View Full Version : Rise in cancer of the throat and mouth caused by oral sex

04-29-2010, 05:08 AM
A study was done about the apparent rise in throat and mouth cancers maybe linked to the HP virus.

pointing to data from a recent analysis of more than 11,0000 people showing that individuals with six or more sexual partners had a 25% higher risk for developing the disease


In a time of higher risks associated with STDs, many seem to forget that ANY sexual contact can result in the spread of these viruses and bacteria, including through the mouth, whether it is male or female.

This made me wonder how many people in the BDSM community ask their partners to get tested or ask if their partner has been tested, how many ask to see the results before hand?

A friend of mine has a saying and I kind of adopted it for myself

"Safety first kinky second"

04-29-2010, 06:42 AM
Yep...saftey first kinky second...I for one don't play in any manner that will invlove the possible transmission of the "pox" anymore without being eaither very careful or only assorting with the small group of people my Owner and I "assort" with lol.