View Full Version : BDSM Betting?

08-07-2010, 11:06 PM
I was wondering if anyone else does (or has heard of) this?

As I tend to do alot of self play, a while back I came up with a way of making things more interesting for myself. What I do is:

I choose a task I must complete - could be vanilla or kinky (ex. alot of times I like to go on one of my favorite websites that has bdsm wrestling, just use the free preview pics and I have to guess the outcome of the match by the beginning photo)

And before I start, I choose a good outcome and a bad outcome. (ex. good: no punishment or sometimes may be something like I get to remove a pin ; bad: add x # of pins or x # number of slaps to the balls I must endure)

And as I proceed through I must endure whatever consequences for how I complete my task until I reach my predetermined stopping point.

I was just wondering if anyone else did this or had heard of this, as I'm looking for new challenges and outcomes?


Jennifer Williams
08-11-2010, 03:31 PM
I've never heard of that exactly, though I think it's a very creative way for you to take the control away from yourself, even though you're in a "self" situation. Kudos! : )

08-12-2010, 01:23 AM
There are lots of ways in which you can randomise self tasking and this is a good one. I recently experimented with my sub on a method of doing bathroom control which did not really work. I told her that, at work, she had to pick one toilet cubicle and could only use that cubicle all day. This meant that potentially she may not have been able to go to the toilet when she wanted to because someone else was using the cubicle (even though other cubicles were free, she could not use them unless it was an emergency).

It did not quite work. The limit was not really strict enough - not enough people using the cubicle - but it was worth a try and now I know to think of something harder next time.

You could do this sort of thing on real sports as well - set an outcome and try to predict which football team or tennis player will win. If you set some task that must be done during the match as well (i.e. unable to go to the toilet until it is over, must masturbate but not cum until it is over, have legs tied together or be gagged etc) then it makes it more interesting. Especially if the tennis match overruns as long as the recently famous one at Wimbledon (12 hours in the end, wasn't it? :) ). I wouldn't suggest this sort of thing for tennis or cricket... :)

Dice can also be useful for randomising things. You can have a list of tasks numbered and roll a dice each time to find out what you get. If you have polyhedrom dice you can get up to 100 or more tasks in that list but even with a normal 6 sided die you can get a few options - roll it twice for 2 - 12, three times for 3 - 18 and so on. Just be aware that this method tends to make the middle numbers (6 - 7 and 8-10) more likely to happen... You could also have a system where you have 1-3 means 'something good' and 4-6 means 'something bad'.

08-12-2010, 07:57 AM
When I read this question, I started to wonder about "self-punishments"...

For those who take part in this, do you feel that your punishments to yourself are more or less difficult to endure than those which would be given by a dominant or partner? Do you feel that you're more stict on yourself than another would be?

For instance, in the OP's original question, it was stated that given the outcome of the particular match he was "betting" on, he would slap himself in the balls as part of the punishment. Do you believe you're slapping yourself as hard or harder than a dominant would?

Very curious... :)