View Full Version : Figured I should say hello

11-05-2010, 10:31 PM
Hello all,

Just thought I should drop a note and introduce myself. I'm a young woman who has had an interest in BDSM since my very early teens. After many years and finally gaining my legal adult status, I began to play. I find myself preferring a Dominant role over males but I will still indulge in submission to both genders with the right person or in the right mood.
I have a love affair with ropes and leather. I love the sight of rope coils over skin and the whisper-hiss of a tightening knot. I adore leather in all it's forms, from my dress to cuffs to implements of pain.
I have a growing collection of toys, my favourites being crops and floggers. The jewel of my toy collection is a custom made medium cow-leather flogger. Nothing pleases me more than the variety of ways I can use it on a submissive's skin.
I consider myself a beginner-novice and I am always eagerly seeking to learn more and develop as a Dom. If a sub asks anything of me, I research it exhaustively before I try it. I always look for the highest quality, in my toys, my subs and myself.

Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to meeting you.

11-06-2010, 07:17 AM
Hello, Domina.

You've come to a great place if you're looking for information or even if you're just looking for conversation. Most of the members are very friendly and open with information. Welcome to the Library. Enjoy!

11-07-2010, 12:38 PM
Hello, Welcome to the Library!
Have fun!


11-08-2010, 01:21 AM
Welcome aboard, hun. Have fun. ;)

Kali x