View Full Version : Cilices anyone?

03-28-2011, 05:41 PM
I don't know what other peoples opinion on these are but if you don't know what they are here is a tidbit ...

*The cilice is a spiked chain that leaves nasty little pricks in the flesh, but it would need to be worn unusually tightly in order to inflict the kind of tearing wounds. Used in religion as a form of penance and why of asking for God's forgiveness. The cilice seems to have developed out of the more commonly known hair shirt, which was originally made from rough goat’s hair from Cicilia in Asia Minor. It was a penitential device meant to make the wearer decidedly uncomfortable in order to remind him that he was a sinner in need of absolution, but it was hardly of the same order as the later spiked metal device designed to be worn round the thigh.

This later development had barbs like small fish hooks that dug into the flesh and was apparently intended to deter the wearer’s sexual urges. Unless the victim were addicted to sado-masochistic practices - in which case the cilice might have played a stimulatory role - one can safely assume that it achieved its purpose!*

I would love to own a pair but not for religious reasons.

What are your thoughts on these? Would you wear them if your Master told you to?

03-28-2011, 07:21 PM
I wonder what sort of health and saftey issues would be involved.

03-28-2011, 08:45 PM
I would think that if you keep them clean and the wounds (while they were off) clean it would be safe/healthy. But I am no health expert.

03-31-2011, 09:26 PM
Hm... I think it would involve a lot of maintenance for sure. Maybe start with them on looser if possible and see how the wounds react and then increase tightness. I feel that if it intrigues you, you should try it. Starting out with lesser extremes and working up to greater might give you a more defined opinion on it.

04-01-2011, 06:39 AM
Several things come to mind. Choice of metal, for one. Nickle allergies can raise hell with those sensitive to that metal, stainless steel is stainless because it is an alloy containing nickle. Other, non noble metals, can cause metal poisoning as well. That leaves the more tolerable metals ... gold, silver, titanium, a few safe alloys used in medical/dental usage. A homemade device using plastic points, such as the material used for carpet protection for chairs or stairs could be fashioned to provide the sensation of being pierced without the potential damage until the wearer decides how to further proceed. The plastic points can be sharpened or dulled with a nail file or Dremel tool to determine the depth of penetration, point spacing, sharpness, tolerance of pain or piercing or infection. Either a leather belt or doubled over fabric can be used for the belt. Such cilices can be used for differing periods, i.e. 24 hrs around the breasts, 48 hrs around the thighs. For Forum research purposes photos taken hourly of these in both locations is recommended for proper feedback and diagnosis. Make them tight. Purple globes come to mind. Also photos of the skin after removal. We anxiously await the results of your research!

04-01-2011, 02:09 PM
@ Scarlet ... I would start off lose and gradually tighten then and yes I do agree that high maintenance is involved but in the end the purpose would be achieved.

@ Snark ... I have found a site that provides silver as material and I do think that once I have enough money to spend on them I will purchase a pair but they are very expensive. And once I buy them I want quality in the metal and workmanship. Thank you for the feedback! And I will post photos once my research is fully underway.

04-01-2011, 02:31 PM
Bravo! Sterling, of course, not silver plate. We anxiously await the photo-documentary. For scientific, not prurient interest, of course!

04-01-2011, 02:35 PM
:) And I am sure they are sterling but it has been a while since I looked at the site. I am anxious to start!! But anymore info or opinions would be greatly appreciated.

04-02-2011, 08:35 AM
Ooo! Super anxious to see pictures and hear your thoughts on the experience! I hope in the end you are satisfied :)