View Full Version : I Want A Victim

03-30-2011, 10:53 PM

I'm looking for you. Yes. You.

I know what I want is horrible. But I know I need to get it out of my system before I move on.

I want a victim.

I want a girl who feels horrible about herself, who feels that being raped, molested, or abused was her fault. I want someone who gets turned on when she thinks about recreating her past abuse.

I want to completely micromanage you. I want to impose strict rules on you. I want to regulate food, appearance, clothes, and personal life.

I want to leave you. But I want you to beg me to come back. I want to ask you "but doesn't this hurt you?" And I want you to say "But I love it, I love you. I'll be your punching bag, whatever you need or want."

I want to milk you.

I want you to tell me about the times you were abused other people.

I want to exhibit you.

I know I want a lot. But I also know you girls exist. I'll find one of you.

I live in Southern California. YOu should too. Or be soooooo desperate for this type of relationship that you'll regularly drive close to me to have it.

Call me Sir for now.

04-30-2011, 06:24 PM

Since I posted this I have met a few very interesting people and I thank you for responding even if it's to say "I found your ad interesting." I'm still looking but my journey has made me refine what I want.

I want a pleaser. I want someone who craves attention whether it is from my fingers, my voice, or the swat of crop. I want a girl who can't live without sufficient attention.

I want a girl for whom looks don't matter. If I were Ben Afleck or Ron Jeremy without the huge cock it shouldn't matter to you. What should matter to you is that you have a mental connection with me. You're attracted to the way I carry myself. You love the sound of my voice.

I want someone who can keep secrets. This is a very, very personal kind of relationship and requires a large degree of trust. I'm probably not going to jump right in and take control right away, I want to know who you are first. I want to personally assess if you're capable of handling a relationship of this nature. Very few women are and I'm fine with my search taking a while.

Keep writing in. Keep talking to me. I like meeting different types of people.