View Full Version : Random Curiosity

06-20-2011, 10:40 AM
Let me preface this with saying that I am not interested in this subject matter for my own purposes. It is, as it is titled, a random curiosity. That being said, I'll get to it. Now, as we are probably all aware, there are the Daddy/baby girl roles in Dominant/submissive relationships. So, if there's that, then wouldn't it stand to reason that there are also Mommy/baby boy roles? Has anyone flipped the script so to speak on this? Personally, I couldn't do that because, as a mother, it would be disturbing to me to have a submissive call me "Mommy." But logically speaking, it would make sense. If there's Daddy/baby girl, then there MUST be Mommy/baby boy as well, though it may be extremely rare. Thoughts?

06-20-2011, 11:11 AM
I've seen it in communities I've visited. (And not just those into diaper fetishes.) Legitimate Mommy types with little boys.

It appears to be a different fetish though, with a different motivation... most Daddies deal with a Little Princess who is unwittingly naughty and in need of correction... little boys are, of course, just naturally naughty and dirty minded and need stiff discipline.

Both are different, imo, than "traditional" D/s in that these are sub-centric models.

06-20-2011, 11:25 AM
Both are different, imo, than "traditional" D/s in that these are sub-centric models.

Oh, I agree, but I suppose my curiosity comes in where I'm wondering how is it different for a Mommy/baby boy relationship than what it is for a Daddy/baby girl relationship. You've touched on it, but can you expand on that?

06-26-2011, 08:47 PM
No Mommy/ little boy fantasies. I have had many worldly Aunt/ naughty nephew ones though.

06-26-2011, 09:03 PM
Ive seen a couple of Mommy, little boy arrangments. One was as Oz metioned however more of a diaper fettish where the submissive spent most of the play time pantomining himself as a helpless child (all 230lbs of him lol). The other arrangamnt I witnessed had the woman in the role of Mother to her son where the boy was being punnished for touching himself with some chastizement while his cock was being held by her and stroked which looked to work rather well considering she was like maby 27 years old tops and the he was well over 50.

06-29-2011, 09:12 PM
Here's a thought... and please correct me if I'm wrong as I have not looked into the subject too deeply and have never witnessed it.

Isn't the Daddy/baby girl relationship kind of more of a nurturing relationship? To where the baby girl is "spoiled" with lavish gifts, taken care of on many levels, and tends to be "bratty" on a regular basis? It seems like from what I've read, in this type of relationship the "sub" doesn't really serve her Master. It is more like He serves her? With the obvious that there is still an underlying point of D/s discipline and punishment.

So, with that thought and back to the original question... With Oz saying that a Mommy/baby boy relationship tends to have a stricter demeanor, is there still that apparent "spoiled brat" present?

Like I said, please correct me if I'm wrong. It's an interesting topic nonetheless.


06-29-2011, 11:03 PM
Well it can have any number of arrangments...like school girl being punnished for being bad, or daddy's little girl being well behaved and made to do embaressing things etc. The spoiled brat scenario is just one of many possibilities.