View Full Version : Costume ideas for Torture Garden

05-25-2010, 03:12 PM
Hi there guys, I'm not really an active member of the forum, although I have had periods of intensive use in the past.

Basically, there's a club night in London called Torture Garden, which unfortunately I've never had the opportunity to go to. Now I finally do, since they're having a one-off night in Edinburgh!

I'm so excited about it, and my Dom and I are totally up for going, as a birthday treat for me.

The only problem is costumes. I really want a good pair of costumes for us, and he's happy to let me do my thing, as long as he gets the final say, which of course he will.

I've got a couple of ideas, which I'll outline, but basically we're looking for a 'pair' of costumes, not just two costumes that don't fit, and we're looking to show the nature of our relationship as well (him the Dom, I the sub). We don't want to be *too* generic, but by the same respect we have a reasonably limited budget (we're talking stuff we already have or is easily available/made really) so don't want to go too far out!

Idea 1
He is wearing big baggy trousers with braces and a tophat, carrying a cane (because they're always sexy, and we all know where that will lead to later in the night!), and I'm wearing nipple (uhm, forgotten the name of them, but the wee things that cover them!) and lots of chain over my body, held together by a big symbolic padlock on the front, which he has the key to around his neck.

I really like this idea because it's symbolic as well as cool, and fits in, however I don't have the body confidence to pull this off!

Idea 2
He is wearing a suit with tails and a top hat, and a big ruffly shirt, and I am wearing bondage tape (and maybe some underwear underneath, but we'll see ;) ). He will, again, carry the cane. (I'm sensing a recurring theme with the cane here!)

Again, I think it's an ok idea, but there's not really a pairing about it, so I'm not so sure, and it's a bit run of the mill and generic.

Idea 3
He is wearing assless chaps, and a leather jacket, open, with a riding crop, and I am wearing black pants, a leather halter top and a bit gag, and reigns.

We really like this idea, although with the bit gag I wouldnt be able to speak or drink... which rather defeats the point of the whole going out, meeting simnilar people type thing!

If anyone could think of a way to modify this idea so I would be able to talk or drink (without going through the rigmarole of having to remove it all the time) then let me know!

Anyone got any other ideas or themes?

Oh by the way, the dress code for the night is no regular clubwear, and no cheap dress-up outfits (byebye Anne Summers!)

Thanks in advance!

05-25-2010, 08:15 PM
How about a simple collar on a leash...then your free to talk or drink.

05-25-2010, 11:51 PM
Very good idea :) We had thought about this one, and we weren't sure how we felt about it, although we're keeping it in mind!

Thanks :)

05-26-2010, 01:38 AM
Gags can be removed so you can arrange that he will allow you to take off the gag for certain periods. Say - wear the gag when walking round the club or dancing but are allowed to take it off when drinking or when given permission to speak?

05-26-2010, 10:51 AM

Assless chaps for him but a leash and collar is too over the top?

05-26-2010, 11:20 AM

Assless chaps for him but a leash and collar is too over the top?

I never said it was over the top, I just said we weren't sure how we felt about it. And it doesn't answer the question of what else to wear!!

05-26-2010, 11:21 AM
Gags can be removed so you can arrange that he will allow you to take off the gag for certain periods. Say - wear the gag when walking round the club or dancing but are allowed to take it off when drinking or when given permission to speak?

That is a good idea! I'll definitely pass it on!

And I'll pass on the collar and leash idea as well! :)

05-26-2010, 11:42 AM
I never said it was over the top, I just said we weren't sure how we felt about it. And it doesn't answer the question of what else to wear!!

But I did. ;) I said "nothing" :blurp_ani

05-26-2010, 12:39 PM
But I did. ;) I said "nothing" :blurp_ani

Hmmm... tempting as that is I don't have the confidance to do that!!

Although you're certainly not the first to suggest it!!

05-26-2010, 12:46 PM
Arm binders...and a bowel of some kind for him to pour your drink into so you can lap it up.

05-26-2010, 01:20 PM
Arm binders...and a bowel of some kind for him to pour your drink into so you can lap it up.

Oh, I do like this idea :D Definitely passing this one on with my recommendations!

05-27-2010, 11:42 AM
Just an idea....what about a very Phantom-of-the-Opera-esque costuming....e.g. he wears suit and tails and a mask of his choosing (white or black, even red would be stunning) and gloves; carries a whip or cane; something to give him a very imperious, commanding presence.

You, on the other hand, would be wearing an almost see-through white dress (e.g. a very frilly nightie or something stitched out of organza or some other sheer fabric) that would give you a fantastic silhouette without being too revealing....

And of course, to top it off....

If you remember or know the show, you might recall the line, "Your chains are still Mine...."

You could wear silver handcuffs with a chain that ends in his hands, thus binding you to him throughout the night without gagging you or rendering you totally socially helpless.

Just a thought. ;)