View Full Version : Apologies

10-10-2010, 01:43 PM
To all:

It has been brought to my attention by ******, a very upset individual, that my actions as of late have been 'troll' like. I was taken back and was only given part of the person's name I offended. When I requested the entire name, said Dom, got a little testy and felt I should have perfect recall of every event that has transpired over the last few weeks. Finally, I was told the person's name, and still to the life of me I cannot remember the events that occurred. So, since I finally found out your name, ***_************, I do apologize for any real, or imagined, offense that transpired.

In the future, if any of you feel I am crossing a line, please tell me. I realize that the thickness of my skin, and the thickness of others, is not the same -- and can also change from time to time due to different events transpiring in our lives. So, please, let me know.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.


10-10-2010, 03:55 PM
i've never found you least bit troll-y towards me

frankly, i'm a little ticked

if you'd like to apologize to me for your lack of sexual advances i will be under the bridge, hoping a goat or three pass by

10-10-2010, 06:18 PM
Woogsbie ~

Clearly this person does not know you at all! :mad I am sorry you have experienced something so negative directed towards you. Just because people are in the room but not talking every five minutes does not make them a troll! :rolleyes: It annoys me that someone has falsely accused you of such a thing. You're a nice guy Woogs and I enjoy having you in the room with us. As a matter of fact, I have come to depend on YOU to chase the trolls away! To put is very nicely...tsk tsk on the person who pointed their finger at you.

*hugs and kisses you on the cheek*

your friend,

10-10-2010, 06:45 PM
I read this and had to take a few hours before i could post anything about it and have it be nice.

Woogs, you are far from a troll, ever!! You give good advice and are there for people when they have questions, concerns and are a very caring person. Looks like you got pulled into somone else's insecurities and drama, or got used as a sob story to another Dom to strike up conversation. Immature. I'm gonna go make some stuff up and complain to Master about it, k.
said it best. I'm going to stop typing because i still am baffled over this and can't find to many nice things to say to whoever said that BS to you.

10-11-2010, 12:39 PM
Heck Woogs I wasn't going to post because I would simply be echoing the comments of those who have posted before me, but I couldn't stand by and not offer my support.

I have the pleasure of having known you for a few years now and you are one of the most genuine people I know - as to trolling......... I am convinced you wouldn't know how!

love and ~hugs~ d xx

10-11-2010, 04:26 PM
I want to thank each and every one of you for your kind words. They really mean a lot to me.


Talk with you all soon!

10-12-2010, 02:13 AM
Woogs, only known you a short time, but one thing i would never call you is a troll, pervert, hell yeah, but a troll. Add me to the echo of voices of support

10-16-2010, 09:13 AM
I just now found this thread and it made me quite upset. All of the ladies gave thoughtful responses, with which I agree. You have been so kind to me, so helpful, and so respectful -- one pathetic troll if there ever was one! You make many of us smile and laugh whenever you are around. And, your humor combined with your benevolent nature and quiet wisdom make me, for one, feel safer. I am sorry that you had this negative experience. I can't help but wonder if they got you confused with somebody else, because this is so absurd.


10-22-2010, 07:24 PM
No way, never, not at all! I am sure anyone who takes the time to actually get to know you will know that the only thing you are is genuine. Thank you for being such a support and guide to so many x x

04-16-2011, 12:03 PM
I know this was some time ago.. but i can only say you are one of the most wonderfull person i have ever met!!! love u!!