View Full Version : set of rules

04-19-2011, 02:38 PM
Hi everyone, I was hoping to get some good ideas from you guys about some rules I can make for the girl moving in with me. We aren't real hardcore, just starting out, but I am trying to think of some simple to follow rules that will put us on the path.

1. absolutely no clothes on in the house, and I mean from the first step in the door

and maybe different rules or tasks for different days, any good ideas?

04-19-2011, 03:09 PM
Whatever you do I reccomend you keep things safe, sane, and consensual.

There is also a tasking section to the forums a little further down that may give you some ideas.

Have you and her sat down and had a talkf about what both of your expectations are conserning bdsm and what she is and is not willing to consent too?

04-25-2011, 11:21 PM
well, I can only tell you about the rules I have had...in the only 24.7 relationship I have had... and were things like, no clothes, no cuming without permition, i had a diet, curfew, no masturbation and well some other things but those were like the most important! hope it helps

04-30-2011, 03:17 PM
You said you weren't real hardcore..Does that mean it is not a 24/7 relationship? Have you sat down and gone thru the terms of your contract with her? You both need to put real thought into what you will and wont do. What are her goals? What are your goals for her? What you expect for your services.