. only one point for release. outside stuff needs multple release points. i have been cought. 99% of the time i could talk my way out of trouble. i did hit that 1% time. very painfull experiance. don't remember it all or how a got home. if think i delete this thread, how would i do that? please let me know! thank you, crazy dave

04-26-2010, 05:27 AM
I don't think it needs to be deleted. Better it stays here because then those who do want to try this can see the dangers and how you deal with them. You cannot stop others from trying something by denying that it exists, you can only advise them of the best way to do it without harm and let them make their own choices with all the facts in place.

If you did want to delete it, you need to talk to the admin types and get them to do it, giving them the reasons why you want it deleted.

Alternatively, you could edit your entries in this thread - removing all the text and replacing it with a comment like 'deleted for... whatever reason'. However, the thread and all other entries would remain.

crazy dave
04-26-2010, 07:25 AM
ok, i'll leave it up then. are you sure this is a good idea? i"ll really don't like the thought someone doing water games without planning it out. have a safe day. crazy dave

04-26-2010, 05:15 PM
Yeah, leave it up... but continue (here or perhaps in a new bdsm 101 thread) with some discussion of how to prepare, precautions, safety.

As you read around the forum, you'll see lots of that kind of dialogue. Topics such as self-restraint and bondage are often discussed in terms of how to do so safely.

Jennifer Williams
04-26-2010, 07:07 PM
That's all I was getting at Dave, in your first post you never mentioned all of your safety precautions, so I was just worried you didn't have any. I never meant to say you should delete your thread! One of the best parts of this message board is seeking for other people who you can share similar kinks with, and hopefully get new ideas from.

crazy dave
04-27-2010, 02:00 PM
i never heard the term "edge play" before. so, i started thinking about it the last few days and wondering why this seems so dangous to you. i started asking people about highschool and what they did for fun and excitment. when i would bring up some of the things i did everones eyes seemed to get bigger! i beleive i problely have been playing "edge play" most of my life in one form or another. never realized it! now i have a better understanding where your coming form. i realize now what is my "normal life" is nowhere near your "normal life". here i thought it was no big deal about what i did and/or do. the net is turning out to be a very interesting place. well, have safe fun day! crazy dave

crazy dave
04-27-2010, 02:05 PM
i never heard the term "edge play" before. so, i started thinking about it the last few days and wondering why this seems so dangous to you. i started asking people about highschool and what they did for fun and excitment. when i would bring up some of the things i did everones eyes seemed to get bigger! i beleive i problely have been playing "edge play" most of my life in one form or another. never realized it! now i have a better understanding where your coming form. i realize now what is my "normal life" is nowhere near your "normal life". here i thought it was no big deal about what i did and/or do. the net is turning out to be a very interesting place. well, have safe fun day! crazy dave