View Full Version : Tears of a Master/Dom/Domme and a Gift

02-24-2011, 11:24 PM
I saw these 2 questions on another site would love to hear what your opinions are on these
Have you ever had a Master/Dom/Domme that has cried? How did it make you feel? Did you lose respect for him or did the fact that he was able to show his true emotions to make you feel special and indeed causing you to give him more respect?
TO ALL MASTERS/DOMS/DOMMES Have you ever shed tears in front of your sub/slave? How did it make you feel?

Second question
Some see submission as a gift? How do you see it?

02-25-2011, 01:55 AM
I saw these 2 questions on another site would love to hear what your opinions are on these
Have you ever had a Master/Dom/Domme that has cried? How did it make you feel? Did you lose respect for him or did the fact that he was able to show his true emotions to make you feel special and indeed causing you to give him more respect?
TO ALL MASTERS/DOMS/DOMMES Have you ever shed tears in front of your sub/slave? How did it make you feel?

The question is somewhat confusing to me. Of course MDD's can cry, do you think we are made of stone???

To me the question begs another question: Is it an icon people want, or a person of flesh and blood?

To me, wanting an icon is a very advanced way of topping from the bottom.

Second question
Some see submission as a gift? How do you see it?

An often discussed question (which is not to say that it should not be again.)

No, it isn't. Submission and Domination is a marriage between two needs which complement each other.

02-25-2011, 07:05 AM
I saw these 2 questions on another site would love to hear what your opinions are on these
TO ALL MASTERS/DOMS/DOMMES Have you ever shed tears in front of your sub/slave? How did it make you feel?
When I first met Taffi my ex-slave in 3D, after weeks of online exploration, it was only a few months after my wife had died. (I really wasn't in any shape to be looking for a new relationship, but that's another issue.) And in the middle of a long talk on a Master-slave level, something we said pushed the wrong button and I broke down and howled. She was there right away to hold me and hug me till I was cried out: then she backed up and switched back to respectful-slave mode. That was when I knew I wanted to keep her.

Second question
Some see submission as a gift? How do you see it?

This is one of the sayings that's been around the community as long as I have. I think it was originally a reply to the world-view that saw everything as the Dom's doing, finding hapless little subbies who had no idea what they needed, bringing out their submissive nature by the Dom's wonderful power and charisma, and teaching them to be happy slaves wholly dependent on their Master. (As you might expect, this usually came from maleDoms.) The view of submission as the slave's gift to the Master/Mistress was an attempt to balance things.

My own view is that any relationship is a mutual gift-giving. For me, the most important meaning of this phrase is the corollary that one can't become a sub, any more than a Dom, from a position of weakness. You can't give yourself if you don't own yourself.

02-25-2011, 10:10 PM
And as well said as both thir and leo put it, I still favor using the word exchange.

Do a search on "gift" and you'll see this discussion, and the disagreeing perspectives, in full.

02-25-2011, 10:20 PM
Doms et. al. who cry... of course we have emotions that run the full gamut of the human experience.

Do subs get angry? Would you question their submission if they did?

02-26-2011, 07:35 AM
Doms et. al. who cry... of course we have emotions that run the full gamut of the human experience.

But do you show it in front of the sub? I do not mean the full gamut, nessecarily, but enough to be yourself?

Do subs get angry? Would you question their submission if they did?

I wouldn't. But there are those who would, both subs and doms.
Each to their own, truly, but I personally think it can be damaging if you have to put large parts of yourself away for prolonged periods of time.

02-26-2011, 07:47 AM
The relationship myself and my boyfriend have is just that, a normal relationship where we're there for each other through thick and thin. If he cries or is going through a bad time then I'll be there for him no matter what. It doesn't make me respect him any less at all, nor does it make him any less in control.

Everyone cries sometimes. I think it's a sign of a true and good relationship if he's able to cry in front of me and I can comfort him without it 'ruining' the D/s aspect of our relationship.

02-26-2011, 08:26 PM
my Master has cried in front of me and i didn't see it as anything other than as was said above, a human being feeling. If i put him on some pedestal that doesn't allow him to feel, then thats a failing i have imo. i want someone who is a complete person, i want someone who is a healthy person. Healthy people do cry when its appropriate to cry, like was so eloquently expressed above.

that mutual thing you all were mentioning is cool! I feel like i get so much from this relationship, i hope its mutual.

02-26-2011, 09:03 PM
Though it be right to help to strength by providing challenge when appropriate...how could one who is dedicated to the most intimate gift of submission unto another possibely look down upon as weak if emotions did stir in right fashion as to weep before thee?

Pray only that those tears be of joy and that in all else one be a comfort rather than a thorn to said dominion.