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View Full Version : Good fantasy for Hypno-fetishist

11-12-2004, 01:54 AM
What's the best fantasy for those who like to mix hypnosis with their BDSM? I 'm looking for both real and stuff you've read online.
What's the best hypno story you've read?
What's your best hypno-fantasy?
What have you done in r/l and will you teach me to do it? :)

11-12-2004, 07:08 AM
Reality: A girl I knew from grade school to high school was mind controlled and coerced into sex. I think she began flashing on what she was being told to forget and he was arrested in a sting operation. It happened in the early nineties in Tallahassee, Florida. Try looking it up on Google.

11-18-2004, 07:05 AM
What's the best fantasy for those who like to mix hypnosis with their BDSM? I 'm looking for both real and stuff you've read online.
What's the best hypno story you've read?
What's your best hypno-fantasy?
What have you done in r/l and will you teach me to do it? :)

I am a big fan of MCStories.com which has a lot of hypno stuff on there, some mixed in with BDSM, you have to pick and choose amongst them, but there is some categorisation. My sub, latex slut, will be publishing a story, 'Fascination University' on there soon, which has great BDSM elements, especially in the later chapters. It is less hypno, more direct MC, but it might appeal to you.

11-20-2004, 07:23 PM
Well, one interesting r/l thing you might try is setting a trigger phrase to freeze your sub on the spot, or make them experience being tied down. Those actually work - I can tell you that from experience. You can also simulate the sensation of being spanked, which is pretty cool because it stings like hell and won't mark you up.

As far as stories go, I'm not an expert (my bf is) but I would recommend Wiseguy from mcstories.com specifically, since his stories are pretty solidly realistic. None of the ray-gun slavery stuff.

And "teach" you? Do you mean r/l teach?