View Full Version : Sterilizing Needles after use

11-10-2010, 02:46 PM
I have a friend I met on another web site who is very much into putting needles into her breasts and nipples. she is using 16 gauge needles and so far she is loving it. she is very much into pushing her limits. But she asked me the other day if there was a way to sterilize them after use. I did a little research and found a lot of conflicting information. some say use heat or alcohol, others say that wont work only an autoclave will do it right. any help to get this right ? thanks for the help!

11-29-2010, 11:02 AM
Autoclaving is the preferred method when sharing medical instruments between different people. Boiling and alcohol would be a second choice. If she is only using the needles on herself and not sharing then she should use whatever precautions she uses with fresh needles. The major infective agents are what the needles are exposed while in use. Perhaps squirt alcohol through the needles to remove any debris picked up while inserting and then boil for 5 minutes or so. Re-sharpening can be tough...but maybe she prefers them a little dull!