View Full Version : apartments and noise

06-15-2010, 05:17 AM
My boyfriend and I are thinking about moving into an apartment which is closer to where we work. I'm worried that other neighbours in the building may hear our bdsm activities. It's a double brick apartment. We are not particularly loud but sometimes my boyfriend will make some loud grunting noises (a paddle tends to do this). Is this something we need to worry about? will the neighbours be able to hear us ?

06-15-2010, 07:27 AM
Using Google, gives many examples for "sound-proofing" or even your local Lowe's
may provide demonstrations or How-To's. Most apartments have inspections
though so, you may wish to ask the manager first, on what is allowed.

06-16-2010, 04:59 AM
You could try to gag him... :)

Seriously, some of the noises I hear in the night from next door are probably far more disturbing than anythiing you will produce. Next door is a respite care home so there are some disturbing noises in the night from the guests. I amk not sure anyone will comment or make any assumptions other than you are having great sex :)

Jennifer Williams
06-16-2010, 11:21 PM
Have you seen the apartment? Can you hear the neighbors' activities while you're there? Maybe ask to see it around dinnertime when people are home, and see if you can hear their TV, their kids, their dog barking, etc.

For my sub and I who have only the first floor of his parents house at night while they're asleep, or my apartment which is on the floor above the landlord who hears everything, we have simply learned to be quiet. It drives your creative juices a little to think of activities that are quiet; gags are definitely our best friend.

Or you can just not care, and let them hear you and let them think what they want (just don't have too much screaming or they might call the cops).

06-19-2010, 11:52 AM
My apartment is fairly soundproof as I rarely hear any noise from my neighbors (or perhaps I don't have many neighbors). I usually have the music on to "hopefully" muffle the sounds of paddling, etc., etc. I don't blast the music as that's not allowed, but it may be enough where the neighbors don't hear anything.

On the other hand, if they hear us, it may be embarrassing but Sir and I are certainly beyond the age of consent. :hubba:


06-21-2010, 10:17 PM
oh I remember playing in a friend's apartment ... they said "we have to be quiet because our neighbours are old ladies and they will call the cops on us"

... I won't lie, I often 'fantasize' about what would happen if the police were to ever walk in... or people in general.

Jennifer Williams' idea is very sound (pun not intended lol) and you could always ask the building manager about it.

06-22-2010, 12:55 AM
I stay at my boyfriend's apartment that just happens to be in an area that we like to call "the bubble". People here are just living in their own little worlds and if you don't fit in to their views they get a little freaked out. (I mean this town was a dry town till just a few years ago as one example).

Anyway, we have a soundtrack of music for when He knows He's going to be doing really lovely things that I'm gonna get a bit loud when He does them. But most of the time we don't bother too much and nobody has yet to call the land lord on us. It's amusing cause the people across the hall from us can hear better then they should into His place/the hall way, while we can do the same....it's amazing what you can find out about your neighbors...I was amazed anyway. lol.


06-23-2010, 10:08 PM
My attitude is basically "screw it." I'm not going to lessen my pleasure just because somebody MIGHT hear. We're pretty sure neighbors have heard us once or twice, but nobody's ever said anything to us, so I'm not terribly worried about it.

We have a roommate now, which does change things a bit. We generally try to confine our activities to times when he's not home, which isn't terribly hard, since he doesn't get home till about 2:30am six nights a week. If we do have sex when he's home, we put music on or wait till he's watching a movie so he won't hear anything.

06-24-2010, 12:12 AM
We're decided against moving after weighing up the pros and cons. I did talk to a few people about noise/apartments and they were of the opinion that unless we were really loud, neighbours wouldn't be able to hear us.