View Full Version : Looking for sweet subbie

07-12-2011, 03:22 PM
I'm looking for a sweet subbie to train and play with. You will find I am genuine, caring and understanding, however you will also find I am very creative and you will find yourself exploring things you never imagined.

I will make you feel cherished, cared-for and safe, but also wild, excited and owned. I will take a keen interest in all aspects of your life and sexuality. I will truly know you, knowing what you need, crave, desire, perhaps better than you know yourself.

I am very discreet, and you are safe in knowing that what we share will always remain secret between us. I will never comprimise on that. However, I expect total honesty from you. I will never make you do anything that you can't handle, but also expect you will make a genuine effort to try or let me know honestly the reasons why you are not able to complete a task.

The majority of our communications will be via email and instant messaging.

If this at all interests you, and of course you are over the age of 18, then please email ASAP to stevesmith21342@gmail.com and tell me all about yourself and why you think you deserve to be my sweet little subbie, to cherish and care for.