View Full Version : Is Dragon is just an old SEXIST!

Red Dragon {mpellegrino}
07-09-2010, 01:40 AM
Aloha all

I am not really a poster on the forums but decided I wanted some feed back that the Blog doesn't give as most people don't read the blog it seems. (You should great new blog there by 'serviam' which is informative to Dom, sub, male and female alike - check it out and give him support for his blog)

I love to set tasks and in days gone by was a Task Master in the old Tasking Forum. I no longer take part in the new one I am afraid, mainly (I used to think) because it seems to lack the personal Tasker/taskee interplay it used to have. (Please Minxy, Deels or T shoot me in flames if I am misguided.) However that is not the subject of this post. I still get pm and emails from time to tome asking me to set tasks and follow up in the old way and this week I had a male sub approach me on recommendation of a female for a task. I set task and all is wonderful.

Except... it does nothing for me to set males tasks!. That does seem unreasonable to me. But it made me think that perhaps it is more the policy of sexual equality in the setting of gender non specific tasks where ever possible in the tasking forum that actually is my problem.

Sorry folks it seems that old Dragon is just an old SEXIST!

Now as all who know me know, there are few as chilled and as accepting of all as old Dragon. But I am afraid I am just a male heterosexual. So setting tasks keeping in mind males might ask/do them just does not light my flame. (shrugs) I will be playful in the chat room with them and many are friends but it kind of turns me off that I cannot as principal set gender specific tasks. This I think is the real reason I don't join the tasking forum again (Not much loss you probably think LOL).

So I just wondered if anyone else had thoughts about this. (I don't mean one's criticising the tasking forum lots love it) Do you have views about the sexist Dragon? Am I in a minority? Should there be somewhere for taskees and Taskers to have gender specific tasking?

Well just a thought any way. Respectfully Dragon

07-09-2010, 10:49 AM
As someone who has known you a very long time (is your voice still as sexy??) You are who you are.

There is nothing wrong with you not being comfortable giving tasks to same sex just as it is not wrong for those who are comfortable with it. You have to do what feels right for you.

My experience is that there is no absolute right or wrong in this lifestyle (as long as it is mutually consensual) no matter what others may try to say. Everyone is individual and has to be comfortable with the way THEY do things.

Over the past few years I have got to know many in the lifestyle, heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, transgender, transexual, transvestite and enjoy the company of all of them. They are who they are - individuals, non judgemental (mostly), and bloody good fun.

So I guess what I'm trying to say RD is - be your wonderful self as usual and don't worry about it.

Jennifer Williams
07-09-2010, 01:50 PM
Awww, everybody has things that turn them on and then things that don't turn them on. You can't help what those things are; though it's possible for tastes to change you can't force it on yourself. You're just plain heterosexual and that's that. I'm the same way; doing anything sexual with a female doesn't do anything for me, in fact it turns me off. So I just don't do those activities. It's just a hard limit for you, that's all; and you shouldn't try to force yourself to be something you're not.

Haha, being exclusively heterosexual in this community is uncommon, but with the level of acceptance there is, I think we can handle a straight guy. That certainly doesn't make you sexist *laughs*. Sexism is when you disrespect a person based on their gender, or think of them as lower or less important than the other gender. You most certainly are not doing that. So relax! Just be who you are, as long as you're respectful towards everyone there's no harm in it.

07-10-2010, 07:58 PM
It's actually quite refreshing for someone to say "hey, this is who I am" rather than trying to play the "I am here for evvvvveryone." Seriously. That "I am good for anything" act tires after a while, and I honestly suspect there are actually *very* few people who are completely pansexual. Most have a preference for one gender over the other, and then above and beyond that, most have a preference for D/s/switch. In other words, trying to say "I am evvverything" is a load of shit LOL. I much more respect people for saying who they are. After all, isn't this Lifestyle about respecting eachother and eachother's similarities and differences? Yes, yes it is.

I don't think you are doing a damn skippy thing wrong. It just doesn't roll your rocks to set tasks for male subs. A'ight, you know what?? There are things that don't roll mine either. That's the way it is. I would much rather you just say it then try to pretend... ya know??

07-10-2010, 09:36 PM
Knowing who and what you are is probably a rarity in the world. So many people seem constantly to be in flux. I think it is neither a strength nor a weakness, but what matters is whether or not you are COMFORTABLE with it.

10-29-2010, 11:59 PM
Umm, I don't think your being, umm, sexist RD for one minute. More like totally honest in saying what you do and don't like. I mean like that I really can't connect sometimes when people talk about the beatings they enjoy as I can't understand it but I wouldn't say that they are wrong or say anything mean about what they like to do.

People enjoy different things and situations so I think not liking something is OK, just like saying I like something e.g. gags and stuff is OK (I don't like gags either but umm hopefully you see the point I trying to make).

10-31-2010, 08:28 PM
You are into whatever you are into and are no more sexist than anyone who has a gender preference. I'd also like to include that you could be good at doing something but not necessarily into it, so just because you are able to come up with tasks for guys doesn't mean you'll get anything out of it.