View Full Version : sub-space

06-16-2010, 12:48 PM
hello all, i would be very grateful if more clarification can be given on what exactly is sub-space and also how one can achieve it?

06-16-2010, 01:01 PM
This is something that is quite difficult to quantify.

The best description I can give is that it is something akin to a trance state, where the submissive is so far gone into the scene they sort of space out.

Some say that when in sub-space they no longer feel pain. This, obviously, is dangerous if you are involved in impact play, fire play, or the like. For others, sub-space is a mental place where all instructions are obeyed immediately and vigorously without conscious thought.

Ultimately, it is a different experience for each person. As to how to reach it? Very difficult to say. Some reach their sub-space fast, others with difficulty, if indeed at all. Possibly meditative and/or autohypnotic techniques would be of assistance, however.

Jennifer Williams
06-16-2010, 11:52 PM
My sub describes it as the point where his brain finally shuts completely off. Not just worries and concerns disappearing but also thoughts like "wow this feels good" and "I hope this happens next" vanish and he really has no thoughts at all and is "just emotion and nerves."

I can't tell you better than that, since I've never experienced it myself.

It's not something we "achieve" on purpose; it just sometimes happens when we're feeling a certain way. Oh, but do I get a rush when he gets like that and that's when I know I can do anything at all but I tend to just continue doing what I was doing to make it last.

Also, and I don't know if this is true for anyone else, but this was something that did not happen for him for the first several years we were together. For him, the level of trust necessary to let go like that is very high.

Lisais mine
06-17-2010, 06:25 AM
"sub-space" is a trance state, where the sub looses herself, and might have any number of effects. there are differing levels that people go into space, depending of circumstance.

with lisa, I find that if i start off with service type situations, giving her lots of commands, having her fetch things, and then proceede into impact play, i can have her almost out of her body, and unable to move. sometimes she cries, sometime she wants nothing more than to grovel at my feet, sometimes it makes her beg to be fucked. again, i think that depends on her mindset going in, and hte amount of intellectual play i mix into the pain play.

pure pain ellicits more of an out of body sensation
intellectual play more tears, i think

and a bare handed spanking will send her into a fuck-me frenzy :D

06-17-2010, 07:05 AM
sounds yummy!

06-17-2010, 09:16 AM



Here are just a few out of a countless number of links that deal with this type of topic that you may find helpful.

02-04-2011, 02:03 PM
This is one subject i love to talk about because i love sub-space. For me many things will send me there, If my Master kisses me hard and will tug my hair to pull my head back and gives me that look i can feel the start of my decent into sup-space, everything around us starts fading and i start getting that numb feeling. I go very deep when i am being whipped or spanked hard. It feels wonderful, i can feel myself starting to leave my head and i can hear everything going on but i can't talk, i can hardly move on my own other than squeezing my hands in a fist or rolling my head, and all i can do is moan and grunt. It can be dangerous to go as deep as i do as easy as i do, it took alot of time and trust for my body to be able to totally let go, if you are doing pain play and you space out you can't tell you Dom when to stop, me myself i don't want it to stop, nothing on earth can make me say to stop when i start going to sub-space. When i'm in sub-space i don't feel the pain anymore, all i can feel is my body as a whole and its numb and tingly and when i feel something like the belt or His hand it sends something through me, i cant explain what it feels like, like a beautiful numbing tingling lightening bolt. I get to a point and i don't feel anything except a feeling of being so calm and warm. It can take me 15 minutes for my Dom to be able to bring me down or it can take hours for Him to be able to bring me down, all depending on how deep i go at the time. This is where aftercare comes into play and in my opinion is something that should always be done, even if its just cuddling and talking. My aftercare consists of anything from cuddling and talking to being given a bath and being washed and then given a whole body massage, no matter what the aftercare is He is always telling me how good i am, how beautiful i am, how he loves me and the way i respond. Its wonderful to be brought down from space by someone who will take care of you because sub-space is very emotional. I have cried and laughed when i am being brought back down and all my emotions hit me again. Sub-space is wonderful, make sure your Dom knows how to keep you safe. And remember sub-space is different for everyone. Everyone experiences different things while in space, the most common thing is the wonderful feelings and the disconnect from yourself.

06-07-2011, 06:25 PM
*sighs* Sub-Space :) Oh, how I love thee!

It is all those things said above. I feel most submissive when I reach that state. I've only experienced it a couple somes but it is truly amazing.