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View Full Version : Possible trouble in crowded paradise

08-16-2011, 04:08 AM
Okay, so I'm in my first r/l relationship and I am really happy, but lately there have been things that bother me. Before I met Master <3, I was under the impression that I'm straight and monogamous, but all that kinda flew out the window at the start of our relationship.

Master is married, and She is a Dom also. During my first weekend stay with them she got involved in one of my and Master's plays, saying that I should stop her whenever I feel uncomfortable, but I didn't. So I grew to have the same affection for Miss that I have for Master and in following weeks I realised that single plays with Master, amazing as He is, just do not hold to the intensity that Couple plays do.

Then came the fight. I am not sure exactly what happened, but Miss was angry at Master firstly because He answered His phone during a play with me and she thought it horrible to just leave me lying there while He's on the phone. Then secondly He told Her what happened during our play, which again She thought not only disrespectful to me, seeing that I did not express my willingness to share those details, but also She felt that He was rubbing Her nose in our relationship. The latter being the biggest issue. I got so very cross at Master for upsetting Miss, but obviously could not show it.

They have been poly-amorous for almost three decades and as far as I could tell had all these little issues sorted. But now She got so angry that it ended in me being owned by both of Them. And that's wonderful for me, I don't mind in the least.

But now considering our rocky beginnings, Master has started acting strangely. He now only contacts me when He is at work, never when He is at home, also He used to only use the term We, referring to Him and Miss, but now He only says "I" when expressing things to me. He uses a lot more emotional phrases like "I miss you" etc etc.

I'm afraid that something bad is going on. Subs have tried to cause trouble between Them in the past, but that is sincerely not what I mean to accomplish. What I want to know is, am I reading too much into this and all is fine, or if there is something, what do I do? Any thoughts or comments are much appreciated


08-16-2011, 11:15 AM
It may not be the submissives who have tried to cause the trouble when you look at his current behavior so much as something playing out concerning jealousy issues and the like between them on a reoccurring basis.

Sounds like he is going behind her back now to treat with you to me.

All this miscommunication etc only serves to make it more evident to me why all involved parties in a any relationship poly or otherwise need to have a scheduled sit down time to engage in some open and honest up front communication.

08-16-2011, 12:25 PM
Thanks for the input, denuseri. I'm headed up there again this weekend, I was wanting to talk to Them about a few things. (Communication really is an issue at this point). I just haven't the foggiest how to initiate something like that. lol. I get all nervous when They're both staring back at me expecting explanations and the like. Miss gets very angry very quickly (^^,)

08-16-2011, 02:42 PM
Well you may need to sit them both down and establish some ground rules for the discussion, like taking turns to talk and not trying to assert ones authority and maintaining self control over one's self.

If she is a dominant one would think the least she could do is control herself during a simple conversation especially if she expects to exert control over others when it really counts.

08-16-2011, 03:54 PM
They should be able to sit and have a civil conversation about these issues, and shouldn't try to step on you while you're trying to work through your concerns. If they can't have that conversation, of if they try to prevent you from airing your concerns, or if they don't take those concerns seriously, then you should think very carefully about what kind of people they are and what you think the relationship will look like down the road. I can't imagine it would be very much fun to be a co-owned slave in a household with a warring husband and wife dealing with jealousy and anger management issues.

08-23-2011, 02:13 AM
So I got up the courage to speak to my Master and my Miss this weekend and it went really well. They listened to my concerns and and very calmly answered me, explaining the things I didn't understand and putting all my worries to rest.

(I'm so happy!!)