View Full Version : Homemade Bit Gag

05-05-2010, 12:03 PM
Got to thinking...

one can use a toliet paper holder with a string fed through it as a big gag. Can even wrap electrical tape around the bit. Hmmm. :)

05-05-2010, 03:48 PM
I'd not thought of this. I wonder though if the holder could withstand the clench of a jaw. An idea worth considering! ~rienzi~

wife mom slave
05-05-2010, 07:42 PM
most are not good enough to withstand someone clenching, it would likely shatter and that could be all bad. hard plastics, like what toilet paper holders are made of, tend to shatter kinda like glass when it breaks. seems there is a big risk of cutting and chocking.

they can be made out of rope, or even a good rubber ball for the same cost. better be safe than sorry, i would advise against it.

05-06-2010, 03:00 AM
There are a lot of things about the right shape. Thick dowelling may be strong enough. Alternatively, you could braid thongs of leather into the right shape.

I once talked to a Domme who used eggs to gag her sub. Find an egg the right size to fit, lodge it behind the teeth. Threaten sub with punishment if they break the egg (so they have to be very careful of it) then tell them that the only way to get the 'gag' out at the end of the session is to break it - so lots of mess and humiliation and, if you are really evil, the punishment you promised for breaking it :)

Jennifer Williams
05-07-2010, 04:52 AM

05-07-2010, 04:56 AM
Less of a risk than it used to be... but also not much more of a risk than infection from many other BDSM activities, especially those that involve blood or breaking the skin. BUt yes, something to consider certainly.

Jennifer Williams
05-07-2010, 05:02 AM
especially those that involve blood or breaking the skin.
Not the way I do it. :D Also, completely different kind of infection. I had food poisoning once...oh, it was an awful, horrific experience.

05-07-2010, 06:17 AM
If you are really concerned about the egg, just give the shell a good scrubbing and drop it in boiling water for 3 minutes. Poached is still plenty sloppy and any annoying bacteria on the shell will be killed by the heat. Just make sure to let it cool before you "pop it in".

05-07-2010, 06:57 AM
Only need about 50 degrees C to kill bacteria and it would be fine. Alternatively, gamma irradiate it :)

crazy dave
05-07-2010, 09:39 AM
i don't use gags. going with the food thought. how about using a net bag with maybe grapes or strawberrys, etc. you could put the bag in the mouth, then fill it. could put as many or little as wanted. still could punish for all the that are not whole. just an idea. don't know if it would work.
crazy dave

05-07-2010, 12:46 PM
Only need about 50 degrees C to kill bacteria and it would be fine. Alternatively, gamma irradiate it :)

So a good scalding will do for the shell. That's about half the temprature
of boiling at sea level (50c/122F) if I read it correctly.

But now i'm curious. How would one "gamma irradiate" something using common household materiels?

Can that be done safely at home? :dunno:

05-07-2010, 02:19 PM
lol I think he means using the microwave oven.

05-07-2010, 04:05 PM
Well I remember in one of the local events there was a workshop on making your own bit gags... I didn't go to it but I was under the impression that they used a thicker rope for the body.

05-07-2010, 05:21 PM
lol I think he means using the microwave oven.

Whoosh! that one went right by me! LOL

I thought he meant this..

*smacks forehead with large green hand* Hulk stoopid!


Jennifer Williams
05-07-2010, 10:19 PM
But microwaves don't use gamma rays. They use...microwaves.

The shell could be sharp when it cracks and cause lesions...I think I just don't like eggs. Eggs and I never got along well. Other than being an ingredient of cake, I have no use for them.

05-07-2010, 11:20 PM
Ok, so back to the OP's topic. This is a simple DIY bit gag (about halfway down the page), and it's Dom Depot friendly.


As an added plus, it requires no Gamma radiation, so no large, ill tempered, green subs are created. :D


Jennifer Williams
05-08-2010, 10:14 PM
Now that was useful.

05-10-2010, 01:30 AM
I was joking about the gamma irradiation cos you definitely can't do it at home... however, most food you now eat has probably been gamma irradiated at some point in the supply chain. This is because the gamma waves are short lived forms of radiation (so by the time you get it to the shelf it is free of radiation) and does not damage the food for the short time it is exposed to it. Most surgical equipment is also sterilised this way nowadays - certainly the stuff that cannot survive an autoclave.

Boiling will completely destroy the bacteria, 50 degrees will make them less effective (disable enzymes). Frankly, if you buy modern high quality eggs the chances of salmonella in a raw egg is now very low and if you don't actually swallow the yolk (remember, most of this will drip down the front of the chest not into the mouth) then the risk is minimal - less than getting an infection from a cut on the skin.

Jennifer Williams
05-11-2010, 03:30 PM
Well you have your eggs, I have my cuts...

05-11-2010, 03:58 PM
Alternatively, gamma irradiate it :)

Heaven forbid a Bruce Bacteria Banner Bug....

05-11-2010, 04:02 PM
Two Knotty Boys have a video you can freely download that will show you the steps to create a nice rope gag.

wife mom slave
05-12-2010, 05:11 AM
^ they also show how to make a ball gag, its called a monkey ball gag.

05-12-2010, 11:17 AM
^ they also show how to make a ball gag, its called a monkey's fist ball gag.

... not to mention a monkey's fist makes a good "striker" on the end of a rope.

(Reminds me of that how that hawser was used in Casino Royale...)

06-05-2010, 10:13 PM
What about those hard-rubber dog bones from the pet store? They are non-toxic, can take a bite w/o breaking teeth and the knuckle on either side lets you tie it on. The also come in various sizes and lengths (but I've never seen black.)

If you have a medical/dental supply store - they sell dental wedges which can be used to hold the teeth open. While not a gag - it does remove the sub's ability to speak.

Be careful with ball-gags/eggs. My wife had serious TMJ issues a few years back and went through braces and some teeth shaving to solve it.

07-20-2010, 12:22 PM
One of my favourite 'makes' ever was a gag. I made it with one of those flightless golf balls. Through the middle I passed some static cord and did a little creative knotwork to both hold the ball in place and create a thicker section of rope so it didn't cut into the side of my playmates mouth too much. It was simply to put on just pop it in the mouth and tie behind the neck. With all the holes in the ball my partner could breath but it also induced loads of saliva which would have anyone dribbling uncontrollably.

11-02-2010, 07:24 PM
For eggs just use pasturised in shell eggs. If they work for raw food aplications i.e. mayonaise, egg nog, why not a gag.