View Full Version : Control Self?

11-24-2011, 10:36 PM
Where BDSM lets one control another, can some of those ideas work against oneself, to make something annoying become beneficial or at least the 'path of least resistance'?

By simple analogy: I lift 30lb weights, 5 reps, 1 set; I force myself to do 2 or 3 sets; this could happen by "will power" or boredom or curiosity, but, I force it so that I may have an orgasm that evening.

Clearly the way to learn is to have to other options, or, very painful other options that seem like they are impossible.

11-27-2011, 09:54 AM
I would think you could use rewards/punishments to train yourself if you are consistent in enforcing those consequences on yourself.

11-27-2011, 10:43 AM
That seems totally reasonable, but isn't that just the way life already works? If you do the things you should you get good rewards (be they physical, emotional, financial, etc). Isn't that just basic economic incentives, and don't we mostly do that already? I'll get through this workout, and then I'll eat an omelette. I'll save money this month and then buy myself a treat if I meet my goal. Etc.

11-29-2011, 09:57 PM
Well sure life is like that- also, most Simulation and Strategy video games. Learning a language. Many jobs. And so on.

But the idea here is to make something dull interesting, or make something hard fun, or make something normally odd habitual.

Also, and this is key, to give a reason to keep doing something stupidly long and single minded, that it can be done better. A 'lesser' example is that I can walk treadmill, it is dull, but by playing a sufficiently difficult video game during (to "flow") the time flies by and I can walk faster without any extra will.

To close with a direct question:

What methods can build mental pain and pleasure?

12-11-2011, 12:06 AM
I'm going to have to ponder on this one. Honestly the topic has the wheels in my head turning. Love it!! I will definitely repost when I can come up with something!

The only thing that comes to mind right away is this:

I have a very bad knee. I am in complete pain 24/7 with it and seem to always fight a battle with it. During play, my Dom often requires heels on me. Red is usually the color (random and irrelevant info lol). I find that the knee pain increases in heels. So, to distract myself from the pain, a chunk of rope is tied around one wrist and left there. I love how the rope feels on my skin. The length of the rope always differs depending on how much bondage is being applied. What I'm getting at is that during play, I will alter the position of the rope on my wrist. Sometimes I will tangle myself up in it if it happens to be a longer piece. I am capable of drowning out the pain with a simple pleasure. Now, the rope is not utilized every time. Mainly when heels are involved, but either way, it is a distraction. Please correct me if I'm missing the point of the question. This can be used in a pain vs pleasure, fun vs boring, or even sad vs happy scenario. Ultimately being a mind over matter situation. I will definitely put more thought into it though.

12-11-2011, 12:08 AM
Another thought is that self control is in so many different areas of daily life. I feel that if you can practice discipline, you can accomplish just about anything.