View Full Version : Greetings from RI - Part 2

03-02-2012, 07:07 AM
Hello Everyone,

My Master and I are new to this site; you may have noticed that he posted an intro and set up a profile. However, we decided that it's more appropriate for us to use my profile for our online presence here. He's going to delete that account/profile.

As he said before, after being a part of the various other online communities and not finding them to our liking we decided to check this place out. We're a couple seeking an additional partner but we are interested in making real-life friends and connections as well.

We tend to have hectic schedules (as most of us do), but we look forward to being a part of things as much as we can.

Regards, Sara (& Anthony)

PS - Again a Big Thanks to Torg (Not Tarq) for helping us sort out the login problem, we haven't had any problems using the site since.

03-02-2012, 04:26 PM
umm. Welcome back lol and I believe its Torq

03-15-2012, 09:22 AM
Hello, Welcome to the Library!

xx rosie